..introducing ,,,,"fakebook" 170115

that you cant trust the (mainscream) media and just about all government ministers & officials "spin" (lie!)
as the award-winning reporter John Pilger stated recently "There are no proper reporters in the mainstream now",
they just echo rumour and sponsored propaganda...
support : #noneoftheabove & so,
if you dare, add fake news, comments about bigots, politicians, business leaders,
religious conmen, and make sure its ironic... at
: facebook.com/Aka-fakebook-
for the sheeple,,,a first question for you: can you recognise who is in this picture
and... which one was hunted as "an enemy of the states" ??
and for dDump fans... which one is Donald?

more "DD fan news" at http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/donald-trumps-watersportsgate-predicted-liverpool-12436251
also follow
intense mass-debating at

and cant help wondering ,,,
that the austrians if they re-made " THE SOUND OF MUSIC " today.. they would call it "the (annoying) sound of muslims" >? ... ( or "how you too can hate people whose face is darker than yours">?)
Christopher; for the "missing"...
comment ... i love you!
for all those killed or disappeared by any regime anywhere , in the struggle for justice...
now, attention,,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Missing_(film)
1982 , THIRTY FIVE YEARS ago..
Missing is a 1982 American historical drama film directed by Costa-Gavras and starring Jack Lemmon, Sissy Spacek, Melanie Mayron, John Shea, Janice Rule and Charles Cioffi. It is based on the true story of American journalist Charles Horman, who disappeared in the bloody aftermath of the US-backed Chilean coup
covered up by the USA government , and now look ,,,the USA is a bigger dictatorship and corrupt war mongering , out of control giant baby with a machine gun! worse than ant "3rd world" .. the USA routinely "disappear" any opponent, real or imagined.
code 46
the film code 46 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_46
this is where your "system" is taking you..
whereby u must have credit & insurance to move on the planet that is yours to enjoy
a ....dividing the "haves" from the "have nots/undesirable",,,,.
b... that if you show too much empathy or restance, memory will be wiped, and u will be "disinfected"
your "govt" will make you "happy" ,,like a cow chewing the grass in the field...
heaven into hell, THIER "american dream" is now OUR global nightmare....
we NEED an empathy virus...
some time ago, when I was young, I went to the Doc,
& said , "Doc, I want to live until I am 100 ! "
doc Said, "tell me about your lifestyle?"
I said " am fit, solo, I dont drink , smoke or mess around with women! "
Doc replied ... " So......why do you want to live to be a hundred???????"

when I read so many of what i call knee jerkers "fast food" comments , i find it typical and...
sad.. that so many in the so-called resistance swallow media propaganda and the BS of political,#
religious & business leaders who thrive when you hate each other and are easily divided..
the "others" are not the problem, the sheeple swallow the BS and the culprits are found at the top
of the pyramid you all helped them make... stop feeding the monster that will kill you..
not AT them and learn about the world dont trust media and make your own opinions.., u may find truth.

business and media have sold "young " films, products , employment,
human rights issues have rightly highlighted prejudice on creed, colour, nationality, religion, gender, who fights for those discriminated by age? when its ingrained into the thinking of the public! much of the mess of the world , as we see from the rise of fascism . is because people don't learn, as they discard the experiences of the past.. and IMO mature people should be involved in training , not kids having kids, and kids teaching kids...
and its also the responsibility of the mature to take part and not be "elbowed" out of the way!
Chris wrote :"the whole world of media is full of fake,
if however, you make contacts with real people all over the world and use the internet positively,
& talk with people about issues. not AT them and learn about the world dont trust media and make your own opinions..,
you may find truth..."

Simplified Version
This simplified version of the 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has been created especially for young people.
CS> its TRAGIC that its the LAST thing applied by officials of the state your in, and not the FIRST things taught you your children, BY YOU!
and although all "democratic" state leaders Worldwide signed to apply this, NOT one state keeps the promise...
HAVING "rights" is one thing GETTING your rights is unlikely unless you STAND UP for yourself against the abuses & violatiosn that affect EVERY person, EVERY day!
1. We Are All Born Free & Equal. We are all born free. We all have our own thoughts and ideas. We should all be treated in the same way.
CS> Well, if you dont have a political lobby, media connections or are rich, you WONT get these rights promised to you...
2. Don’t Discriminate. These rights belong to everybody, whatever our differences.
CS> Every policeman discriminates, due to the social pressures and dictators that the business, religious or political powers enforce!
you simplyDONT get the rights, and if officials or civilians discriminate, for example, treat you with disrespect, because you are poor,
its unlikely that anyone will care, its now almost impossible to live in their world, without a credit cars or mobile phone, let alone
if you happen to support the "wrong" poltics, religion or be in an "alienated" minority..
3. The Right to Life. We all have the right to life, and to live in freedom and safety.
CS> The state and/or private agencies control your movement and interfere with your communications, and will detain you on "suspect" grounds
without impartial cause or process, you are segregated by borders & fences and the rich and powerful demand payments for you to "live" so,
WHERE is the "freedom" ????? and with them now employing robot drones that may kill you or someone in your neighbourhood, who is "profiled"
WHERE is the "safety"???
4. No Slavery. Nobody has any right to make us a slave. We cannot make anyone our slave.
CS> You are all salves to the system, because if you try to escape from it, or drop out, you are made to feel "wrong" and your children are
taught to feed the system, so you all "learn to be slaves" !!!
5. No Torture. Nobody has any right to hurt us or to torture us.
CS> Yet state "security" agents USE torture on "suspects" and openly admit it. YOU will do nothing against that !!! (until they do it to YOU!)
6. You Have Rights No Matter Where You Go. I am a person just like you!
CS> You have no rights, if you are considered, without trial or process to be "subversive" or criminal, anywhere.
7. We’re All Equal Before the Law. The law is the same for everyone. It must treat us all fairly.
CS> The lawyers, politicians and their policemen are biased, you are treated as guilty until proven innocent. NO ONE gets " a fair and impartial treatment".

CS> So who do YOU ask, when its the "law" who violate, y-our rights???
9. No Unfair Detainment. Nobody has the right to put us in prison without good reason and keep us there, or to send us away from our country.
CS> Yet your state or the state who occupy the land you travel, can and do it every day to thousands, and find excuses to detain you, as they wish.
10. The Right to Trial. If we are put on trial this should be in public. The people who try us should not let anyone tell them what to do.
CS> The system is biased in favour of the prosecution, so what if it is "public" the state can and does present the "facts" it selects.
11. We’re Always Innocent Till Proven Guilty. Nobody should be blamed for doing something until it is proven. When people say we did a bad thing we have the right to show it is not true.
CS> YOU May believ you are innocent, but once you are arrested the "system" deals with you as "guilty" denies you contact with your people, restricts movement and correspondence,
(thus making you "stressed" before they "process you") if you canot afford "bail" or the accusation is serious, they may keep you in severe conditons without visitors or outside contact.
12. The Right to Privacy. Nobody should try to harm our good name. Nobody has the right to come into our home, open our letters, or bother us or our family without a good reason.
CS> Sounds Good, BUT..in reality, prosecutors can and do bend the truth to suit their accusations against you, and will convince lazy & (many) inept judges to invade your privacy
nowdays "in the name of security" you have NO PRIVACY!!!
13. Freedom to Move. We all have the right to go where we want in our own country and to travel as we wish.
CS> BUT you have to pass through borders, and frontiers, have to have "correct papers" and state officials can and do decide to refuse you passage, without explaining why.
(see "discrimination" you forget that this world once belonged to all its inhabitants, not, as now, conntrolled by the few!
14. The Right to Seek a Safe Place to Live. If we are frightened of being badly treated in our own country, we all have the right to run away to another country to be safe.
CS> Where in the world is safe when the super powers can use satellites and drones to find & kill you?
15. Right to a Nationality. We all have the right to belong to a country.
CS> Which nationality respects these 15 articles? None , so why would you want to belong to any of them??
THE REALITY OF THE PERVERTED "UN DECLARATION" ( and its ECHR equivalent!) has been diluted by fear and greed, by the "powers that be"
( the irony that these articles were sent into the Universe to show or "trick" "Intelligent Aliens" that
this planet is "civiized" , well...this "civiliyation" is destroying itself, so my Alien friends, stay
away, because the so called "Human Race" will pollute your atmosphere too..) THE people who shoudl be
serving these aims are the ones who in fact escalate negativity and form a global DIS CRIMI NATION ..
that I dont belong to...in fact most of the "terrorists" are in suits, ties and uniforms...or employed by them!
IF you act "different" they dont protect you,, they PROFILE, discriminate, violate, alienate, and eventually persecute you,
in the way (aparently) they did 2000 years ago to "JC" or to anyone who dares tell the truth.. Ghandi, Mandela
Che, or whoever, and me :)
are you part of the problem??? , or part of the solution... ?
because when you sink like the titanic..with them..
who is going to offer YOU a "life-boat?"

Natalie, I met you as one of a couple with Sergey,
and you dont know me, nor i know you.
i have an unusual life, compared to most people.
my lifestyle and changes meant that no one gets close..
I am solo, and i look for the positives in that
although my familiy has gone I get some compensation in support of youth.
I do not make "romantics" when I get single female visitors, i respect them.
and simply enjoy the company,. although I dont host now..(CSing has changed too)
Locals live within a closed family network, most girls are very young and superficial.
mature women either are occupied with business or stay at home to protect reputation.
I asked for your help , not to find a GF, although its true that I havent been on any sort of
"date" since several months...
Sure, the idea (funnily after watching "message in abottle " film" ) of letting someone in again,
can seem appealing, although it would be difficult to find any one who could equal Jacqui,

Although brief, I enjoyed meeting you both... and I just wanted to clarify, (maybe for myself) :)
Hiy again,
when anyone I know asks me this question ("how are you") i have to usually restrict my answer,,
i dont do "small talk" so I wont say " I am fine"...but I am good...
if you really want to know my "status" I recently wrote this,,,
and it will test your knowledge of my language/culture
and the nuance (meanings within)
... if this is too time consuming then dont worry, be happy..
i am doing what life meant me to be doing.. challenging...
this log may seem negative , it isnt, its a very positive situation..
in the short time here, I exposed what is wrong and what must be improved,,,
however, the sheeple hate change..
I am waiting for the international court to pay out on a 10 mllion euro claim,
( confidential anonymous v EU officials etc)
however, attornies involved are scared to execute the order.
I dont need the money, but I could do so much more for the youth, here and elsewhere...
perhaps I need to come to a russian region to find a legal exec, of this claim
(or as your embassy didnt reply, someone should come to me) anyway...
i have many positive things to do, I am always happy to read about you ...& Sergey
what & where are you now?
as the award-winning reporter John Pilger stated recently
"There are no proper reporters in the mainstream now",
they just echo rumour and sponsored propaganda...
the whole world of media is full of fake, if however, you make contacts with real people
all over the world and use the internet positively, & talk with people about issues. "
thats the benefit of being business only selling club..
H enry & co will only invest to make profit,
*thats the reason we have a new main stand, no other!)
if we had Luis Suarez in THIS team now, Lfc would be clear favourites for the league ..
and thats the point being played down by this article and most of the "tow the line "
commentary! they brought Klopp in to avoid spending..
he will do well, thats for sure, but we could be doing a lot better...
should not just buy for the sake of it, or for "squaddies"
but IF a world class player becomes available i wonder if Klop p will want him?,,,
my feeling is that JK is not that sort of manager,
some managers don't want big names, some like BR cant handle big names,,,
we should be going for the title, too many fans have been "educated" to accept "top 4"
as good enough.. we (used to be, not) are LIVERPOOL!

LUCAS adopted scouser.
Published by Chris >· ...
and unsung hero, came back from 2 serious injuries,
reliable CB replacement and best defensive holding player at Lfc since 2007!
... loyal and with a big heart, family grew up in Lp.. the only survivor of the culling of "Rafas Reds"
If wijn. has the heart and workrate of Dirk , he could become a big player fr Lfc ,
unfortunately he wont have Luis to lay on a hat-trick of chances for him sunday..
but the whole team owe us a big performance !
last time at Anfield Maureens team stifled the game, will be as cagey at OT?

END of season Meeting:
register guests, visitors players or teams/clubs who wish to join the party 23 may to 29 may
to me OR at
at https://www.facebook.com/groups/aefan.eurofootyliga
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