"The Russians are Coming" (again)
.... lucky Russians? :)
H-T> why are the USA media fixated on Russians?? do you realise that most modern russians are more capitalist than the average american citizen?
or are you still in post
macarthy (verson 2.0 ) paranoia>> ??
do the govt need the russians to jusify anoher x trillion dollars on new weapons?
isnt Islam enough of an "enemy" ? the sheeple keep falling into the trap ... "go to war against that lot, before they kill, us" ,,then guess what happens?
More questions about what's to come
In the age of Trump, what is a Christian?
ED> It’s a haunting question, especially when tied to race.

Chris> at any time, how many "christians" are "christ-like" ?
Rich Owen: > Cherry Pickers of the Buy Bull.
Dell Wester > I actually prefer to call my beliefs christ-like instead of christain and do not follow interpretations.
I also do not condemn, but I do condom. Trump is the farthest representation of christ-like
I have ever seen with convicted criminals being the only exception that comes to mind.
Chris> considering "Jesus" was apparently a "convicted criminal" you might want to re-consider that?
Edward Gurley>What's very disturbing is that Trump could not have won without the "Christian" vote.
He played heavily on the people's faiths and used it to effect in his political rallies.
People basically ignored or justified his deplorable actions by believing he would "do the righteous thing."
Dell Wester> They see a means to an end I guess. If he wins 8 just imagine a whole near decade of Trump youth. Real greaseball shit.
Edward Gurley> One thing is for sure, he will be scrutinized and watched every step of the way.
He will overstep his reach and be forced to resign. Nixon comes to mind.
Harvey Tuttle > is already known , they voted for him, so why would the sheeple understand if he fools them, again?? apathy rules the world! !
Rich Owen> Once brainwashed makes it easier the second time.
Edward Gurley> By and large, people are easily controlled...threaten their babies...threaten their religion...
hell, just threaten their jobs and then say "only I can fix it", and SHAZAM!
You've just won the Presidency. ...
Harvey Tuttle > why are the USA media fixated on Russians?? do you reallise that most modern russians are more capitalist than the average american citizen?
or are u still in post macarthy paranoia>> ?? do the govt need he rusians to jusify another x trillion dollars on planetary domination?
Edward Gurley
What the DNC Hack Could Mean for Democracy
theatlantic.com|By Uri Friedman
Edward Gurley> To have ANY foreign power have direct influence on our Presidential election is a huge problem.
This has NOTHING to do with the capitalism versus communism.
Harvey Tuttle> well it does Ed, because a) your system is already fecked from inside by selfish interests,
and all your various security agencies and media spreading paranoia dont help that , .
.. b) your worst enemies are your own sheeple! who are easily manipulated by media who publish every runour or guesswork thei sponsors provide,
,,, every oppressor has throughout history managed to con the people into war or invasion of some "other country, religion, group, etc etc"
and u all swallow the BS! how many russians do you know>>?
or will i be put on the black list again for even mentioning that i have met some ... :)
, btw
you dont have a "democracy" if to be elected you have to have billion dollar sponsorship.
.and there is no impartial evidence to say they hacked it anyway...
Edward Gurley> You're preaching to the converted. You really haven't seen any of my other posts have you?
This is just one aspect.
Our democracy is worth saving from ANY threat. Foreign and DOMESTIC. And that is my goal.
Sometimes we have to tear something down to rebuild it. Sometimes we add to it.
Media is definitely biased. They use shiny trinkets to distract us.
So my way of working through to what is going on is to have conversations that get beyond the headlines
. Pointing out the obvious is a distraction of its own.
I agree with everything you've pointed out. Now how do get beyond it? What solutions are there?
I don't view most of my friends and neighbors as enemies...
that is buying in to the propaganda you speak of and it's a cop out.
It's too easy and avoids the difficulties of addressing the problems a
nd dealing with them by self eduction and having debates that solve problems. Actions.
These problems do go to the root of what is really happening in our government and a lot of it boils down to misinformation and distraction no doubt.
How do you propose to solve it?
You make a lot of accusations about me and my people without knowing us or me for that matter.
Who I know is none of your business although it would surprise you greatly if I told you.
But I don't share personal info to people I just met on FB. Especially to someone that seems very angry and accusatory.
Now to elucidate on my previous point of "this is not capitalism versus communism" comment.
Putin is former KGB who came into power by using their tactics of manipulation, bribery, extortion, or worse.
He is a dictator with ties to more shadowy figures in government.
He is most certainly a dictator despite their puppet of a government which is how he has been able to remain in power for so long.
Trump admires him. Wants to be like him. Some would argue, model our government after him,
which means using the same tactics and stripping away our freedom of speech, privacy, and protection from political persecution.
These things are already happening here but to a much lesser extent, I believe.
With new channels opening to Russia, the view from where I sit is that Trump will buddy up to Putin for business advice,
but more importantly advice on how to gain more power and keep it by any means necessary...
even if that means greater restrictions of our freedoms in the guise of "national security."
And yes, I am aware of the Patriot Act. And yes, I am aware of the other methods of looking at citizens without their knowledge.
And yes, I am aware of media blackouts and how they are corporately owned so therefore cater to them.
But not ALL of the media is controlled. And not ALL politicians are crooked. And there are agencies out there that are working to protect us.
Do not castigate and make blanket statements because it makes YOU look paranoid. Me and mine are doing our best to tackle these problems. One step at a time.
So this is not about the outdated argument of capitalism versus communism,
but there are ties to their regime way of dealing with dissenters.
And Trump is defending those methods. Nor is he taking the steps to educate himself.
Harvey Tuttle> does anyone expect Trump to "educate" himself... ?
its the sheeple who need to educate themselves and stop passing power to the few,,
the "arguement" is not between "communism" which has never existed on this planet in any major nation
(the soviet system was a dictatorship,,,btw!) and the USA "disappears" or "discredits"
(or simply blocks "dissenters"*as do so many "western democracies,,
Uk, Germnay and french governments are as bad if not worse that the "eastern block" because they "pretend" to do the oppsite,,,
come on man! Putin is "known" to be ex-KGB, but instead in the USA (the sponsors of war are hodden
( its all such hypocrisy...! every time you point a finger 3 points back at ya! sunshine :)
Edward Gurley> Semantics. Again, We argue from the same side of the fence. This is getting redundant.
Of course others should educate themselves but here in lies the problem-many do not want to,
do not care to, and go as far as condemning education and research because of the propaganda they've been spoon fed.
That's where we come in. Fight fire with fire...but still try to educate and inform.
Throwing around accusations puts most people in defensive mode.
I prefer to find common ground...even with the swallow end of the gene pool (racists, misogynists, etc)
because many are my own family and friends. Not to mention many do not believe they are bigots et al. Different points of view call for different tactics.
I grew up with many of the Trump supporters as well as far right, conservatives, and variations of the ilk. Shared many good and bad memories.
Shit I used to think like them because I was one.
It took several years for me to work my way to the truth; about 30. It took that long for many reasons,
but what was probably the one defining point was the people who helped change my perspective never condemned,
never judged, never degraded, never called me names or made accusations. I can't say I was the same back then.
I come from humble beginnings and from a blue collar family. Education was never a priority;
hard work and integrity are ingrained in my DNA. That's part of the reason I excelled when I decided to pursue an education.
My perspective is pretty unique because I identify with the so called alt right, Conservatives, Democrats, liberals, hippies, etc.
They are more alike than most would like to admit. SNL is on. Gotta bolt. ??
Harvey Tuttle> ? you have a bolt? like frankenstein>>
..firstly, I appreciate very much anyone who takes time to state their "position" in this world of "fast food comment via sms"
the "system" is very happy not to allow sheeple time to think about the sh&te going on around them...
keep em busy with Tv and video games, BS media and "big brother" (!!!) anything to stop them questioning ...
.............Ed, (short also for editor) the first "judgement" in reaction to your "CV" is .
.AVOID labels.. this "altright" ...? is again forming a them and us anongst the people..
. the "people" are the problem, but the fight is to stop the "few" killing you, softly...
H> its ok to "judge" BTW, the problem is the "quality" of judgement, you have to make decisions every day, which require "judgements"
.. its the indecisive (which 99% of the sheeple are) which gives power to the "few"
as for tactics,, thats just politics, and what helped the decline of humanity? "politics" (and in its subtle form "diplomacy" )..
just various forms of covering the truth to get advantage,,, thats not unique,and neither are you..

"education" is mostly via media, kids dont care, because parents, community, and "heroes" dont exist , lack empathy , lack guidance,
the "system" (matrix?) just teaches them to feed it, and thats whllst it kills them, slowly and softly sometimes,
with exams, polution, whilst the business sponsors poison the land, air, water ....and their minds, with junk media...
schools ARE REDUNDANT, and I am not in anyones "group" or on any side of your "fence" !
oh in response
Dell Wester> A friend of mine ex military pointed out that the new camo garb for both russian and military forces (a kind of khaki dirt color) was change fairly recently and both armies have pretty much the exact uniform minus patches, insignias etc.
They are selling batman+superman
Good old USSR teams up with USA?
Get your popcorn, while they create targets.
Edward Gurley>Those targets may be you and I.
Harvey> not "maybe"
H> the "macarthy part 2 anti russian witch-c&nt" is so ridiculous as Russia (USSR doesnt exist!) and USA are both right of centre,
miltary-business driven materialistic regimes"
... the "joke" is when sheeple repeatedly place incompetents and conmen in power with the potential to destroy the planet ...
so Ed, you need a sense of humour to avoid insanity,,, "crazy" is ok, though,...:)
Harvey Tuttle> he mos ineresin hin is ha my ex is ein disored y USA aens ,
Ed and a reply from Chris was wiped completely "wiped" y aens of your USofA !! ???? .. tx for the "CV" though! ...
Harvey Tuttle> oh , its working again...(facebook text) Ed, in response to earlier comments
..SURE I am "paranoid" ..."but that doesnt mean they arent out to get me " :) ha aha ha
..... also Trump for me is the image of USA today, say what u like, do what u want, stamp on anyone who gets in your way, or has an opinion you dont like,
..... thats the USA for many people abroad.... its clear he said ANYTHING to get publicity, he contradicted himself so many times that its beyond a joke... so being "buddies" with Putin (ask Putin in private what he thinks about Trump...ha ha) .. means nothing AFTER an election where NObody (except sanders occasionally) was honest....
SO, you want to defend "democratic USA" ...built on genocide of the natives? ... built on taking land by force? bullt on stamping on the little guy> ?? built on voter intimidation? segregation ? apartheid? discrimination? polce v people?, military and capitalist domination of the planet? built on financing right wing dictators (v the "commies) ... bombing civilians? built on hiroshma & nagasaki? built on employing nazis .. built on a widening gap between "haves " and "have-nots" ?? where u have to "sponsored" by billions to be elected? where your senetors apply laws that hurt the people that voted for them and con the public on a daily basis? thats what you are defending... and to think some people say that i am "tilting at windmills"
.. educate yourself first! because theres nothing "alternative" about that!
Edward Gurley> To have ANY foreign power have direct influence on our Presidential election is a huge problem.
This has NOTHING to do with the capitalism versus communism.
Harvey > well it does Ed,
a) your system is already fecked from inside by selfish interests,
and all your various security agencies and media spreading paranoia dont help that ,
... b) your worst enemies are your own sheeple! who are easily manipulated by media who publish every runour or guesswork thei sponsors provide,
,,, every oppressor has throughout history managed to con the people into war or invasion of some "other counry, religion, group, etc etc"
and u all swallow the BS! how many russians do you know>>? or will i be put on the black list again for even mentioning that i have met some ...
![]() |
yes, another reason to be angry? Eh ChriS? |
.and there is no impartial evidence to say they hacked it anyway...
161201 (from ChriS)
= when "fact" become HUGELY more ridiculous than fiction, my movie
channel (in MOnty) tonight showed..this film (made in 1984?) https://en.wikipedia.org/wi…/Brewster's_Millions_(1985_film)
the irony..... "Monty" Brewster " decides to run for Mayor of New
York City and throws most of his money at a protest campaign urging a
vote for "None of the Above." !!!
even more ridiculous ... the millions of cinema and Tv.dvd viewers saw this , yet...
since 20 years who continue to vote for legalised "conmen" & sponsored fools.. from Reagan, through Bush x 2 Clinton, & Obama..
in Uk, Thatcher, Major,, B Liar and "call me David"
even more ridiculous ... the millions of cinema and Tv.dvd viewers saw this , yet...
since 20 years who continue to vote for legalised "conmen" & sponsored fools.. from Reagan, through Bush x 2 Clinton, & Obama..
in Uk, Thatcher, Major,, B Liar and "call me David"
Metre-Rand, Jack shelack, Nick sarcastic, Dutch Francois, Helmet Cole, Angela Murky, and so on ... :)
despite being lied to since birth, still stupidly thinking that each politician , whose main "raison d'etre" is ego... will "solve problems" DONT YOU GET IT? if they solved problems , they couldnt convince the sheeple to need them to fix those problems that their predecessors invented... VOTE " NONE " ,, and dont add "thank you"
despite being lied to since birth, still stupidly thinking that each politician , whose main "raison d'etre" is ego... will "solve problems" DONT YOU GET IT? if they solved problems , they couldnt convince the sheeple to need them to fix those problems that their predecessors invented... VOTE " NONE " ,, and dont add "thank you"

Millions is a 1985 comedy film starring Richard Pryor and John Candy
based on the 1902 novel of the same name by George Barr McCutcheon. It
is the seventh film based on the story, with a screenplay by Herschel
Weingrod and Timothy Harris.
more "sheeple news" @
dedicated to Jacqui,x
whose birthday it is today, you left this world 11 years ago, but, you always stay in my heart!
one of tthe best films ever made : !
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