most sheeple now have not noticed they are ...
slaves to (FAKE) media ...
from the first king or emperor, self proclaimed "gods" royalty or religious rulers .. demanded sacrifices, taxes (for the land they stole) pushed the mass to defend or claim land in "the name of the king.queen" or later the "flag" that politicians invented .. nations are another illusion, (like the unsinkable titanic!)

then came industry; with factory & office slaves , eventually paid, but not too much, so that "inflation" always kept the worker chained to the job, invented credit , to chain the sheeple to the property, which was always at risk of possession, by bank or state, shoudl you fail..or fall..
more and more "law & order" often in contradiction ..because "society & social media" direct or indirect states that YOU ARE GUILTY until you prove your innocence, and police are used to protect state & property, and the few, not you..
GO TO WAR ... against the "others" says the manipulated press, radio, then tv and .." experts" and then sponsors introduce "popular" poison of GREED or FEAR............

currently Islam or Russians are "targeted" by western media... who next, ? Chinese & Buddhists> ?? you?? why all the military budget ? why Na to , when you should say "NO Ta" ..to more spent on (NEW) weapons to kill your fellow human beings, ?
those resources could be spread ...
to halt the TWENTY-FIVE thousand CHILDREN who die daily because global resources are commercialized,, does your GOD bless capitalism >>???
if you SUSPENDED the production of NEW weapons for ONE year only, you could clean the water, the land, grow healthy food, globally and give all children the chance to be creative,

WHY DOESNT this happen>>?? because the "few" want you to fight each other, to war, to poison, maim or kill , because otherwise you might take the power away from them... and create "the dream" yourself..
my 3 plus 1 focal points this week
1. sound the media Trump-ets,, (devolution)

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AND no FAKE democrats either please! |
of course, the media was EASILY manipulated by Trump.... BUT,,, they gave him "extra air time" then turn on him, but Hilary is as big a fraud... a campaign between 2 right wing dictators in a so - called democracy that requires candidates to be funded by billions of dollar sponsorship ( and then who controls them?? )
2. Brexit /.....?
Similar BS,, 2 tories convinced a third of the UK population to leave the European Union... "David" and Boris, a madman as "nutty" as trump, with fascist opportunist farTage lying through his teeth , so in effect THREE right wingers... "campaigned" ...
a sick joke..
the sheeple never debated the consequences, and now, no surprise, there will be a " delay" & , I predict , a virtual "no change" to the situation.. apart from the devaluation of the "GREAT BRITISH POUND" ..which has devalued 25 per cent... what irony as the little englanders are so "PROUD to be flying the flag" and stopping immigration.. forgetting of course , like the USofA , that so many of them come from mixed ancestors of other cultures... there are no "pure" Americans, English or Euopeans...!
When these nations colonized, UK/europeans benefited from stolen resources & slavery , and the US from such & "Biz"... and their global domination..
3 It used to be OUR club..
The USA infested Liverpool Football club, and the UK media and "fans" now turn against the man they worshipped a few weeks ago..
Lfc 0-1 Soton (agg 0-2)
https://www.joe.co.uk/sport/jamie-carragher-shane-long-southampton-liverpool-2/109586 and then Carra hammers Studge,,(perhaps with reason_)... .. https://www.joe.co.uk/sport/jamie-carraghers-unrelenting-analysis-daniel-sturridge-something-else/109597 /////
its difficult to think of one player "in form" at this time, and fans and media "experts" dont appreciate ,, when Lfc have a TEAM, working at its best it can be almost impossible to beat, and can be champions, the league form of the team is "champion level"
however,,, the players rely in each other ... so when one or rwo fail it can be covered up if 9 are preforming at their best, BUT if SEVERAL go "off the boil" at the same time, it can seem like they are not , any of them, good enough,,,,
but Klopp hmself is making mistakes, and thereffore whole team is off the boil.. and now is the time Juergen , Buvac and the players have to prove their worth ..
I am therefore critical also of pundits and fans who went overboard with the hype during the times when everyone was congratulating Klopp and Lfc "power" .. but the english and especially the media are special at building up personalities and then rip them apart.. and its got worse in recent times. (CS).
a mammoth 10 points??? with half the season to go...with that attitude all the rest of the premiere league teams should just pack it in and wait till next season? ridiculous ...
you spread this rubbish through media and fans. and Anfield is as quiet as a graveyard .. but Klopp was your hero a few weeks ago. how quickly he is stabbed in the back by fans and media ...
I was never a kloppite but he deserves support ,,, as does the team.. chelsea struggled to win against hull, sure they got 3 points , but they aren't unbeatable.. get the Lfc team back to full strength or near it, and the gap could be down to 7 points next week , then chelsea play arsenal.. just maybe they draw..
football can change so quickly, and then what will you write??? you are fake.! http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/defiant-klopp-says-liverpool-wont-12495495
Andy Kelly the grim reaper! its easy for echo to write a negative article at this time, they lack original thought, IMO they are no different than fans who sit and "watch" and don't support unless the team are either winning or marauding ina come back,,the Anfield crowd couldn't be heard until Firmino scored the first goal. all the gloom spread just reflect a poor attitude at Lfc .
aiming for 4th has been the agenda since10 years , because that the "money game" i watched chelsea struggle to overcome hull, none of the rivals are that special, and sure they got the points this weekend , but you are writing off the team with about half a season left?? amazing negativity...
I looked at the team and bench , for yesterdays game, & it looked strong enough, to take 3 points.. but, some players are out of form, some looked like they werent ready to come back from injury.. this will be a test of Klopps ability, to sort out, (new players wont fit in mid-season),,,
what really annoys is that (apart from Mane) you were all raving and spreading the hype about Klopp and this squad just weeks ago,,, you have given up, but some of US know how to support LIVERPOOL football team...
Ply 0- Lfc 1 Lucas
( snip ) it was like watching a barca-arsenal conbo on a bad day,, possession with no end result..
... if Lfc go all the way in this cup .. will need much better efforts from all, youth, fringe and senior first teamers.. Plymouth fans singing "Premiere league? your having a laugh " were sadly correct.. 0-1 and through thanks to LUCAS* " :) (* note all those who want him gone!)
FA, UEFA FSCG and FIFA ...= Fake Authorities
(item 4 was "censored") so... item 5... Solutions>??
the Rebellion.. grass ROUTES evolution is already happening... reacting against the FA, UEFA, FIFA , small clubs are growing , non league teams, playing for fun, not money, giving them nothing.. football , the global socialist game... is everywhere,, and people realise they dont need to pay for inflated ticket prices, or the replica shirt of a "celebrity" player who wont ever sign an autograph or shake little johnny's hand..
Football , was the game of the ordinary, the working class hero, the poor kids.. can enjoy the spirit of community that modern commercializm and media hates,
every time a boy or girl plays, he or she feels that fun, the bonding of community that can be enjoyed, and should be into middle age, and supported by the senior generation, the breakdown of technology and a rejection of FAKE (virtual) video games...
is a social phenomenon...
and you are able to BE part of this
... so wake up and.. join , evolve and enjoy...
Petition: https://www.change.org/p/aefan-stop-corruption-bias-alternative-football-evolution
ReplyDeleteblack august George Jackson went to jail at the age of 18 years for stealing $ 70. He never came out of it. He studied, became an activist, leader and best-selling author. He died in prison in 1971 failed escape from prison or murder committed by the FBI in an attempt to destroy the Black Panthers and their movement? This drama explores a part of American history that remains controversial to this day.
hmm. i don't see anything much "Christ-like" about the "Christians" of the USofA,,, Trump seems to have failed to come to terms that he IS now president , so doesn't have to "sell" anything..but he was certainly waving the "God Bless America" banner,, (btw does "America" include North (Canada) and South ..America? or anyone in between>,,,or regret the genocide that "nation" was built on?) would your God or Jesus like the word "eradicate"? I would rather quote Ghandi's "an eye for an eye" makes everyone blind...
.. so many people are "excited" on the extremes ,for or against the new man,,,, but business and war rules the US or A and its global friends and opponents.. .your society and its elections seek the "winner" not the one who is good, . yet these "Christians" serve ... material and accumulation of money, property.. ,, i dont believe in your GOD, I believe in being GOOD.. the decline in humanity... is clear... and if nature removes everyone from the face of the planet , then whose fault will that be? ,,, the one sure thing is that nuclear rain , provoked by those who wish for power) if it comes to that, , will fall on us all... and we will all be "responsible" albeit too late..
6 6
Shadley Wiegman There is one sentence that bothers me: "We ignore your prophets...." I would tell you that there were a string of prophetic voices (I think "prophets" are a function and not an office) who were telling us that if we didn't vote for Trump, we were upsetting God (that's my paraphrase). I could not, in good conscience, vote for Trump, but I will be praying for him. Otherwise, I agree with your blog.
Brad Bates I hear ya. And just to clarify, I meant true prophets. Ones who speak in line with the word of God. A true prophet does not violate the Word of God in what they speak rather than speaking something because it favored their views (which is what I saw). Exodus 18:21 made their "prophecies" null and void.
Brad Bates And I believe prophet is a spiritual gift (Ephesians 4) rather than office and unfortunately one that is often abused.
Shadley Wiegman We are in agreement, Brad!
Harvey Tuttle hmm. i don't see anything much "Christ-like" about the "Christians" of the USofA,,, Trump seems to have failed to come to terms that he IS now president , so doesn't have to "sell" anything..but he was certainly waving the "God Bless America" banner,, (btw does "America" include North (Canada) and South ..America? or anyone in between>,,,or regret the genocide that "nation" was built on?) would your God or Jesus like the word "eradicate"? I would rather quote Ghandi's "an eye for an eye" makes everyone blind... .. so many people are "excited" on the extremes ,for or against the new man,,,, but business and war rules the US or A and its global friends and opponents.. .your society and its elections seek the "winner" not the one who is good, . yet these "christians" serve ... material and accumulation of money, property.. ,, i dont believe in your GOD, I believe in being GOOD.. the decline in humanity... is clear... and if nature removes everyone from the face of the planet , then whose fault will that be? ,,, the one sure thing is that nuclear rain , provoked by those who wish for power) if it comes to that, , will fall on us all... and we will all be "responsible" albeit too late..
ReplyDeleteBrad Bates Whether you choose to believe in God or not doesn't actually change the fact that He is very much real. I pray you find that out before you meet Him on terms you can't back out of.
Harvey Tuttle Brad, the mistake is that you call God him...the bible was written by men who chose to reflect their interpretation in limited explanations....i once had a discussion with a priest that talked like you do, and your mistake is to think that a man who does GOOD (that is the spelling that should have been in the holy books..) will be denied spiritual realization because he/she dont agree on the word that you do, fundamentalism, like yours is as dangerous as the one that Trump wants to "eradicate".. and to waste your energy on me , is a bad decision when there are truly evil beings on this planet..stop writing Brad and apply yourself..
because there are no "facts".. just faith, and whatever you choose to believe is true , for you..
There is such thing as objective truth. Relative truth (which you are unfortunately subscribing to) makes truth irrelevant. Sometimes people are wrong. Sometimes people are right. Relativity says we can all be right and no one is wrong and that is an impossibility. That doesn't mean relative truth doesn't exist. For example to me Shaq is tall. But to someone bigger than Shaq he is short. We are both right as it is relative to who we are in comparison to Shaq. But fundamental truths such as right and wrong cannot be relative. They are either right or wrong.
Harvey Tuttle i dont think you know the difference, you are all theory, and what do you DO/?? don the cloth and preach? a good man will apply, knowledge is not enough, a good man will apply his knowledge in daily life, in all he does, whatever the risk.. your 2000 year old religion has brought what? a global mess! your compatriots state "God bless America" ,, but as I say, no good god would want to be associated with destructive and polluted policies, genocide and poison of land , air , water, food and minds of children.. your perspective is limited, so you use a book to decide what is possible or impossible... all holy books are interpretations.. as a wise person once wrote.." when you compare all religions, it reminds me of a group of blind men holding parts of an elephant, each one feels something, a trunk, a leg, a belly , an ear... but they only know a PART of the whole......truth" :) you make jusdgement on me, but you are not your God, I make judgement on you, but i am good... :)
ReplyDeleteConsidering you don't know me...you assume an awful lot about what I do and don't do. Not surprising though. The 2000 year old religion brought conflict, for sure...when people have their way of life challenged and their sin (that they have enjoyed for decades and centuries) challenged...yeah, it brings a bit of confrontation. Just look at how you're responding to me.
yes, BB, i am "responding" because i feel its required... this "none of the above group" requires balance.. . its funny when you quote a "bit of confrontation" .. the "christian colonization" has arguably displaced, killed or maimed more people than any other (even in the whatever history records you may choose to quote)
Brad> I will agree that God does not bless a nation that murders it's own unborn (a real genocide), treats others as second class citizens (like we have with African Americans and the Native Americans), or spits in the face of marriage (a God ordained institution), etc. You're right...why would He want to bless that? I've asked the same question time and time again.
... you quote a "real genocide" ,,, so wouldnt accept that the original settlers , "Christians" and the US army contributed to the brutal removal of americas natives?
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately you clearly demonstrate your lack of knowledge of what Christianity is about, and I would invite you to do a LOT more research before you continue to compare Christianity with every other religion in the world. You would do yourself a great favor in doing so.
I clearly deomstrate that I do not agree with your religions version of the ideals of jesus Christ....
if are scared to defend your religion, dont distract me with a condescending push towards "research" (you also dont know my origins) please, . have the courage of your convictions and "convince me" if you dare, that I have no right to compare religions!!!.. as stated, all religions have a part of truth... & and some "good" but , if i feel , honestly , for example, that the idea of "end of life forgiveness of all sin" probably encourages bad actions (in hope of eventual amnesty) ..am i not entitled to challenge that "christianity" ... ?
Brad> I find it laughable that you claim I cannot make a judgment call...but you can...because you're supposedly "good". How again do you know that? What standard are you using to judge that you are good?
I am glad you are amused.. because you seem to lack humour... in the culture i have experienced and apply , even children know what is good or bad. we are born with that,,,... its only "socirty" that confuses the issues with all that propaganda... :)
We have just learned that the White House is no longer taking calls or comments from the public!! We’d asked you to call the White House today and tell President Trump to keep his promises not to cut Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid.
They may not want to hear from the public, but we’re going to keep raising our voices.
Please sign our petition and we will deliver them to the White House. Click and tell him we expect him to keep his campaign promises.
Tell Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell Hands off our Medicare
Medicare is Under Attack. With control of the House, Senate and White House, Speaker Paul Ryan said he will dismantle your earned Medicare benefits next. The only thing standing in their way is you. Please sign and tell him ‘hands off our Medicare.”
if everyone gets arrested for violent expression, USa will finally achieve its goal , everyone in jail! :) sheeple need to get priorities sorted out... knee jerkers everywhere,, fast food media without consideration of situation or balance... what a mess the world is in..
yes, BB, i am "responding" because i feel its required... this "none of the above group" requires balance.. . its funny when you quote a "bit of confrontation" .. the "christian colonization" has arguably displaced, killed or maimed more people than any other (even in the whatever history records you may choose to quote) ......................................... you quote a "real genocide" ,,, so wouldnt accept that the original settlers , "Christians" and the US army contributed to the brutal removal of americas natives? ...................
Harvey> I clearly demonstrate that I do not agree with your religions version of the ideals of Jesus Christ................................if are scared to defend your religion, don't distract me with a condescending push towards "research" (you also don't know my origins) please, . have the courage of your convictions and "convince me" if you dare, that I have no right to compare religions!!!.. as stated, all religions have a part of truth... & and some "good" but , if i feel , honestly , for example, that the idea of "end of life forgiveness of all sin" probably encourages bad actions (in hope of eventual amnesty) ..am i not entitled to challenge that "Christianity" ... ?.............................................
ReplyDeleteI am glad you are amused.. because you seem to lack humour... in the culture i have experienced and apply , even children know what is good or bad. we are born with that,,,... its only "society" that confuses the issues with all that propaganda... :)
H-T. 170125
170139 you have a voice , shout it out tomorrow , support the team from start to finish against the rent blues! talk is cheap SHOW your support...
ReplyDelete..we should be a football club FIRST that is the reason Cub was formed and why we (some of us) still SUPPORT it,, however modern fans are conned by propaganda, and mis information from medi.. its 10 years since & G & Hcome into Lfc and MADE the debt, that H enry & co 'saved" Lfc from.. removed a great manager rejected DIX offer and supporters initiative (thats Ayre too) ..10 years later we dropped from 1st in the UEFA rankings to 46th ..yes F S g nade profit, but thats not a miracle when there are 30 million customers loyal to Lfc registered on the net , it just proves that Moores were lazy ...
the @owners@ made their money from legalized fraud (hedgefunding etc) which goes against the values of the club I joine d and Shanks built.. one 2nd class trophy won in last 10 years, and Kenny was sacked for not adding to that! the infestors are a product of thre corrupt USA , and Lfc is going the same way of that and Mancs .. a commercial vehicle that is not prioritized on taem success but making moey for eventual re-sale.,,,but unfiortunately far too many fans are salves to the media and will not complain ..
.when we are winning,, REDnet ( https://www.facebook.com/REdNET.Sclog ) has campaigned all of those 10 years for a supporters/enterprise buy out. .. and it only at times when the team are struggling that people wake up.. for a while.. (& sean you tube FSGOUT !)