CS will be opening up (not pandora's) Paranoid's box...
Q> why do you call it "Paranoid Box" ?
A> "they" live in boxes, its a pyramid , and as heavy as the stone cubes of that structure, hard to move, because its been in evidence THOUSANDS of years...
paranoid because those IN "power" are scared to lose it and ....want to make everyone else scared of something... or someone because when you are scared you may NOT think intelligently and more important..may NOT QUESTIOn with courage...
and they want you all in "boxes"...paranoid boxes so that you are easy to "package" and distract... filling you up with rubbish entertainment, pop or fake media....
Q> When did you first start to understand this?
A> My mother was Gen sec of a regional labour party, and talked to me maturely, identifying how the rich carried on during WW2, that she survivd, how people still (like the USA war machine now) profited from others suffering...
in WW2 the fascist enemy was clear, but of course others got confused before and after and the massive business achieved by the USA HAD to have an enemy,,, then they pointed at the Soviets...
Q> but didnt the USA win the war? and save everyone ?
A> of course the USA joining the "allies" made victory against nazi-germany axis easier, but the Soviet people suffered the most losses; an extimated 30 million people! and had their country ravaged ..such battles as Stalingrad would never have been survived by americans.. and of course my parents generation suffered from battles or from fire-bombing of their homes..
Q> what has this to do with now?

Q> did you have any business experience yourself...of "influence" ??
A> Early on I was a "wizz-kid" and from 16 worked in an office and handled a number of management positions before I started a partnership in logistics-distribution. I was fired by a company boss because he heard a RUMOUR that my colleague and I were "considering" starting our own firm! Although coming from a socialist background, I could also use "fear and greed" tactics to obtain orders for my new company.. we were very :" succesful" and I played their game.
Q> Game?
A> image, I was quick, able to calculate deals spontaneously, and take the "buyers" out to night clubs and fancy or trendy restaurants, and convince them, either to 'like me" or plant an idea in the early hours that I could later exploit,..
Q> Did you deal with state or govt institutions...???
A> I was still very young when I became a freelance strategic manager, and put together 3 clients to take over a communications/security group which had been poorly managed....
I typically put a deal together and managed the venture for 3 months or so before handing it over to the new manager/owners...
the installation crew told me how they had been schooled to rip out existing security/comms installations and "justify" repair contracts... and...
I LEARNED (this is common in local and national govts) that govt department heads HAD to use their budget allocation for a tax year , or it may be reduced...this rule led to un-necessary contracts being handed out and normal costings being abandoned towards the end of that "budget year" = a farce!
Q> in Uk?
A> this happens almost EVERYWHERE! ... its another reason politicians, ministers, senators, councillors etc DONT want to make their diary and meetings TRANSPARENT ... the sheeple are ignorant to the depth of waste and corruption by the people they place in power...!
Q> how much is wasted,,,?
A> I was involved in private, business & government security and comms projects at all levels,,, its almost PUBLIC knowledge that numerous contracts are given due to chronyism, in some countries its "legal" ..who will blow the whistle, not the giver or receiver, and their competition are PARANOID too , because if they say something they get KICKED OUT OF THE CLUB...
Q> conspiracy theories? september.. eleven?
A> based on PUBLIC information the USA spent around 900 BILLION dolllars in the year 2015! NEW weapons.. and much of the money already spent is on obselete or faulty weapons and equipment..
also the UK and most major european and other "democracies" that scream about odd attacks in their cities distract the voting sheeple from the FACTS that they SUPPLY the wars , and often their own troops are killed by their own nations manufactured weapons..
western companies supply the dictators, the various factions and then their media SPIN the propaganda that ordinary folk swallow and vote for them when they blame the "foreigners" for economic hardships..uk-sells-arms-to-world
Q> what about social media opponents such as "anon" ? do they "help" ??
A> instead of their clever & constant reminders how stupid voters are & corrupt politicians are ... I ASK /// them too...
why do you allow this,,,????...
USA sheeple are MAKING WAR! you allow yr young to die ,,, for the war business again in Afghanistan etc etc ..-companies-profiting-most-from-war
... THEY COULD stop building or producing new stuff and feed and house the poor? but then they lose their power to manipulate YOU??? (your govts even use the weapons YOU PAY FOR through tax, to stop YOU "demonstrating your rights to protest"....)
Q> what to do...?
A> simple..."go Ghandi" if you remove your self from funding it... stop paying tax, stop investing in their banks & stock markets,,, their funds dry up... resist by civil disobedience..no violence, just STOP the wars
..eventually they the corporate leaders & sponsored politicians get exposed ..on all sides, run out of bullets & bombs.. hopefully...
when we start to realise that we are sharing ONE planet, tear DOWN the walls whilst respecting the cultures of the other, we may YET ...become worthy of the name HUMAN BEing... !
I could tell you more, but much I know would put otjers in harms way, so it is held by NGos until the time is ripe...
p.s. just think how it starts with kids,,, "DONT TALK to Strangers" ?
(yet most assaults and crimes are committed by your neighbours!)
AA.v.pop.media.c1a a place to protest..?
ReplyDeleteThis "sort of poem" is dedicated to..
ReplyDeleteMAY(be) DAY...
"heart of 17 years
... + 1000 tears, billion mind but no fears..
On sun-dunce-day, hearing sounds outside..
of the "family way"..
its someone else's "reality"
all seems to distant to me..
so I imagine that hatrick of "wee Luis"... 😉
they are all gone, mum, dad, son,
kids, dad & sis, & "wives", especially Jacqui
& I cant find a GOOD "sub" you see?
too many ants, borg (bored)barbies & "fannies"
No one wants my guidance
...cant even find a lass who will jive-dance...!
So, it MUST be time "to go"
to leave this planet..?
This SPIRIT too strong and heart too young..
shame others dont feel thaT!
women dont (want to) know what they are missing
so..no more kissing..
sometimes they just remind me of cats..
...constantly "hissing"
THIS was once MY world..
but you all spoilt it..
you stole my beautiful planet
dumped your sh*te and made it unfit..
I am no jesus, ghandi Allah or other Messiah
Just a "naughty boy", who went much higher
than any of you, & because it made me see all
that you do...
......... that hurts too much
there is no human(e) touch
Heart of a boy ,17 Years,
and over a thousand tears
mind of a billion, eyes of an AlieN
but have no fears ..
because My Soul is indestructible!"
May 3rd, 7:00pmHarvey
May 3rd, 8:53pmHarvey
this... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihlVhZwj0fY
= #NONEofthem
Thu 9:08amChristopher
Hi Mate, would you join in trying to raise awareness for prostate cancer? (only men ). Can you please put a 🎱on your wall don't comment then send this on to all your male mates .
Hold your finger on this message and hit forward. Cheers
I have been hit ny so many viruses it has disturbed ny own charitable activism, I dont open or forward messages ...so please Rickey, you can post a relevant note on my time line and i will support it ok?
"the russians are coming.....again" ???? pathetic "opposition by....
ReplyDeleteposted in None of the above.
Cardo Westar
May 10 at 5:50pm
Ssssooo (keep in mind this was all planned and scheduled) the day after Trump fires Comey lead FBI investigator of Trump campaign's collusion with the Russian government comparisons abound spoken by talking heads to yesterday and Saturday Night Massacre (Nixon doing something extremely similar on a Saturday night).
Trump meets with the RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR and Henry Kissinger (<notably famous for his time during Nixon's Administration)
Trump is pretty much disrespecting fucking everyone and everything. #riotstew
pathetic....too...this.... choice bewtween a french trump and madame eva braun...
ReplyDeleteTweets making headlines
@guardian's Tweet was featured in CNBC
'Phew!': World reacts as Macron becomes next French president
Emmanuel Macron has won the keys to the Elysee Palace in one of the closest fought and tumultuous presidential races ..
posted in Black sheep & Monty - knee-GRINS.
May 9 at 3:11pm
well , why not ? Trump represents the average citizen of the US of A ; an ignorant show off obsessed with money???!
and who thinks USA won WW2 and therefore rules our world!!
UNkind sheeple!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kez99EdLtOA&feature=em-subs_digest well , why not ?
posted in European REd loyal Supporters Clu
May 9 at 11:11am
to friends from Liverpool and worldwide
victory days east & west
commemorate all those who fought against the fascists before during, and after WW2, i am sure my parents generation would not believe, nor accept that the world, and especially europe has to fear another right wing uprising,
true socialism means sharing and caring with your fellow HUMAN BEing!
ReplyDeleteposted in Black sheep & Monty - knee-GRINS.
May 8 at 12:38pm
Liverpool fans just unveiled a huge pro-Corbyn banner
like Jeuxsansfrontieres
ReplyDeletepage_profile_picture JeuxsansfrontieresCommunity
osted in Black sheep & Monty - knee-GRINS.
May 7 at 2:24pm
only the naive think that politics & business dont manipulate sport, Lfc was (WAS) a socialist club!!
http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/politics-should-never-come-football-12997518 ...
Fans react to Jeremy Corbyn banner in The Kop
for H - T Ngo network..
ReplyDeleteFurther to my meeting with Balsa recently:
CRS170506 Balsa/Dejan Re: CRS 170416-1705 CSvee MREdSdoo/Pg Apart (BandBhost)
a) ref services for visitors to MNE
I have found your photos of (Sileste?) and can promote this soon..and site in Sutemore,(awaiting pics) transfers, boat, tours etc etc when season starts properly.
b) MonteREDS d.o.o/apartment
the company has NO cash!
CRS will not continue sponsorship of d.o.o
reminder : I moved to Pg apartment due to expectations and promises made by Dejan/FSCG/Biz liga/FK Crvena Stijena
NONE have been respected or fulfilled , and I ( *CRS) have claimed 10,885 e against the company!
(a s de facto owner/manager I have also in turn claimed against FSCG/Biz liga/FK Crvena Stijena but NOT v DR, yet)
due to friendly relations.
If, as indicated by Dejan in recent Fb messages, He / your family have close relations with D.Savicevic:
1. The state, sports ministry / MNE will provide/ allow my use of small grass area NEXT to FKCG in Tolosi - for the next 5 years
2. I will Manage youth team players and develop AeFaN without obstruction at that site.
3. FSCG will pay FK San Siro 200e per month for MY accommodation in Pg for the next 5 years
4. I will manage for NO income during this period, and cover my own expenses.
5. The FSCG will assist with any reasonable request and anyone else will not OBSTRUCT my activities.
( I will prepare an U18 team for representation of Montenegro at Kaposvar) & FSCG/MNE sport ministry will
pay for transport of said U18 team (round trip Pg - Kaposvar) via "Bozur" in July 2017.
C.R Smith.
On Wed, 26 Apr 2017 01:58:20 -0400, campaign@ursun.net wrote:
Hello Balsa,still no pics of your place in Sutemore?
I dont think your brother (DR) agrees with my B and B trekking/ Hosting-tours ideas
so, as you are the family's "Legal brains" I think he must close everything officially?
a) DR (as sole Director) must make a "OFFICIAL winding up order"
on MREdS d.o.o (against my claim of 10,885 euros)
as the Company is no longer viable without my (ceased) management support & sponsorship
(the claim against FSCG/Crvena Stijena then is continued by the MNE court against them?)
b) an OFFICIAL "Eviction Notice" at the Pg apartment
the operative word in both cases is OFFICIAL (on the record at state offices)
then these actions may be used in my action in the international court V MNE
(Discrimination, etc)
I suppose it could be an idea for the 3 of us to meet next monday when DR is back from Hamburg.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: CRS 170416-1705 CSvee MREdSdoo/Pg Apart (BandBhost)
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2017 01:58:20 -0400
From: campaign@ursun.net
To: balsabarovic@gmail.com
Hello Balsa,still no pics of your place in Sutemore?
I dont think your brother (DR) agrees with my B and B trekking/ Hosting-tours ideas
so, as you are the family's "Legal brains" I think he must close everything officially?
a) DR (as sole Director) must make a "OFFICIAL winding up order"
on MREdS d.o.o (against my claim of 10,885 euros)
as the Company is no longer viable without my (ceased) management support & sponsorship
(the claim against FSCG/Crvena Stijena then is continued by the MNE court against them?)
b) an OFFICIAL "Eviction Notice" at the Pg apartment
the operative word in both cases is OFFICIAL (on the record at state offices)
then these actions may be used in my action in the international court V MNE
(Discrimination, etc)
I suppose it could be an idea for the 3 of us to meet next monday when DR is back from Hamburg.
posted in European REd loyal Supporters Club.
ReplyDeleteDawn >
May 6 at 8:47am
John W Henry knew that investment was needed on the pitch when they were looking to buy the club.
European REd loyal Supporters Club.
ReplyDeleteHarvey >
May 5 at 9:04pm
FSG out Current club debt is £165m. If the new training facility is built, it'll rise to £215m, just £20m short of the debt that we had under Hicks & Gillett.
Lieing to fans over interest free loans that aren't interest free.
Loans that also didn't come from their cash reserves but from the very bank that Hicks & Gillett owed the money to: RBS.
But hey, the club is in such a financially healthy position.
Wake up!!! We are far from in a healthy financial position!! ~ John.
ReplyDeletephoto in Black sheep & Monty - knee-GRINS.
ReplyDeleteChris >
May 5 at 1:59pm
...EVEN wasTE AN HOUR OF YOUR LIFE voting in any election, when today SUPPOSEDLY the biggest "democracy" in the world arrests a woman for DARING to laugh in the US congress (a "public hearing" ) ...
ask the politician , minister, or councilor that you voted for a transparent account of his / her diary , who sponsored his election, who pays into his election campaigns , who lobbies him/her prior to a vote, on environmental or other issues
you think you have a vote, but they dont, they just say "show me the money" sheeple!!!
if you have children make sure that they LEARN 20 articles of the UDHR FIRST rather than it be the LAST thing applied by employees & officials of the SYSTEM YOU FEED!
if you dont , EDUCATE YOURSELF!
and care about someone else!
CS 170505
posted in Black sheep & Monty - knee-GRINS.
ReplyDeleteHarvey >
May 3 at 8:45pm
this... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihlVhZwj0fY
= #NONEofthem
Posted in European REd loyal Supporters Club.
ReplyDeleteHarvey >
May 1 at 7:45pm
how about you lot and all the other "celebs" sticking hands in pocket to help us get rid of USA corp?/
ReplyDeleteDavid Mullen commented on your post in LIVERPOOL FC WE DARE TO DREAM.
David Mullen 1:54am May 1
Disgusting post
Comment History
David Mullen 12:31pm May 1
Disgusting post
Original Post
Dawn> 10:47am Apr 28
#dontbuythekit #fsgout #enoughisenough
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media bias ... v Corbyn...
and pro isNOTreal...