so before we started this recorded interview you mentioned "tactics" used to manipulate society, (the phrase "sheeple" is common on social media...why?
the main aim has always been, by those in power;
a) to keep their status/job/power
b) the bible talks about shepherding sheep, and thats what is desired , no questions (like these ...!) :) ... they (whoever you think they may be.. just want you to follow
example... ?
Ok , how about the trend of social media,,, what do you get , "fast food" (FF)contact, sms and twits ,,, etc no time to chew over a subject before they are filled up with more its like they in a big mac conveyor belt,,, they cant absorb any info, or question it ,before they have to swallow more..
currently ?
ok, look at 2 recent items on the news and the manipulated distribution of FF ... or "FN" (possibly fake news) ... the "attack" in London...
- just as symapthy was drifting towards the thousands upon thousands of "other people" men women and KIDS ... killed, maimed or displaced in Mosul or Aleppo, or the scandal or Yemen, or Lybia and the involvement of major powers.. and the USA/Uk ...
1 man is shot in London, and a report of 3 others killed and a group of by-standers injured by a man in a car who crashed into the parliament area... becomes breaking news on all channels , for hours after... max 50 people directly affected (if true)
an explosion on a train in St Petersburg ... THAT joins an accusation that it was "contrived" by Putin..to distract the public from russian misdemeanours, although NO one has evidence ... (or counters with all the violations done by USA-UK allied supply of weapons and military to dictators and fascists ...
ITS THE HO syndrome (Harvey Oswald) cant interogate the "suspect" who may have had a "fit" because he is dead.. and will every explosion or train or plane crash be ASSUMED ...to be an :attack... (...as the LONDON POLICE CHIEF STATED within MINUTES of the London incident??????????)
ok but whats the core point here..?
the main POINT is that the sheeple IMMEDIATELY accept what they are told,,, that both are "attacks" ... and suspects are either dead or hunted, (the latter will probably be "shot resisting arrest") how many people have been held (such as at quantanamo) without justification?
the sheeple will just accept violations of human rights and even the United States govt admits they CONVICT thousands of suspects every year who are later proven innocent, imagine how many people do not get realeased BECAUSE they have no friends on the outside, no media or political lobby to expose the mistakes..
then why would Is Il claim ownership of such attacks?
a) did they? you are told they did, but its not like they have an "official spokesman" who is verified , is there?
b) why wouldnt they, ??
BUT, IF there really was a global terr or network , there woudl be such an "incident" in every major city, every where in world, every day! because its easy, for example , to derail a train... etc

who makes those mistakes?
WE DO, every time we ACCEPT or ASSUME that info pumped into our smart phone, laptop, Tv or newspaper is real,
the power brokers were kings (royally "divine" ) then religion pushed people into conflicts , for "faith" fear or territory, then politicians divided the planet,then business justified inasion against WMD , which didnt exists or the "commie threat" (overtaken by Islam) .... that OUR PLANET was once free to roam, .....
now like dogs you need a LICENSE ("pass port") to travel around the world that should beong to us all...
whats this slogan "anti-ameri-canTs?
well , PoP media is used by sponsors to obtain attention,,, they all do it now, SAY WHAT the people want to hear, to get power, then distract them once you have it , by filling their in box, with "broken news" and they wont be challenged.. I could quote "Don T SuperTRUMP" as an example but thats too lazy...

this mad world where fake media and popular opinion is sold in order to
manipulate society , I decided to repeat some stuff and offer a
"vehicle: to Fb friends to challenge the establishment and that includes
the POP social media lemmings who just latch on to every news item and
swallow it , going this way or that... this is a tolerant site, multi
cultural , believign in equal CHANCE for all human beings, against the
"pyramid" that pits people v people ... friend Chris stated
he is " Anti - Ameri-CANT ,
and that danger: that pollutes the land ,, air , water and minds of children, fuels wars and commercial addiction... and quote " , to challenge the sheeple to wake up, and strive to progress with positive projects in the local and global community,, i wont apologise for banging on about the media and stating alternatives because the US/Uk has a massive influence on global opinion.. thanks for yr comment though..
everyone has both chances to go good or bad...
well they have been "drugged" by thousands of years of manipulation by those in power, but do your best and enjoy the struggle,
🙂 as much as u can, and keep a sense of humour... it really annoys them if you smile at them
DO NOT join this group TO " :cherry pick:" .. who to oppose ... such
"friends" are counter productive, because they "appear" to be in favour
of alternatives but really (as pointed by CS ) out only know how to
complain against those they hate, but at the same time contribute to the
system that is suffocating us all.. may your good be with you!
and that danger: that pollutes the land ,, air , water and minds of children, fuels wars and commercial addiction... and quote " , to challenge the sheeple to wake up, and strive to progress with positive projects in the local and global community,, i wont apologise for banging on about the media and stating alternatives because the US/Uk has a massive influence on global opinion.. thanks for yr comment though..

well they have been "drugged" by thousands of years of manipulation by those in power, but do your best and enjoy the struggle,

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for the many who wish to leave "the Matrix" :)
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