missing hairy 5 ...interview on "fast food life, media & more
... following our previous insights..we are investigating opinions on modern society and lack of creative education..
H-T... so what is "Fast Food life" ?
CRS> this instant everything, less content and dumped into your stomach or brain in large quantities , cheaper and with less "taste"
H-T> explain please..
CRS> compare any of the chains that feed you a burger or similar "happy meal" full of stodge - havent you ever seen Jaimie Oliver's shows? with a decent meal, with fresh meat & veggies... the same is happening in all aspects of life...
H-T> you mean like "fake news"
CRS> well that modern term is not "new" fake news / propaganda has been used to manipulate opinion since thousands of years, e.g. when Roman leaders more than 2000 years ago, used the threat of foreign (Celts etc) invasion to justify funding a mercenary organised military... with an eagle banner at the front - much the same repeated by Nazis & the USA .. (also with an eagle banner...!)
People (sheeple) are "voluntarily" bombarded by "info' with commercial, political or religious content, the "fast food generation" with their headphones, earphones, or with their nose stuck in a "smart phone" with the short sharp message, including : fashion or twitter - like TRENDING..this is who you should be...or rather what, as people are roboticaly (via automatic programmes) herded into their "box" whenever they "like" or not something on social media...
H-T> who is doing this ?
CRS> no, the question is, who ISNT? ...
even the sheeple now, mostly, dont know how to hold a deep conversation or debate properly (without instantly resorting to insult) ... they "troll" (what a stupid word to use) each other looking for things to attack. but without deep exchange, short sms-style reactions ...even using shorter "snipped" words which remind me of some demented drunk having a conversation on a broken connection..
..ha ha ha (ironic)
H-T and apart from social media?
CRS> one moment.. lets also look at what i call "mainscream" who trusts it? only the stupid or naive... which means media is now an open book, for anyone to make... which is good and bad,, the BBC and CNN or opposing RT, are way below the quality of 10 years ago and not even close to reporting quality of 20 years ago,,, (the latter is the only one I have recently bothered with, because they at least offer some alternative to the USAcorp regime) ...
H-T> so what will happen...?
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Diploma ; buying a 3rd class ticket for "titanic" when its already sinking....? |
CRS> its already happened... "mainscream" is dead, some dont know it yet, and I felt empathy with 2 male students who used to play for my youth football club, who are cramming so hard for their (media - related ) exams, who could hardly , and here is irony, find time for joining a "new media discussion", only 1 hour long ... all that effort, AND what jobs will they get..?? here or in "the west" in a dying global market...?
H-T> what should they be doing...?
CRS> I propose that its already happening, people make their own pages, groups, blogs , videos etc on social media, there are some , few, opportunities (I often quote the 2 lads of "Redmen" ) who are now making a living off their one time hobby of football - related you tube programmes...
and I have been experimenting with similar videos since almost 10 years...the time is ripe now for my own Net TV (MonTv- REdNET) .... more about that "launch" next month,..
H-T> what will you include?
CRS> I would rather not discuss that yet,,, but lets focus on the remainder..sure MEDIA rules the waves (ha ha) ...but the "fast food life" is repeated in all aspects..
MUSIC.... most is just a "one off video" sweet images, factory music, light lyrics...fast food!
POLITICS...... was a time I could tell you all the names of ministers on major governments...
(didnt want to mention the "used car salesman" currently USA president) Donald T , is at least a "character" , Putin also, UK PM may is a bad copy of a bad PM (Maggie) ... the rest come and go, here in MNE the incumbant is not opposed, not only due to so-called mafia, but the apathy of the sheeple and the lack of integrity and personality in opposition... and many of the sheeple believe they woudl only be changing like for like...
SPORT .... where are the characters... ? football espcially ruined by commercial forces... fewer & fewer characters on or off the field, as "coaching" grinds the individualism out of the kids... arguably only 2 or 3 "world class" players now,, fans & media give "legend status" with minimum justification
... Lfc just paid over 80 MILLION euros for a defensive player, who has yet to complete a full season in the Premiere league, Phil Coutinho, is likely to become the second most expensive purchase FROM Liverpool if Barcas tricks & seduction work (and the lack of moral fortitude, a player who signs a long contract then tries to force a transfer; so TYPICAL of the "fast food generation:)
as for the rest of Sport, when young i would know who ... played tennis , boxed, ran, etc , apart from the most famous, they all now fade to grey....
H-T > with what effect?
CRS> the famous "Andy Warhol; in the future everyone will be famous for 15 minutes , has arrived, and maybe if its kills the major powers along the way...bring some perverse form of social (media).....justice ..
H-T > Ironic huh?
CRS> despite everything, one must keep a sense of humour, AND be ready for ANYthing...
watch this space ha ha ha.....
H-T > tx. :)
from anon?