.. see first our previous " missionary position" post at 2021/03/missionary-position-updated-true-rebel
AS IN THE PAST WE HAVE FEATURED ChRiS , interviews & parts of his (C.R.S.; Christopher Richard Smith) acheievements & experiences ... this is a preview of the "book2" ..
Chapter/episode 14.,. via H-T;
the "anti-ChRiS in monty - land"
"I am writiing this chapter during my "Gemini (SUN) phase" a creative time usually ...and its no co-incidence that
my "sun sign" ends with the summer solstice and then for the next 6 months days get shorter..
so saturday evening, 19th .. I "treated myself" with a dinner at the new beach restoran down the road from me, hmmm i decided to appear @smart casual;
proper shoes, trousers, SOCKS!! and a "tennis club t-shirt" (confusion to the enemy, I wsa about 15 minutes early
(i always am, sorry ladies) ,,for my reservation , which seemed to cause a "mini panic" for the managing oweners son,
whom i had met earlier that day , do discuss hopeful expectation of visitors, ...before the madness & restrictions get
stirred up again... and yet as I entered this "posh place" there were men in swimming trunks walking about, the son apologised
that my table would not be ready until exact 19h when he would move those customners out, I told him to relax, I was alone,
so fit me in somwehere else, no need to make a fuss..
The waiter was either new, nervous or bad at his job, no discussion, just a menu, (& a lokk of expectation) , so I ordered the pasteta (fish pate)
at e8 a starter with a campari to freshen up my tastes, I intended to down the campari and have vino when starting the meal,
... but the starter arrived quickly with the campari (well someone decided that this drink is only a couple of spoonfuls worth)
,,the RED liquid barely cocered the bottom of the glass, and not the piece of orange decorating the "drink" (loose description)
...so I ordered a BOTTLE of (Plataze( Chardonnay (the house wine) which I knew, even though I also knew that at 16,50 they made
about 300% profit on it... i did this because at Porto Adriatic, they charged 4e for a "glass" for the same chardonnay (and 4 glasses
= about 5 of the camparis, on the "meagre scale" ...
The pate was good, expecting toast they served bread with it, 3 pieces and a (garlic/lemon) sauce ..so i got into spreading the Pate
on the breads and ...no more bread, with still half the Pata & the sauce on my plate...so, i was consuming plenty of the Vino,
serving myself from the ice bucket, of course ;) .. so ordered more bread.. filling myself up ..and getting a bit ...on the vino!
.. the couple on my table left and on my right was a table of 7 guys and a beautiful (if top heavy) young woman. (stunning features ..
& i do mean her FACE!!! ) ...seemingly bored looking at her mobile, and towards the end.. a weird "rich faggot" (re dire straits song)
with 2 girls (who looked like russian hookers) being fauned over by the "big (old) boss" ...i presume..
I was too full to order another course, even if my budget allowed, and the vino was getting to me, so ... gave the poor waiter a e5 tip,
and went for a worth to the "Castro beach bar" ..very quiet, no "boom boom" noise no "Porko" getting drunk with another batch of mates
( the night before Ian from Dublin and a couple or three others and 2 drunk girls were with him ) he was cuddling those because they spend mucho money..
I dont now because... anyway this night there was a new girl ; not Tea bus Isa... young and also dont speak english
...in a tourist hot spot!
... i speak 5 languages ...i dont NEED to speak theirs.. but they SHOULD leran the most "popular" language of this planet, shouldnt they
as part of their job? ... there was a group of half a dozen of young people sitting round a table, so quiet...I asked
"is anyone alive at this table?" .."make a noise, you are young!" which got a sort of reaction, but after Voyo rescued the girl serving
making me a Mohito cocktail ... I sat down away from the bar where also Novak & a "contact colleague" were talking..
and saw that the youngsters were quiet again, almost all staring into their mobile phones..this generation is "walking dead"
The manager & his body guard & assistant (Mr Bean) arrived and I decided to walk , taking my drink with me, back along the Zanjice beach
path.. past the girls I offered "english lessons" to... "have no time" was the response, and I just thought , well..
what I can taech you, not only about the langauge , culture and life you could not buy at the most expensive university ..
but "OK" ist the way, what costs nothing here is not valued, I get it...
(and from episode 12 part 1 ..pics via audio visual 2) AT
your planet 's global population surrendered ...as in....
...i cant ignore the comparison with the "star wars saga" ... the 6th episode..when (in)sidious gives the "order 66"
to betray,,, and Annakin goes dark, as the whole of their galaxy falls for the "CON".. allowing the evil empire
..much the same way the global population & your so-called "governments" have conmspired to alow a global CON ..
the exploitation of FEAR in fiction or in fact,,, ("once more the SITH will rule the galaxy") whilst stating
in the senate ; "WE WILL HAVE PEACE & secURITY ..." sounds SO similar to the Blah Blah blah,,
told to this planet's sheeple " if you follow the rules VAX and be quiet....???
![]() |
on the 18th June, I left before 05h to walk 12kms over the high hills of Lucista bay HN/TV area,,
the caffe wasnt even ready at Radovici to serve breakfast so ordered d\ann tAXI...TO THE atm
and back ... we stopped for coffee again at Rado.. discussed the history of our relative youths,,,
Yugo slavia and Liverpool ... i knew much of what he told me, but as i told many visitors..
in the Balkans "if you ask 10 questions, you will receive 11 answers...!" its complicated
and almost everyone has their own perspective depending on religion, nationality, ethnic or even criminal associations.
it was & is "complicated" these people really KNOW how to complicate life..
but we both agreed this could be the richest nation in Europe IF the youth wanted to farm...
one summer, at one place here, i grew over 300 kiwis on the terrace, with just a bit of water, and no other "care"..
and that most of the "casualties" of the coroNATIONS were anyway very old or in bad health before they caught "something"
exploited ...by scumedia , the phoney w.h.o. & even nice people becoming F U B A R!
he didnt bother with footy since Yugo became about politics & seperate nations... and I started to lose my passions
(with some exceptions like in "o5 Istanbul & v barca 2 years ego...for example) when our football league was sold to SLyv
& the USA style sport - scumedia & its "sponsors" dictating when games woudl be played... without care for core supporters
being priced out of stadiums... that the mancs protested against their yan ker sharks more than scouse "kopites" says it all..
henry & co are just smoother with the PR_opaganda than the manu glazers ...
Andrew Dowleytotal eclipse of the S*n ·
Loud and clear in Manchester.
0:07 / 0:34
Manchester People's Assembly - Austerity Cut it Out
"Just seen a man run into Tesco, swipe every copy of the sun, and rip them up before binning them. Crowd goes wild. #JusticeForGrenfell #JusticeForHillsborough
Not all heroes wear capes. Hat tip to James Walkling for quote!"
of course i diverted a lot of my energy into youth footy & local sponsorship.. &
D'ann and I are both fit enough to believe immunity by strength is better than pumping poisons into our bodies...
and agree that most Monty knee grins grab quick profit by ripping others off, instead of a plan for the long term
(so that clients come back)
expensive brekkie, and the coastal shop prices are also almost double those in Pg...
looking back ,,,
a reminder that all the ladies..dance… Alone ? π
anti-social distancing started well before their pandemic of stupidity..
(4 years ago ) "as much as I do my utmost to encourage people on this mad planet..
and especially to give the young the chances that I was lucky to have at 16
... the more I do... the more they prove this ....to be mostly ....and sadly ...TRUE ... π"
best wishes from friends @ "Reds abroad"
supporting & evolving ; https://www.facebook.com/me.without.limits
5 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith's Campaign; equality & anti DISCRIMINATIoN, local & global people's JUSTICE
decent comments from Brian...
Leading Brexiteers are trying to con working-class Labour voters
Leading Brexiteers are trying to con working-class Labour voters
Brian Reade says the ignorance of the Leave campaign is what has persuaded him to vote Remain in the EU referendum
about the EU... in the year 2016 , it is time that the people of this whole WORLD unified, never mind europe...
" a WINNER never quits - and a "QUITTER" never WINS!"
if you dont like something YOU JOINED stay and improve it, dont run away from it ??? small people think small ...
Gem> Stars on Thursday, Jun 18, 2015
" ...Your actions might be a bit strained today, Gemini.
People aren't going to cooperate in the way you might like them to.
It could be one of those days in which it's difficult to get things done simply because other people seem to get in the way.
Try not to get angry. Perhaps you need to take a break and relax. The harder you push, the more resistance you will encounter"
.,,,, again! ha ha ..
some years ago...album: '14 started a virus...to laugh at this planet a.k.a FLAMING june#20 by Christopher Richard Smith
.... I broke the fever, and as I am still ALIVE & breathing..
I start to wake the rest of this planet up with "humOUR" or OUR hum -anity...HOPE you ALL catch THIS "virus"..
π ....(started 6 years ago) WAKEupdated June #20 ...(after the #TrendyVirus) ....LIFE is for LIVING not hiding..
.. with greetings
Wake UP Call from ChRiS
Support & join;
FREEdom global co-op : vimeo.com/415764371
& #LbiRD REDVolition ; vimeo.com/418864407
+ 190 groups ( now 300+) Worldwide via friends @
LIVE your LIFE, fight THEIR "virus"
with YOUR LbiRD co-operative x one Million + vimeo.com/417378756....
1 year ago
Monty FootballAGENDA #20-23 .................
"have you a LOVE for FOOTBALL?"
The exceptional local & global situation caused by reaction to #CoronaVirus also means that many have a chance of a FRESH start
WE perceive this is the BEST time to LAUNCH an idea created 3 years ago ...in Podgorica, Montenegro & Europe - wide..
AeFAN ... a SELF- perpetuating HONEST league needs NO officials nor rich sponsors! WE just WANT you and your LOVE for FOOTBALL …and FAIR PLAY..
**to learn about the conditions to join your 6-aside TEAM (no registration fee required) email inatteam@mypodnet.org
sms (VB ) +382
or add your Team name & contact at ;
The first 10 Teams to complete a season ("home & away" ) will receive a special commemorative t-shirt for each player.
"BE the World's BEST ...HERE?"
Every parent wants their child to be the best...NOW there is a chance , as from September 1. 2020 starting UNIQUE in the Balkans & exceptionally in Podgorica;
our Programme " The LIVERPOOL mentality" for children 10-15 years of age
& Everyone knows that LIVERPOOL are world & europeam champions but only ChRiS knows the methods which have been updated to make the current team THE BEST in the WORLD,
…do you want your chuild to share those secrets. we do; with...
* Local management by the NGO of ChRiS with local co-operation/partnership (VB)
* Creation of new Centre of Youth Academy to Co-operate with local coaches in “the LIVERPOOL way*
* Training program for youth (*international terminology) & coaches3 year program to start youth leagues & international tournaments___________
my father has gone,
one son departed & the other missing..
i dont want to celebrate today,
no cherished memories, no kissing
care instead for the boys who want to be helped,
is the key
the migrant, or refugees, everywhere,
are part of my family
being REd aiming for better future,
is all I want to see!
Christopher Richard Smith #Lbird #censoRED
Greetings from "REdNET friends & REdS abroad Members @ https://www.facebook.com/groups/wild.beautiful.footy/
facebook.com/groups/eured.supporters ;
about 6 years ago had this "discussion" concerning my "mentor" Bill Shankly ("SHANKS")
CRS> 6 years ago
Of course Barca Beat Juve on saturday evening, which we "half watched" in the irish pub...
its a reflection on the status of LFC that 2 players ; Mascherano and Suarez <who scored the winner>
helped Barca win a trophy that we used to contest when Rafa was our manager Masch left when G & H / woy let him go,
and Henry s f s g couldnt hold on to Luis..gone are the days when WE made and attracted top players
and replaced them with equal quality.. there is no quality, In the "INFESTORS" , in the boardroom, nor on the coaching bench..
the best kids leave us , or get loaned out, NEVER to return.. or are sold on the cheap..
I never imagined that Lfc would be just another "selling club" ...
so I got out of it, after a lifetime and focus on "footballs grass RoUtes" the kids and local footy clubs
= MY Mission as a communty project,,,...
as per the Facebook..."its theirs Steve and Suzie, WE had the chance to take it before it was "sold" (souled out) to Henry and f sg ,
any decent business manager could make a success with more than 30 million fans worldwide all U do is keep the rotten infestors in power
... LIVERPOOL (city) had 3 billion to invest ("08") ,,, we could have and should have taken it, b
ut for far too many "fans" its too easy to just keep on paying their prices, well lucky u,
now that the middle class and business people own what was OUR club before social justice became "unfashionable" ,
Lfc is just another USA commercial cash cow, and it fits the money infested Premiere league....
but....just as FIFA is being torn apart so will the EPL and Fsg s "modenr" Lfc with it ,,, u betray Shanks spirit...!"
Christopher Richard Smith> European REdS LbiRD Supporters Club & "REdS abroad" via #REdGEMnet
Suzan> Christopher Richard Smith please don't patronise or speak for me.
I have watched LFC play for more years than I care to remember and still go to see them every game home and away.
In any event fans don't have to have played football themselves or have stood on the Kop to be entitled to an opinion.
Insulting today's fans and belittling us by name calling does not make you any.better or more intelligent.
Don't tell me I need to protest as I don't wish, or feel the need, to.
I am not too sure how working on projects with the States qualifies you to discuss Rodgers
and his performance but you are, of course, entitled to your opinion.
You are talking about Shankly in hindsight, a wonderful thing,
nobody is saying that Rodgers is comparable with him.
The comparison being made is that he too didn't win anything for the first period of his managerial career at LFC,
in fact it took him five years.
CRS> NO Suzan, "IN FACT" ..Shanks quickly promoted the Reds from division 2, that WAS a BIG WIN... because Lfc were in the 2nd division,
I dont need to defend Shanks, any of Shanks boys knows what the club was before and AFTER, watching Lfc doesnt make
anyone special, SUPPORTING, and giving something important up for it, will win my respect,
if you can afford the expensive tickets then lucky you! many of the lads who once stood on the original KOP , cant!
Sure, I believe there is far too much "technical punditry"
and far too few "modern fans" played the game at a competitive level.
and yes I will "confront" the ignorance of "fan nies" (thats not about gender, btw) who have a 10 second concentration span,
and think that footy is just about selecting the best (statistical) 11 players...
"If the cap fits, wear it" .. and if you dont feel the need to protest , thats your choice, just as it is MY choice
to oppose fans who dont GET the reason you should object to the damage J W Henry and f s g have done.
(and G and H before them, and before them, Moores selling us out,..)
YOU make the arguement that fans have a voice, an opinion, and I state, as a lifetime supporter,
that my experience of the USA and its "business methods" and my knowledge of henry and his "empire"
DOES make me qualified to challemge your apathy. I am quite prepared to back up with details.. because ...
he is a bad man.. with no emotional relation to a club built on social ethics. by OUR generation.
and "Lfc fans" do "compare" in THEIR "Brendan song" ...they sing " Builds a team like Shankly did"... rubbish!
well, HE DOES NOT, Shanks would NOT have accepted the F s g "committee" dictating (badly) the transfer policy of Lfc!
NO one is comparable to Shanks. he MADE LIVERPOOL from his OWN determination..
without Bill none of the 6 would have been possible , & you probably wouldn't know Bob or Juergen ...at all!
Shanks LIVES Forever ...His " LIVERPOOL way " lives on in true REdS ...local & global
a D-Day poem;
on this day...
D-days(Djune)DEja Vu Decisions Daze! ..
69 years since "d-day" liberating europe ( didnt u know u are free?)
69 is a signigficant number
between the genders (a key?)
avoiding the missionary , unencumber
each minority frights for majority (rule)
democracy is just a name...
anyway why should i trust the mass?
none of whom understand the "game"
"Monty pythons life of brian"
challenges the way u think,
i want to show u a similar film,
because sheeple, u stink!
who is intelligent on this planet?
one, i have longed to meet
question, what? how and which?
who can be strong, and not bitch?
how can sheeple still vote for suit and tie?
they lie!
its my planet, so i ask U why?
u follow the ignorance, the media too,
are u too blind to see?
the only question is..
to be ... or not to BE!
as I go through (this) Life .. I feel like I am playing a game of football-chess & almost everyone else; Draughts-Cricket! ha π
top REdS' ?
Emlyn, Alun Evan, Cormack, Ray K, Clem, KK, Macdermott, Souness, Kenny,more recently Stevie & probably Gini & Robbo now...
but the TEAM is & the 12th man ! but Shanks made it all possible, best wishes David Mcgrady Y N W A with hope...
5 years ago
In 1966, two years after winning the heavyweight title,
Ali further antagonized the white establishment by refusing to be conscripted into the U.S. military,
citing his religious beliefs and opposition to American involvement in the Vietnam War.[6]
He was eventually arrested, found guilty of draft evasion charges and stripped of his boxing titles.
He successfully appealed in the U.S. Supreme Court, which overturned his conviction in 1971.
By that time, he had not fought for nearly four years—losing a period of peak performance as an athlete.
Ali's actions as a conscientious objector to the war made him an icon for the larger counterculture generation.[8][9]
Ali remains the only three-time lineal world heavyweight champion; he won the title in 1964, 1974, and 1978.
Ali reigned as the BEST heavyweight boxing champion. ....... "The Greatest",
2 years ago
reminder for all TRUE REdS June 4, 2018 at 12:41 PM ·
REdnet ... Steps into "Star Trek" ?
tomorrow ..& all week; european liberation and D-day celebrating now until 8th of june ...
OUR D.DAy part 2 .. having identified the opportunity, the next phase between now and end of season/summer 2019
is to get everyone ; local on board... "winging it with L'Bird' do we go where no fan has been before, in a way ; Yes ?
will we be opposed ? of course , we already are #censoRED ! against all the "odds & sods" π
do you understand the objectives?
(and maybe participate in spreading the initiative!) these videos......
"what WE do @ Liverpool-echoes in Eternity"
...redrockfc.montereds/videos/2003544533297244/ could change ME forever,,,
Me ; see the 3 phases of my life ...
a ) Taker; young enterprise machine 24/7 enterpreneur & Global Strategic manager (Gemnet) until coma in 1995 = 100% change ...
b) wake up 1995 ("born again"?) Epoch Charity org, Freedom & Union, human rights, peace activism, eco-logistics ,
grass "routes" footy ; sponsor & manager of youth teams and footy tournaments.. etc... Giver!
Now phase C) .... see our continual Campaign v evil empire (more like "star wars" ) & v USAcorp .. ha ha
.... "L'BIRD" my Liverpool love evolved ; will benefit all supporters ; local & global
poem "why the skY continues to cry?"
"As if an open wound its weeping..
as from me life is seeping...
I lost everything i cared about
..without YoU ..I have nought
freedom..another name for nothing more to lose
its easy to drown in the booze..
did you ever wonder why ?
there is NOW much water in the sky?
it will rain rain and RAIN
without you ..must i be sane?
my heart can no longer cry ..
my eyes are teardrops dry..
so the weather cries, instead of me..
ChRiS 13602
We are not english, we are scouse....and our TEAM should always aiim to be EUROPEAN champions over the fake english money league.....
with greetings & with best wishes for ALL TRUE REbEL REdS!
#J4t96_32yrs #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN @ mewe.com/i/chrissmith1059 shares for all #LbIRDco-op via REdGEMnet;
ONLY future offering shares to over 30 million SUPPORTERS
start saving , with 300 groups worldwide plus already linked
..20 e gets you (if you are a true REd) 1 share each , LbiRD coin by year 2023! & get the USAcorp sharks OUT of our club!-------------------
see also RebTV-
"L'BIRD" IS your own Liverpool currency! ( https://youtu.be/yEFEDeo117c #censoRED ? )
if Lfc is now an enterprise, let it be ours, via supporter empowerment...… See More
Sorry, we're having trouble playing this video. · ·
CRS> ...go to.... https://unsubtolosi-rednet.blogspot.com
and... you are cordially invited to join our (FREE for my contacts) international club... currently hosting at "Cuba Libre" Lustica Bay, MNE (tel +382 68 505 797) special off to memebrs of associated & informally linked groups ; worldwide;
----------------------------------- and more at chrislivecampaign./2021/05/the-antichris-in-monty-land-book-2
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