Monday 2 November 2020

Missionary position ; still a FUBAR local & global police/imprisoned state UPDATING with the latest shYte from their #gameofTHORNS #itsaVARCEBUgger


Missionary position ; 

still a FUBAR local & global police/imprisoned state

the words of "Geko"(wall street film) over 30 years ago ..

" you are not NAIVE enough to think we live in a democracy? are YOU? " ,,and still more than 30 years later the sheeple still vote for the sharks & their jackals to ruin our lives, with their #gameofTHORNS ...

 @RedAlieNeT @RedAndWhiteKop @MelissaReddy_ @rafabenitezweb @EuRED09 the : @harveytuttle FBOOK profile destroyed due to opposition to truth being told about their "coroNATIONs bug" USAcorp a.k.a fen way'sLfc spin & other VARce ! #itsaVARce #gameofTHORNS #Lbirdco-op via REdGEMnet

UPDATING with the ALMOST latest shYte from their #gameofTHORNS

IT is a VARCE  fear mongering by the w,h,o, BUG-gers;

the insanity of the coroNATIONAL nazty curfews, MASK_er_AIDS,  lock downs & lock out inconsistency & more rons ... compares with VAR farce in football..  BOTH "new abnormal rules" CAUSE more problems than they solve..

part of Living is to overcome the risks, NOT surrender to them & the "rules"of snarkes, jackals & fools..

I woke from a coma in 1995 ,,HOWEVER 99.9% of the global population are in a self made coma of obedience..

RISKS more dangerous than the exaggerated flu bug;

(as every other ailment is listed as the "coroNATION bug");

IF YOU CARE about people DYING

are more likely to be killed by..

* WAR biz.. (the govts YOU voted for are involved in killing)

*CANCER (killed 10 million in the last year)

*Poverty kills 25,000 kids daily

*industrial / chemical pollution

*tobacco/alcohol abuse             

*pneumonia, , meningitis, anon winter virals

*Aids , Ebola.. etc etc

we oppose nazty prison police state that YOU have allowed by apathy & capitulation..

MY parents survived WW2 told me what they endured makes me ashamed of YOU!

shame on you all...REBEL if you really care...

let the :high risk"be protected but no logic to obey the draconian dictatorship..BUG gers..

who list every possible ailment as a "coroNATION bug"to inflate the fear facxtor and control the sheeple..



YOU the sheeple blindly  &  foolishly OBEY "BLOwJO" govt dictates ,  but he is another crook in a LONG line of crooks.. YOU are the stupid ones obeying their IDIOCRACY;  /2020/09/23/the-uks-latest-trick-breaking-the-law

 " David Lammy, shadow Justice Secretary, a former barrister and the first black Briton to attend Harvard law school before becoming a Labour MP, criticized BoJo for resorting to the Trump playbook:

“The Conservatives have abandoned the rule of law, abandoning an international agreement which we signed up to just a year ago and then claiming as we go to negotiate trade deals with the rest of the world that they can’t see this. It’s a very, very curious position. I’ve never seen it in my lifetime”.

The UK’s cavalier repudiation of a rules-based international order, however fictive this order may be in practice, sends a signal of caution to potential trading partners wanting to sign a deal with the UK— BoJo will cast aside an agreement he’s signed as casually as he’s shed a string of mistresses.

Kenneth Surin teaches at Duke University,

sheeple followed adolf ;  little nutter with big evil aims, and are on the verge of agreeing to a trillionaire NERDs  BS! 2020/09/24/bill-gates-global-agenda-and-we-can-resist

" the pandemic is not a war. The pandemic is a consequence of war. A war against life. The mechanical mind connected to the money machine of extraction has created the illusion of humans as separate from nature,: New diseases arise because a globalized, industrialized, inefficient agriculture invades habitats, destroys ecosystems, and manipulates animals, plants, and other organisms with no respect for their integrity or their health  " ... reclaim our commons, regenerate the earth as living members of a One Earth Family, rich in our diversity and freedom, one in our unity and interconnectedness. It is a healthier future. It is one we must fight for. It is one we must claim

We stand at a precipice of extinction. Will we allow our Social humanity as living, conscious, intelligent, autonomous beings to be extinguished by a greed machine that does not know limits and is unable to put a break on its colonisation and destruction? Or will we stop the machine and defend our humanity, freedom, and autonomy to protect life on earth???? & thanks ChRiS for;

 /2020/09/23/monstrous-nothing/ "

We, of course, can still have a Stephen Hawking image of the great expanding universe packed with wondrous objects and producing colossal events, even in the areas where there is (so far as we know) no life. But again, yes, we can think those things: because we have life.

It’s natural that we don’t think about a world with no life in it. Such a situation is unthinkable. Unthinkable not only in the sense that, like nuclear holocaust, the idea is unbearably frightening. It is that, but it is unthinkable also in the sense that it simply cannot be thought. There is nothing there to think, nor is there anything there to do the thinking. It is, as Edna St. Vincent Millay put it in her meditation on possible doomsdays, to be “lost in whistling space without a mind/to monstrous Nothing yield your little breath”, except that without a living ear to hear it, there will be no whistling. : "

ARMY occupied Anfield!!!!

the VIRAL BULLshyte continues,,,

will they put a label on my arm for not wearing a mask & eleimate us if we refuse their poisoned vaccine???

as the ARMY INFEST our anfield home, WHY use the military for a "civil precaution": ?

WAKE UP you sheeple .."if they call me the ënemy of the state , YOU CAN BE SURE THAT THE STATE IS OUR ENEMY" (cs 201114)

Nazi style curfews, lock downs, lock outs & discrimination against the ordinary whilst the few do what they want,,

Harve> its happened before; when a madman convinced half a continent /.,,,
and now the fascist disease uses modern media DICTATES to CON the WHOLE world!


latest update';

as Montengro sheeple surrender  to another PATHETIC lock down by their banana-republic govt.., NO ONE DARES to oppose! after 30 years of dictatorship, they protest & threaten uprising if their church (which most rarely attend) is taken from them BUT WHEN THEIR WHOLE LIFE IS BLOCKED BY A PHONY RISK APPLICABLE TO 0,01%  they capitualte quicker than WW2 italian infantry...   NO HERO in modern Monty-land... (image of the last hero , laughing at nazis c1940s)

Gullible Juergen urges Scousers to take a test , offered by the fascisTORY govt of "BLOwJO" to all LIVERPOOL)..

(mrs Klopp helping design the new (Lfc) Axa training centre? affects his constant repeat of USAcorp /fen way PR_opaganda?) 

why pick LIVERPOOL first? maybe because Scousers HAD a reputation of standing UP against dictators, so if they capitulate the rest of the UK will follow???   we shall see...

Tomorrow is 11 of 11 (the actual day of memorial of the fallen)

the HONOUR and salute to those who TRULY fought against oppression in ww2,  very few of my parents are still alive , would CERTAINLY BE HORRIFIED AT THE capitulation & surrender to lock downs, lock outs & nazi-style curfews of the modern ÜK" ,,, shame of YOU ALL!  (pic of LIVERPOOL ww2)

... Recommended (by CS) lf you have been convinced to follow the (USAcorp) ämerican dream”
Watch the film “report”and see just how many worms have made dirty stinking holes into the global nightmare by the world’s largest IDIOCRACY… it don’t matter whar FOOL is appointed president of that SWAMP ..war biz/big pharma drugs will dictate their FUBAR policies and continue to POLLUTE OUR world…
The TORTURE report a/k/a/


opinion as the LARGEST IDIOCRACY on the planet (ÜSA corp") has an election we say #NONEoftheabove !

WAshington ; (USA corp capital?)

almost as ridiculous/scary/funny as the SU-REAL thing...!

in Podgorica . ..

The sheeple in Podgorica not only changed the date without warning to clash with CELTS new year they are going to "run"a PHONY marathon MASKED in a circular track ha ha ha

maybe a marathon just for me NEXT sunday?



201027  if any one doubts that this club was NOT built on our supporters, chants, songs banners & loyalty they need to see this

Carragher & Neville discuss Project Big Picture & how football can be positively restructured | MNF

Irony that these 2 (Carra & Neville) were both employed by the biggest sharks of this scandal (fen way/Glazers) and SLYtv who have dictated when & how games of the ë.p. hell"are played withOUT any care for supporters...the weakness of supporters in failing to oppose the changes made in OUR game ...STINKS..

as does this attempt by the USA corp billionaire backkers of fen way/Lfc & Glazers/manu U... an unholy alliance akin to Adolf & Stalin v poland..?.. my colleague warned almost 2 decades ago that USAcorp would hook into OUR games at any opportunity availabel,... and INFEST it with its commercial fascism.. that warning got him banned from the OLSC and his websites blogs and social media contacts & even emails blocked or deleted by viral attacks!! the average fan is clueless as to the plans , even the other clubs of the 6 were not privy to the "BIG PICURE CON" ...

we *REdGEMnet) proposed that all media income is spread through the whole league..and a return to the 4 divisions of the pre-e.p.l. strcuture..;;; i find it sad that a scouser like Carra doesnt want a "socvial solution"and whilst voicing some real criticism of club, bangs the capitalist drum! ...

need to use this "crisis "to take more involvement and not stand by like "theatre going spectators" dumb sheeple.. //... discard SLYtv etc and form OWN media which then is fed fairly to supporters who then can subscribe to their own club and help sustain the beautiful game ..(feck PPv)

football through english FA, e.p.l, UEFA or FIFA has always been controlled by the wwrong people..its time for SUPPORTERS to stand up and stop surrendring power either inside or OUTside the stadia! ... ,,,,

p.s. Gary talks well, BUT SUPPORTERS are NOT being TRULY involved!!!
IT IS our GAME WE ARE the CLUB ...

p.p.s the govt is insanely led by "BLOwJO" Gary!


Had to CUT a bikini Celts girlk from this,,,.,Fascist dicatorship on Feck book etc

Nov 2 #20 ,,,Tomorrow is the USA corp ERECTION,… ha ha … (waiting for the feck book ban…)

BUT,,, there wont be…because whoever wins will be IM_POTUS… IS that too :clever;  for the local & global SHEEPLE out there .. addicted to Moblie phones,,.

What did the USA corp ever do for you… ? 

(Tempted to play Billy Joel, “we didn’t likethe fire”)

“ NUKED Hiroshima & Nkasaki

But now we eat their sushi

Sold out to toyota,, 

Killed your only president & his brother bobby

Luther king * Malcolm X  too…  BLM still has no lobby

So dumpedyour waste in our water,

big Macs in soviet union,  star Bucks  

Conned the world. ..  and the boring  phrase : ‘this sucks”

Filled the net with commercial stuff

Feck book, twatters Googlies is more than enough …

Bullsh&te in your head 24/7

And the RONS tell their kids they are in heaven..

Korea, Vietnam, south america, & Iraq wars

Teach the global  kids to become salesman whores

Multi SILLYon USD debt..

And make it normal to for the sheeple to Bet  (on anything)

Pollute the lands , water,  air & OUR sea

And the minds of the kids ,  slaves of USAcorp merely be…

So, the mindless millions will chose another IM=POTUS

To continue the madness of Idiocracy

What does it matter to you or me????

You have surrendered to their state of prison …

Cést la vie?

(With thanks to ChRiS for the creativity of most of the above verses)

Sean ; much more than Bond.,...A TRUE Celt in a world full of weak men... one of the BEST leaves this planet

for Christopher Richard Smith may you live forever!

Y N W A .....

a lesser known but one of his best  performances 

the HIL ;  (medical inspection 


happy Celts new year,,, with Best wishes from Med1ATEAM & friends of


#planetCRIEDwolf #MASK_er_AID #TrendyVirus #gameofthorns #LbiRDco-op

,..... :) with best wishes and from TRUE REd friends worldwide @ 

PLUS blocked by USA corp (a.k.a. fen way) feck book twatters /googlies & their e/p/ hell




  1. ... Recommended (by CS) lf you have been convinced to follow the (USAcorp) ämerican dream”
    Watch the film “report”and see just how many worms have made dirty stibking holes into the global nightmare by the world’s largest IDIOCRACY… it don’t matter whar FOOL is appointed president of that SWAMP ..war biz/big pharma drugs will dictate their FUBAR policies and continue to POLLUTE OUR world…
    The TORTURE report a/k/a/

  2. mind you, UK have had 40 years of dictatorship since thatcher in 1980
    USAcorp since Nixom ..more than 50 years
