Monday 4 May 2020

MISSION ary position,+ what is really "real"? campaign for ChRiS > EVICTING YOU?

200501 and just watched end of series "homeland"  ...

of course dramatized for the popular audience , its content is more "real" than "reality".. 


talking of "agents" lets catch up with "agent SMITH" ( not the matrix, but "one") :)..

H-T> there seems to be a lot of Shankly mentions on Lfc tv & you tube 

.. i think you are the modern version of Bill ? ("Shanks")

CRS> ah, no, there can be only ONE LIVERPOOL "messiah" that is "Shanks" paraphrase (monty-python, life of brian film) "I am just a Naughty boy" ha ha , it a way life/society  was easier (simpler) then, to have real contact with  people and LIVERPOOL, then was an ideal place for his socialist ideals...

H-T> so, ChRiS ? how is the campaign going? &any other progressive actions?

CRS> Campaign, ? well I have just decided that 
I must EVICT the "sheeple" and their CORRUPT "shepherds" ..from MY planet !!! see video... WAKE up call @

H-T > why? 

CRS> what does a bailiff do when a tenant violates the residential contract?

H-T> ok, usually they evict the tenant after a notice (warning) whats the connection??

CRS> simple .. the inhabitants of this planet have ignored so many warnings, but continue to allow , sanction or participate in the destruction of nature, the planet and the GOOD people here, so they must go, along with the few who control them..

H-T>what brought you to this decision..?? exactly! 

 CRS> thousands of years of your insanity, using your own terminology which claims that if someone continually repeats the same :excuse" ("choice") expecting different results,

 but without  cause, that is insanity, which is what you have been doing for thousands of years , giving absolute power to a few , expecting them to be Honourable & care for the many..??  

H-T> why now?

CRS> why NOT? well I was watching re-runs during this ridiculous "lockdown" here in "Monty" where the stupid president decided to instruct everyone NOW to wear masks when shopping ( despite being in the 3rd month of this #trending virus fiasco.. ) and with Monte telling me about hitler - rise of EVIL, and how people were denied equal rights by absolute dictatorship, well thats where we are now..  YOU are being FORCED to comply, or starve!  and the "homeland" series reminds me how the "big powers" are so SELFISH and ready to destroy for their own gain!

 H-T > what do you propose to do...? 

still want to evict them all?

CRS> HOPEfully to WAKE them UP...a last chance!

 . with SUPPORT LbiRD & the Global freedom Net initiative ..

because the state, can NOT BE TRUSTED & their business of war, pharma industrial polution & tech ..has placed you in prison,, break out and join.. Global freedom co-op initiative NOW

with non-violent DISobedience & POSITIVE ACTION!!!

 WAKE up call @

catch up with input from ME d1ATEAM @

with video at
...............another meaning of "safe" is a "locked BOX" so I am promoting an alternative slogan;
be POSITIVE, "open the safe & MOVE your body, be STRONG" 

Chris>people are talking about this "tough time" >?  I lost all my fanily, either died or taken from me, in painful ways ...
my parents were old when i was born (maybe adopted?) they survived the blitz bombing and my ma never even know from month to month if my Dad was coming home, as she watched the bombs landing where he was stationed, from where she was based ...

dont forget there was something in between 1914-1918 that was an insane virus that killed more people than the spanish flue, and about 50 million or 75 million depending on whose numbers are counteddied between 1939-1945 in the 2nd wave of THAT insane virus,,, !!!!!!!!!!!!

stop war and feed the kids (1000 dying every HOUR from malnutrition related disease ) worldwide, fight cancer not each other ..the sheeple are to BLAME for voting governments into power who make evil decisions .. if YOU are scared of #TrendyVirus why? if DEATH is your enermy STOP war, change your lifestyle , legalise alternatives to alcohl/tobacco abuse, BAN industrial & trransport pollution... Truth ? ; ..the USAcorp & all national govts are FUBAR,,,

if you say the sheeple arent stupid, well , they have been VOTING a-holes into power in USAcorp since 50 years at least ... and same in other "demcoracies" or dictatorships etc fueling a failed civilization since thousands of years,,& there has NEVER been a true socialist / communist nation, we got close to it in LIVERPOOL, but even there more and more selling out to the fascisTORIES & USAcorp commercial exploitation (fen way etc too)

so.... anyway.. ... SUPPORT LbiRD & the Global freedom Co-Op Net initiative .. WAKE UP!

because the state, can NOT BE TRUSTED & their business of war, pharma industrial polution & tech ..has placed you in prison,,but jut about everyone is responsible for this, because just about everyone has failed to respect nature / humanity one way of another every one of the sheeple contributed to a poisened local & global society..

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