is to EDUCATE ..
more than 30 million followers
.. of a global Football club..
...the truth will set them FREE, but has probably P*ssed them off, first,,, ha ha ha ...
(see also 2018/07/campaign-and-missionary-position-summer.html) ,
My colleague has opened up the "can of worms' ..
amongst hackers , sheeple & twatters, annoying effingsg clones and fan nies local & global and exciting (see video https://vimeo.com/278151308) REdS supporters
,... now over 250,000 connected via 80+ groups worldwide- also @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUdeVyAOvaQOUR
The REd Evolution plan ; -rednet.blogspot.com/2018/07/rednet-exclusive-how-to-steal-global.html #censoRED #LbiRD #buyouRLfc
extracted... a "taste"...
HOW to steal a global ICONIC FOOTBALL CLUB
by "USAcorp"
a.k.a. Henry - Werner & GF Linda....
part of the "campaign for ChRiS"
it is amazing :- the "amnesia" of certain "fans" , pundits and even long standing "supporters" of Lfc CHOOSE to ignore what was obvious...
adjective: fraudulent
obtained, done by, or involving deception, especially criminal deception.
"fraudulent share dealing"
unjustifiably claiming or being credited with particular accomplishments or qualities.
"Lfc will go bankrupt and / or be relegated from the premiere league if it doesnt pay its debts at the bank.... etc ..
the PR-OPAGANDA...since 2007
the plan of USA corp ( G & H superceded by the smoother tongues of H-W & Linda..
...the investment of Lfc supporters
* to sell USAcorp sponsors products & services
( and of course join USA based summer tours)
* to REMOVE internal & external opposition
..discredit & remove "Strong" Rafa
* INCREASE Lfc as an asset of USAcorp.. thanks to over 30 million global Lfc fans online
* .. EXCLUDE working class & socialist influences.
( core Kopites priced out of Anfield, premiere & european fixtures and travel... e.g. "Kiev" )
* THREATEN fans who oppose their capitalism
( by assisting tame blogs & websites and obstructing the REdS dissident voi
i am sure that many readers will not grasp this truth ..so lets just let it sink in... THEY do not legally own Lfc... do you "capische" ??????
<CS>>>> FFS Nigel lad, have some courage, u started a page , provocative, then "water it down" ( C isnt ":bad" ) sheeple need to wake up
and realize they fund war and pollution,,
booze alcoholism and stress ... those are he REAL & DANGEROUS KILLERS, lad!
August 1, 2017 at 10:21 AM ·
apparently Pres. Donald T. Duck is visiting Monty ... do al quaida know his e.t.a? actually there is never any point in ASSasination of a USA president , since JFK hey have all been a&&holes
(thank you Melanie, a star of the 60's)...
Dedicated to all the young sheeple whose creativity has been stamped out by USA corp (zombie) policies ..worldwide.. they pollute our land, water, air & mind of our children with their political-business-religion WAR sh&te... and the sheeple swallow it.. time after time.. :p FU ! ..listen to the lyrics... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrM2fxnkxjA what HAVE they done to YOUR brain???
"we will fight them on the beeches" (with apologies to Churchill.) ..to even mention the donald duck President is ridiculous.. only the USA (the largest & most prolific war-monger in history) could elect a glorified used car saleman and then take him "seriously'..
seriously..PLEASE TAKE him, build a wall around him and all those who voted for him and keep them away from the rest of the World..
the issue here is why would "Monty people" ever fight for the yankers?
and the mainSCREAM media are as ridiculous with their ignorance ;
the ignorance of modern journalism... (destabalised...??? since when was anything or anywhere in the Balkans region,,STABLE?) ha ha ha
no there wont be any fighting on the adriatic coastal beeches of this small nation, too many russian tourists in the way ..ha ha ha :p
.... mind you , even a broken clock is right twice a day, and if usa BS dismantles the N azty A rmy T error O rg ..by accident , that could be one of them.. ha ha ha... sorry i keep laughing because this is one of the most stupid examples of the lack of intelligence on this planet..
democracy, is not the best way to organise people... however, it IS a concern...that ../graphics/2018-democracy-decline/
germans pretending to help refugees?
@ https://fluechtlingspaten-syrien.de/
like they did 20 years ago to refugees from the Balkans ? ..put them in virtual prison camps..
Avaaz> The unimaginable has happened. President Trump. Add your voice to the open letter below to make it a manifesto for the next 4 years — then spread it far and wide:
Dear Mr. Trump,
This is not what greatness looks like.
The world rejects your fear, hate-mongering, and bigotry. We reject your support for torture, your calls for murdering civilians, and your general encouragement of violence. We reject your denigration of women, Muslims, Mexicans, and millions of others who don’t look like you, talk like you, or pray to the same god as you.
Facing your fear we choose compassion. Hearing your despair we choose hope. Seeing your ignorance we choose understanding.
As citizens of the world, we stand united against your brand of division.
Sincerely, "
H-T> ha ha , "greatness" has had very little to do with the USA (corp.) since 60 years...or more?
Mummy FEcker news & more...
(the commentary ... the situatio when an "ex KGB agent" is less menacing than "President Donald Duck" ....
Trump & #racism: “Standing alongside British PM Theresa May last week, Trump used language similar to the white-nationalist movement’s to denounce immigration as permanently altering cultures throughout Europe.” .... (washpost)
"Anti-Corbyn Labour MPs exposed attending lavish party alongside rabid antisemite | Evolve Politics |
Evolve Politics |
Two right-wing Labour MPs who have severely criticised Jeremy Corbyn for not doing enough to stamp out antisemitism" |
'Summer of '76 was like a spell in a hot tub with Charlie's Angels' | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
daily mirror (Brian Reade) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
" Pre-Thatcherite days of sunshine were actually incredibly different from the present – as we had a sense of community... "
"DELETING MUSLIMS" .... .....? From: "Antonia Staats - Avaaz" <avaaz@avaaz.org>
H-T> ChRiS would claim that humanity could solve all such problems by resigning national identity...
..... H - T > heard it all before... ;) however closest to this recebtly was when Mo got injured in Kiev final.
![]() |
Sergio Ramos in disguise????? |
....I conflicted by the "challenge" of this mission based in Montenegro - i like that people dont care too much about rules (that they dont like) but when organising a good thing, (examples my youth football club and red nose days )
its also a struggle to get commitment and there is some stupid jealousy and obstruction against any change (positive or not) especially by "unknown alien" (ME)
its a village people mentaluty (? "YMCA" ha ha :) ...yes even in the "capital") and they dont like strangers who wont spend their money and go.. a few have even kept their word! //// ... wherever I have been based, ...
there are always 2 sides to life, often extreme, I have been in ugly places and found BEAUTIFUL people and also found UGLY people in BEAUTIFUL places (!)
... and now, for something completely different.... or maybe its not...any more? (different from "reality" ) ??? the global madness continues,, as the "american dream2 HAS become the "global nightmare" ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxheoB6QbDc
...Due to the banning of Supporters by Henry & f s g and various violations of rights by U S of a on members of Rednet , our articles and blogs that DARE to challenge Henry, f s g and the US of a policies in general these are the last pics we post that "refer" to USA tour, ONLY RESULTS of friendles will be posted , and nothing more, we are certain there will be plenty of Lfc fan nies where u can get info about the USA sell out ,... oops "sold out" tour of the US of A&&holes..
Misinterpretation may be disastrous
compacted for twatters; see Harvey Tuttle ? (fast food media)
with greetings from Media team; @ REdNET.Sclog -https://vimeo.com/278151308 now over 250,000 connected via 80+ groups worldwide- also @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUdeVyAOvaQOUR REd Evolution plan ; isnt it worth it ? to join "REdNET"? Rednet.blogspot.com/2018/07/rednet-exclusive-how-to-steal-
#censoRED #LbiRD #buyouRLfc
July 23
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