missing hairy 5 ...interview on "fast food life, media & more
... following our previous insights..we are investigating opinions on modern society and lack of creative education..
H-T... so what is "Fast Food life" ?
CRS> this instant everything, less content and dumped into your stomach or brain in large quantities , cheaper and with less "taste"
H-T> explain please..
CRS> compare any of the chains that feed you a burger or similar "happy meal" full of stodge - havent you ever seen Jaimie Oliver's shows? with a decent meal, with fresh meat & veggies... the same is happening in all aspects of life...
H-T> you mean like "fake news"
CRS> well that modern term is not "new" fake news / propaganda has been used to manipulate opinion since thousands of years, e.g. when Roman leaders more than 2000 years ago, used the threat of foreign (Celts etc) invasion to justify funding a mercenary organised military... with an eagle banner at the front - much the same repeated by Nazis & the USA .. (also with an eagle banner...!)
People (sheeple) are "voluntarily" bombarded by "info' with commercial, political or religious content, the "fast food generation" with their headphones, earphones, or with their nose stuck in a "smart phone" with the short sharp message, including : fashion or twitter - like TRENDING..this is who you should be...or rather what, as people are roboticaly (via automatic programmes) herded into their "box" whenever they "like" or not something on social media...
H-T> who is doing this ?
CRS> no, the question is, who ISNT? ...
even the sheeple now, mostly, dont know how to hold a deep conversation or debate properly (without instantly resorting to insult) ... they "troll" (what a stupid word to use) each other looking for things to attack. but without deep exchange, short sms-style reactions ...even using shorter "snipped" words which remind me of some demented drunk having a conversation on a broken connection..
..ha ha ha (ironic)
H-T and apart from social media?
CRS> one moment.. lets also look at what i call "mainscream" who trusts it? only the stupid or naive... which means media is now an open book, for anyone to make... which is good and bad,, the BBC and CNN or opposing RT, are way below the quality of 10 years ago and not even close to reporting quality of 20 years ago,,, (the latter is the only one I have recently bothered with, because they at least offer some alternative to the USAcorp regime) ...
H-T> so what will happen...?
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Diploma ; buying a 3rd class ticket for "titanic" when its already sinking....? |
CRS> its already happened... "mainscream" is dead, some dont know it yet, and I felt empathy with 2 male students who used to play for my youth football club, who are cramming so hard for their (media - related ) exams, who could hardly , and here is irony, find time for joining a "new media discussion", only 1 hour long ... all that effort, AND what jobs will they get..?? here or in "the west" in a dying global market...?
H-T> what should they be doing...?
CRS> I propose that its already happening, people make their own pages, groups, blogs , videos etc on social media, there are some , few, opportunities (I often quote the 2 lads of "Redmen" ) who are now making a living off their one time hobby of football - related you tube programmes...
and I have been experimenting with similar videos since almost 10 years...the time is ripe now for my own Net TV (MonTv- REdNET) .... more about that "launch" next month,..
H-T> what will you include?
CRS> I would rather not discuss that yet,,, but lets focus on the remainder..sure MEDIA rules the waves (ha ha) ...but the "fast food life" is repeated in all aspects..
MUSIC.... most is just a "one off video" sweet images, factory music, light lyrics...fast food!
POLITICS...... was a time I could tell you all the names of ministers on major governments...
(didnt want to mention the "used car salesman" currently USA president) Donald T , is at least a "character" , Putin also, UK PM may is a bad copy of a bad PM (Maggie) ... the rest come and go, here in MNE the incumbant is not opposed, not only due to so-called mafia, but the apathy of the sheeple and the lack of integrity and personality in opposition... and many of the sheeple believe they woudl only be changing like for like...
SPORT .... where are the characters... ? football espcially ruined by commercial forces... fewer & fewer characters on or off the field, as "coaching" grinds the individualism out of the kids... arguably only 2 or 3 "world class" players now,, fans & media give "legend status" with minimum justification
... Lfc just paid over 80 MILLION euros for a defensive player, who has yet to complete a full season in the Premiere league, Phil Coutinho, is likely to become the second most expensive purchase FROM Liverpool if Barcas tricks & seduction work (and the lack of moral fortitude, a player who signs a long contract then tries to force a transfer; so TYPICAL of the "fast food generation:)
as for the rest of Sport, when young i would know who ... played tennis , boxed, ran, etc , apart from the most famous, they all now fade to grey....
H-T > with what effect?
CRS> the famous "Andy Warhol; in the future everyone will be famous for 15 minutes , has arrived, and maybe if its kills the major powers along the way...bring some perverse form of social (media).....justice ..
H-T > Ironic huh?
CRS> despite everything, one must keep a sense of humour, AND be ready for ANYthing...
watch this space ha ha ha.....
H-T > tx. :)
from anon?
ChRiS 190102
It worries me when you step into the "other world" ("business") ..becAUSe i know you WANT to do positive things in your life... U can not learn what took me half a lifetime to accumulate ..
and develop in a fac e book mail.... but , if you have questions , or make steps in enterprise..
by all means use me as a "sounding board" and if u wish I will hopefully provide guidance..
this is free, i know you wont think (as many do) that becausr its "gratis" that it is not vital.🙂
Chris, don't panic. I'm not going into business personally. I'm helping people switch from destructive fishing and farming into small socio-eco enterprise that lets them put food on the table and send their kids to school while helping solve some of the environmental problems we have here
i am not in panic,.. but u still dont understand me,, i suppose you show people how to grow something.. i know how to grow someone or ... ok never mind.. it seems u feel u dont need advice,,, small enterrpises are just as important ...i know from experience that i can only show somone if they are welling ..you believe .. you know enough...ciao...
no , i am not going to leave it there...I was more than u can ever imgine deep in the system , a long time, as a stretegica manger, after the coma - i saw what was being doen clearly ... and its simple. more or less, the "system" has the worse of the ideas done mostely efficciently,....the "alternative" is full of good ideas , badly managed... my aim is to solve that, and yet when i get such a reaction, I consider just how diffiuicult my mission has become.. 😛
Chat Conversation End
CS> no , i am not going to leave it there...I was more than u can ever imgine deep in the system , a long time, as a stretegica manger, after the coma - i saw what was being doen clearly ... and its simple. more or less, the "system" has the worse of the ideas done mostely efficciently,....the "alternative" is full of good ideas , badly managed... my aim is to solve that, and yet when i get such a reaction, I consider just how diffiuicult my mission has become.. 😛
SG> If you can tell me a better way to meet the needs of these people, please do share
I guess you don't trust my ability to grow people, even I have been doing this for 25 years
11:04 AM
CS> I guess that although you are intending to do positive things for local & global community, you dont want to check with me, supposedly someone you "trust" that I may know more than you do...and on the subject of enterprise / eco- logistics i would propose i do, but its an ego problem if you cant even be bothered to do something, I dont need this, i dont do anything for money, not since the coma of 1995 , when i woke up, u have no freason NOT to consult with me, it costs u nothing...but if you feel that this (as i see a slight feminst edge on your timeline) would damage your feminine independence..so be it... i will not suggest it again... btw ...as you said one reason to do this is so they can earn money & go to school..i doubt ..considering what 2000 years of "civilized education" has done for the planet, that may not actually be helping the world...!!!! many natives didnt want to pollute until "schools" educated them ?
thats obvious...
DeleteI guess that although you are intending to do positive things for local & global community, you dont want to check with me, supposedly someone you "trust" that I may know more than you do...and on the subject of enterprise / eco- logistics i would propose i do, but its an ego problem if you cant even be bothered to do something, I dont need this, i dont do anything for money, not since the coma of 1995 , when i woke up, u have no reason NOT to consult with me, it costs u nothing...but if you feel that this (as i see a slight feminst edge on your timeline) would damage your feminine independence..so be it... i will not suggest it again... btw ...as you said one reason to do this is so they can earn money & go to school..i doubt ..considering what 2000 years of "civilized education" has done for the planet, that may not actually be helping the world...!!!! many natives didnt want to pollute until "schools" educated them ??....
when i read yr words it seems , u just keep expecting some sort of compact explanation, and I told you that its not something that can be written via fb mails in 5 minutes, and dont tell me about how hard it is for you,, YOU CHOSE that ... to go there.(and u forget i supported your decision, and when u had an emergency) . and if you dont like it , dont do it... I dont complain to you about the obstacles i have to overcome here, because it is MY choice...to take on a challenge I suggest is at LEAST as big as yours... and BECAUSE you cant or wont travel here ... because to really understand alternatives (MY ecologistics) take a series of explanations, which depends on time and personal applications , not some "distant learning programme" , ha ha ha.. i am pretty much sad and annoyed that someone like you cant appreciate the value and depth of what i do... REALLY ..very sad... so, I offered you , a "2nd choice" and told you (twice) that if you wish , you can "bounce" your plans & ideas off me, for my guidance, and believe it OR NOT! ..if you are on course I wont waste your or my time ... because my aims are Honourable...and it again saddens me that you doubt it.. and it annoys me that you think you know more than I do..and please dont use the "feminist card" fee-males cost me 4 children...too much pain for me to play that game with you... ha! over & out! ChRiS
same goes for migrants & refugees (hello USAcorp & UK/French war business )
ReplyDeletebombing foreign lands then the UK sheeple etc moan about migrants & refugees...FFS!
sure, and its all very nice, all the Fb friends nodding and "liking" and blah blah comment,... but how many of you , YOU out there would sacrifice yourself to make this a better world?... WE are all to blame...and there are so few "consequent" people... :p
sure Stephanie Garvin make sure that the people you introduce are DOING it not just saying, or talking...there are many many "NGO"s who do FA... better get people doing their own, because you, they and I know inside what is right , just stop and fecking breathe , and be consequent in everything, how you live, travel, "work" buy or sell.. its inside us all..!
no Roger, please HELP Trump build a wall all around USA(corp) and a roof, and keep the feckers inside and away from polluting the water, land, air, food & minds of our children! :p
Sun 6:38 AM
Pigeon racing is still popular in Ireland. The pigeon guys in my village poisoned my cat. However, they are known as homing pigeons and don't require any training. You just take them away, release them and they fly home. I need to be able to potentially communicate with 57 villages and 25 resorts. If everyone had a couple of pigeons each that's 164 birds. That might be half the population of pigeons! I don't know! And how do I summons them when it's time for them to do a job? How do I tell my pair which of those 82 places they have to go to. This all sounds terribly complex if I am honest. And the locals would keep theirs alone in tiny cages. That's something about Indonesian culture I really hate.
12:38 PM
Chris, I had to delete your comment because I found the language very objectionable. Please, consider what you say and the underlying message it carries.
feck u , i dotn need your censorship !
It's my fecking wall Chris and if you are gonna post things I take offence to, I have the right to remove them.
if you had asked me why , i would respect you, but u are no better than the FB goons who remove stuff without discussion..
You wanna post that kinda language, post it on your own walk thank you very much
So why do you use language that is derogatory to women?
Explain that to me
u open your "wall" to global issues, tand then want everyone to talk nicely about destruction of the planet..FFS!
"derogatory to women"? explain THAT?
I would appreciate if their comments weren't derogatory to half the population
explain what is "derogatory to women" ?
\dont accuse me and then not explain..otherwise you are like "them"
Why are you being so abrasive? I was polite in informing you I took offence to the language you used on my wall
u have not explained whi its specially derogatory to women?
The word 'c&unt', while it originally referred to the wisdom of women, has been used in your context to describe something/somebody considered heinous. It is perceived by most nowadays as the most derogatory way to refer to a women, hence I removed it.that is ironic, because thats the first time i can recall using a mis-spelt word fof this type in a long time.,..and amusing because so many MODERN fee-males use that word with CORRECT spelling on social media ,anad many others male - orientated , cant imagine you making a fuss about that.. and put into the contect of what and whom i am fighting against that YOU, of all people , make an issue abiout it , is beyond me,., you have NEVER bothered since leaving here ..(and this is not why i am "abroasive") checke dif i am ok, or asked about me.. the only exchanges we had was after you were robbed... so ...i get who u are ...so get off your soap biox, Steph,.and be true ..
ReplyDeleteNot strictly true, although I will be the first to admit I'm not very proactive in contacting people, especially now that my online time is severely restricted due to location. At least 20 months since I was in Montenegro have been spent in places with no network. It's not personal, same with family and other friends. I spoke to my father just twice last year. Once on his birthday, once when I found out he had cancer. I did find this in our message history...
wow one message a few words in 4 years , i am SO grateful , and i am honoured to have supported and re-distrubuted so many and so much of your "work" worlwide ...
because u are SO busy,,,... ( how many times have YOU been arrested and tortured for your stand / beleief..? ,,,no lets forget that its not fair, because ...its so different for a womAN OF COURSE) i would just say that the world''s sheeple GET the society they deserve for being apathetic in their comfort zones... i always think of that scene from the "matrix" when the traitor tells (Smith) the he know he lives in a lie but.... its more "comfortable" than the TRUTH! and therefore the "enemy" is not those who sit at the top of the pyramid, the enemy is all aorund you..and me .. ... oh btw ...feck em, if nature wipes the human (rat) race off the face of the planet, 99.99% deserve no better..
hello George Sephton next time Liverpool play manciteh fraud klub, please replace taylor with the 1966 world cup final ref (Russian) ..or the ref that gave Garcias goal v chelski in 2005 semi...the team narrowly lost, and pinned the home side back into desperate defence at the end..."champions" ...my arse... if the REdS don't win it this time , there are no excuses, its ours to lose ...just hope that other teams in the league realise that citeh are NOT "premiere league galacticos" and can br taken IF teams go at them from start...Lfc didn't...https://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2019/01/rednet-bootroom-update-have-rest-and.html
look at how the USAcorp "killed America" in the 60's (Kennedies, King, Malcolm X, etc) AND ... with business , (of war, motors & medicine) ..promoting commercial obsession, fascist exclusion of other cultures that oppose capitalism. and SO, do not only blame brothers .. for the hate that sisters too show local & global in spreading the pollution, of air, water, land, food, and ....minds of our children... WE are all to blame for the damage & mess here today!
ReplyDeletegood luck with your "humble opinion" - when someone i have supported and proomoted cuts me off without discussion on some vague feminist claim, i lose my concern, whilst you are tip-toeing through nice , soft "encouragements" the world is sinking, sure you are away on your islands ... but the real battle is here in the middle of the sh&te , where if you play"nice & polite" you get killed, and that is literal! ... u have no clue as what i am doing, u are too busy waving your own flag ... and while i am "on it" ...i dislike anyone who promotes one or other group ... "femisnism" has caused a lot of men/ (especially fathers estranged from their children with no just cause) and in case u come out with more of that "deogatoiry" crap, i dotn defend men, for me there are good and bad aspects in every one, and far too many fee-males are worse than men , they dotn want "equality" they want to rule, i dodge their big cars in the street, see them ruin their kids, pollute the environment and 90 per cent of modern western woman of a certain age are full on capitalists,,, " holier than thou" yeah,,and you wont understand that i dont "teach" but you still havent understood, and if u are aiming more insults at me,. you could learn your own lesson and just think how negative reaction YOU cause by the way YOu have communicated with ME...p.s. "he is not the messiah,he is a very naughty boy" :p ..in the middle of you =r "self righteous promotion...dont lose your humour..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BR4yQFZK9YM
I'm attempting to instigate change Chris, in the most effective way I know. What I believe is that to accuse, blame, shame and ridicule rarely makes people feel they want to join my cause. I'm not sure why you are so angry with me, but I think it has more to do with you than it has with me. Anyway, I'm just a humble regular human being with all the usual weaknesses trying my best. If it's not good enough, that's too bad, for I'm working at capacity here. And if you believe the sacrifices you have made and the number of times you been round the block or your wealth of experience or whatever make you holier than thou, then that's up to you. There is a lot you could teach people but much of the time the way you convey your message ends up alienating them in my humble opinion
ReplyDeleteHiya Jason,
some slightg delay (i hope its slight) .. I went to the only (main) supplier of tech equipment here in the capital today....
to get a new Camera in the sales (6/7 january are "Bozic" - their xmas!) and the staff now tell me (although promoted on the website) that they dont sell this..at all!
( Sony sportska kamera HDR-AS30VECEN Full HD kamkorder, Carl Zeiss\AE Tessar\AE Objektiv, Exmor R\99 CMOS senzor, Wi-Fi i NFC, SteadyShot, GPS
Snimajte gladak i stabilan materijal uz SteadyShot ) and no basic Ipad either, annoying as i took the day out to check around,
and gave my new ipad away to a young lad for hia birthday last year..hmmm i will try to acquire a 2nd hand one and see if i can manage with the small cameria I already used for kids footy training and odd
videos...like ,... anyway will keep you posted... life is a challenge huh? ChRiS
p.s. if any of your rich contributors have kit they dont need ....
Hello Team2 :)
WE have changed profile because @CRS was often blocked..
ET/AL. i dont wish to discuss those aspects any more, if Andjella does not want to participate/co-operate i am not going to force anything, sure it seemed strange that no one visited me etc during the difficult time, especially immediately afterwards when it was painful to move..but..its a different culture here.. i will always be their "stranger"..enough..
yes we must postpone the K.i.T party..no location, as for football-Milos, the info seems unconvincing,. and apart from :winter boots: which i can find myself.. the only other question was a Face book taxi driver contact..but dont worry about that..I can sort the rest myself..bets wishes to all..and Lazar and all "Kids in trouble" worldwide/// Y N W A!