star date 201 007 !
This morning, my MEd!A TEAM colleague , leader of various Initatives , founder of F&UMission was blocked by Feck book for posting these pics .. do NOT be confused by the cover photo, that was sent toChRiS by an asia based fan., harmless,and to use the age old arguement ; how can you show WAR & horror images, including the UGLY FACes of IM_potus donald duck trumpet or mad "BLOwJO" and allow virtual porno & prostitution, polution and the LIARS who keep baning the "CORoNER-CON_DRUM & their #MASK_er_AID but its not only about one pretty girls pic its all the other "SOCIALIST"challenges ChRiS & co make against the 'system" whilst trying to wake up anyone who is not tet part of the SHEEPLEVIL
FUBAR footy
and the THREE CONs at e.p. hell / fen way's Lfc
Thiago ...
It started with an Injury update (link) then he played at chelski.. then "corona con"steps in & he was OUT of the match? at villa
however Juergen DECLARES he Will be "fit" for the mersey side derby ... *17th october,, so apparently JK is informed exactly what "period" the "infected" need (allowing also for Team training)
Shortly prior to the villa game ... also "tests for corona " and is DECLARED infected ...??? but "fitter than a butchers dog" is seen acting perfectly normal... and yesterday Lfc's own website declares Thiago, Matip AND MANe will all be fit (& ready) for the game at everton on 17th october!
and a fan...
MC , a social media Lfc fan told how after CANCELLATION of a coronatest , an sms was received with a + !!!!! the miracle of the #MASK_er_AID , in that they can declare someone infected without even ATTENDING their :test: and YOU MUST respect the medical experts and W.H.O.??????
before see & absorb also /2020/09/rednet-bootroom-
plus /2020/08/the-mission-hairy-position-plus-part-1.
this time we are asking ChRiS about
"current * #MASK_er_AID life on Monty"

ChRiS> its such a beautiful country..
H-T> but what about the inhabitants?
ChRiS> mountains, lakes, adriatic coast...beautiful scenery!
H-T> and the inhabitants, neighbours, locas?
ChRiS> it is SUCH a beautiful country...;)
I posted on line today ;
- FUBAR, 1 person in 10,000 expected fatal, BUT U accept lock downs, lock outs & enforced masks, penalties! u are all fecking insanedance party friday?

For the past several decades, the United States has been the world’s leading producer of major weapons systems and the leader in global arms sales. More of these sales have taken place in the globe’s most volatile region, the Middle East, than in any other region of the world. The so-called peace deals between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, which were brokered by the United States, were business deals designed to expand U.S. arms sales in the Persian Gulf. The Trump administration has made arms sales to Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and other Middle East countries the focus of its foreign policy in the region.
No sooner had the ink dried on these agreements than disputes emerged over whether Israel had agreed to permit the sale of U.S. F-35 fighter aircraft—the most expensive weapons system in the U.S. arsenal and the most sophisticated jet fighter in the world—to the United Arab Emirates. Israel has 20 F-35s, which it has flown over Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq. Until now, no Arab country had been allowed access to this aircraft.
the Trump administration blocked such information from the general public. The last CRS summary appeared in 2018 and recorded that the United States ranked first in arms transfer agreements (nearly half the global total) and first in value of arms deliveries (more than one-third of global sales). Deliveries to Egypt, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia dominated U.S. sales.
Israel does not even appear on the list of weapons recipients in view of U.S. largesse, which includes President Obama’s 2016 record-breaking $38 billion deal over a ten-year period. The deal with Israel was followed by the sale of 36 Boeing F-15 fighters to Qatar and 24 Boeing F/A18 Super Hornets to Kuwait.
There has never been a more important time to debate President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s warning about the insidious economic, political, and even spiritual effects of what he called the “military-industrial-congressional complex.” For the past twenty years, the United States has been in a permanent state of war with a government, an economy, and a global system of military bases that virtually ensures conflict. The fact that this important issue is not part of the presidential debate of 2020 is particularly regrettable. It’s long past time for congressional leadership to take on this “complex.”//////......
the USAcorp WAR biz is a 1000 more threatening to humanity than any "viral panic" !!!
then there is "billygates scandal"
In March 2015, Bill Gates showed an image of a flu viral specimen during a TED Talk and told the audience that it was what the greatest catastrophe of our time would look like. The real threat to life, he said, is ‘not missiles, but microbes.’ When the coronavirus pandemic swept over the earth like a tsunami five years later, he revived the war language, describing the pandemic as ‘a world war’. ../2020/09/24/bill-gates-global-agenda-and-how-we-can-
resist-his-war-on-life/ ...we can resist. We can seed another future, deepen our democracies, reclaim our commons, regenerate the earth as living members of a One Earth Family, rich in our diversity and freedom, one in our unity and interconnectedness. It is a healthier future. It is one we must fight for. It is one we must claim.
We stand at a precipice of extinction. Will we allow our humanity as living, conscious, intelligent, autonomous beings to be extinguished by a greed machine that does not know limits and is unable to put a break on its colonisation and destruction? Or will we stop the machine and defend our humanity, freedom, and autonomy to protect life on earth?
the UK with "BLOwJO" is a bad, smaller, yet just as illegal copy of USAcorp.... (link)
" “The Conservatives have abandoned the rule of law, abandoning an international agreement which we signed up to just a year ago and then claiming as we go to negotiate trade deals with the rest of the world that they can’t see this. It’s a very, very curious position. I’ve never seen it in my lifetime”."
:the gane of THORNS" global sheeple self imprisoned by a #MASK_er_AID"