![]() |
this is an "1team special"
updating ;
"The MISSIONary position" (Campaign)
with C.R.S ..a.k.a "the Alone Ranger" :)
( or "robbing could" ) :)
+ new Dawn ....
The "mission..." latest;
in (and it has been awhile since) latest posting ...
/2019/10/history-of-coincidences-for-crs. it included an "interview" with C.R.S... and with the local & global #trendingpanicvius filling the minds of the global sheeple. ...
H-T> hiya, did I interrupt something?
CRS> Just adding a few notes to the current (REdS) SUPPORTers CLUB log (link) ...
H-T> of course football has been "cancelled" eh?
CRS> well, at least postponed.. and this post includes some content that you may already wish to discuss here, so I wont repeat that, yet :) as colleague & 1team member (D.C.) introduced a new log in the midst of the current hysteria...
see: https://newsdawna.blogspot.com
and (D.C) has kindly copied recent items , links & diary notes from recent years which are becoming amazingly relevant, on reflection, probably even more than we appreciated at the time of the original posting...
we also include our opposition to the corrupt & polluting system via unsubtolosi-rednet.blog (s) .. part of #REdGEM ...
H-T> whats the status of the 5 year plan now?
CRS> I could say, with over 160 groups worldwide linking almost 900,000 #REdGEM "coming along" the initiative a hybrid progress from GemNET & REdnET.. this current phase could harm OR accelerate it..and L'biRD...
H-T> ? how ?
The state of IDIOCRACY....

global hysteria is beyond ridiculous, however, if as I proposed some years ago, that a "Humane Tzunami" woke up the global sheeple to become an intelligent society then.. the aims of #REdGEM CAMPAIGN may be achieved much earlier, say, NOW!
H-T> whats the flip side?
CRS> there are accidents & incidents going on all the time, the host technician of one of our websites, "accidently" lost data going back a decade, which in the "actions" could prove difficult, however, although I have NOT yet checked all the items (a lengthy process) I did already send most by USB to back up colleagues ..
H-T> what will betheir "role"?
CRS> More of an insurance really, should I "disappear" prior to achieving the FU mission aims *REdGEM, data exposing key business & govt officials , local & global will be "viral" within minutes, of my failing to "check in" on schedule...
H-T > wow, thats some "back up" ..
CRS> Yeah, its annoying when the "rons" obstruct, delete or censor, even "best intentioned" (like JP?) cause hurdles that have to be overcome, can be tiring, but my energy is unlimted..
H-T > arent you affected by the "scare"... ?
CRS> what "scare" ?
H-T> haven't you noticed , all these with MASKS on their faces..?
CRS> I sometimes bring out my "ironic" humour , like today , I was riding my bicycle, on my way to pick up a tree to plant in the garden, and passed a local clinic, with a person, sitting on a chair outside in the warm spring sun (I am already in t-shirt shorts & flip-flops)... and she looked up, and all i could see were her eyes.. and I smiled ... ..ALL THAT FUSS about...
Muslim women...covering their faces...
thought about robbers .. (masks)?
shall I ? become the "ALONE Ranger"

some wont know what i mean, but when I was a young boy,
it was a favourite kids cowboy series, so who wants to be my "Tonto"? ha ha ... the way the sheeple are relating to #trendingpanicvirus, there could be many candidates???
H-T>what do you mean ?
CRS> "Tonto" could mean crazy, which is Ok with me, we have to be "crazy" to survive the increasing madness on this planet , but it also could mean "stupid"
H-T> so what would you explain is stupid about the "sheeple"?
CRS> the blog (D.C) helps explain but perhaps I am too kind in saying "sheeple" or "rons" (* no more rons = no morons!) they seem more like lemmings now, with ever day I see more & more stupid actions, more panic, more ridiculous .. more follish "leaders" ..more "rons" its like they are LOOKING for a sign that says "CLIFF EDGE IS THIS WAY"..
H-T> what is more dangerous than this "scarey phase"?
CRS> I am not saying it is nothing,.. but PERSPECTIVE;
* How many have/are being listed with "T.P.V" who perhaps turn up at doctors, clinic or hospital with other winter ailments . colds, flu, other "bugs" that we get that are never identified ..?
* in 1995 , around 15,000 european kids died of meningitis, BECAUSE it has similar synptoms as flu... I had it too.. luckily I survived, after a week in coma..
IF people are scared of DYING ...
(although the expected 2% fatalities are likely to be elderly/weak)...TELL ME WHY......
WHY do you condone, or vote for, or ignore that your taxes help fund governments who allow or sell weapons for WAR business THAT KILLED AN AVERAGE 17 MILLION PEOPLE PER ANNUM LAST CENTURY??
DID you change your way of life because of "terror attacks" ?
? my parents survuved WW2 blitz & bombings, they fought for the freedoms being taken away by governments TODAY..
... when I was a teen apprentice in London, there were PUB bombings, the general concensus was , " we wont stop our fun"
MY sister & my wife (Jacqui) both died young of cancer...as did TEN MILLION people LAST YEAR... where is the urgency to remove stress as people are working longer hours for less to keep the rich & powerful in place? ... WILL YOU DROP OUT OF THEIR PRESSURE SYSTEM? HERE IS YOUR CHANCE, AS THEY HAVE OPENED THE DOOR WITH A VIRTUAL GLOBAL "curfew" ??
apparently over 100,000 people die worldwide from road accidents, will you stop travelling by car or bus? (well where I live there is no public transport at the moment, no buses or trains, no taxis... and private cars dont share..so this "scare" is causing more selfishness and ...."more rons" ..
H-T> Ok, ok, ok... I get your points, we are "panicked" by this "trending " as if its a twitter virus..
CRS> yes , thats about it..
..so, apart from the radical proposals (|of D.C in the blog to follow this, scroll down) my campaign;
* Go back to the future, instead of wasting time, moaning , or watching porn, chatting or posting gossip on the net, USE it to make co-operative action.....
* Seek out people you can exchange services /or products with (form local CO-Ops, equally shared by the participants)
* invest in or support Local start ups or "s.m.e"
(small to medium enterprises)
* offer the unemployed the chance to renovate un-used property or such in need of repair..
* tear down the borders between us... . they are your prison.
* dont fight the "others" confront those "above you" !
* Take responsibility, welcome each other, care for each other
* Support L'biRD ..
That's a start, when thats under way, we can discuss much more..but remember to smile...
because KARMA is OUR friend.. not theirs! :)
H-T > phew, thanks, we shall see,
CRS> Yes, but I already see :)
Dawn Crvena__launch date 200315
no footy , to play or watch .???.
so get on this.. instead!!!! & more than footy..
now ... for something completely (?) different a NEW Dawn..production.. do u get it ?????
best wishes from TRUE REd-friends @ om/groups/1censo.RED.Radio.and.REbTV
and...OUR MEd1A TEAM supports
various local & global charities and alternative ACTION
with members of com/redrockfc.montereds/ and from our members @ com/groups/URSUN
and "Scouser abroad"
@ Access North West community radio LIVERPOOL...
(? now only via #REdGEM worldwide)
More 1TEAM /D.C diary notes, memories,
reports & alternative info & events;
i wont trust UEFA, whatever they decide , we are champions, !

................. to CRS: also 4. the complaints ref UN/ECHR v MNE
*Strasbourg council of
europe contain CRIMINAL charges against citizens & officials in CG, and with regards also
obstruction & perverted invasion/trespass.
added Mark A
Dear FRank, I dont know if u are in regular contact with Mark, but.. significant
that as soon as his "foodbanks" group contains posts that question the establishment
he starts to experience the sort of blocking that @Chris has known since almost 20 years..
..it is a sign that he is doing GOOD, and Jason should have understood, that the "investigation" by CS and @Harvey is to find the sources of such prejudice in the interests of ALL of us... unfortunately Jason took it as a personal insult.
(Cat stevens ,, and from the film "Harold & Maud"
If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out )
Well, if you want to sing out, sing out
And if you want to be free, be free
'Cause there's a million things to be
You know that there are
And if you want to live high, live high
And if you want to live low, live low
'Cause there's a million ways to go
You know that there are
You can do what you want
The opportunity's on
And if you find a new way
You can do it today
You can make it all true
And you can make it undo
You see, ah ah ah
It's easy, ah ah ah
You only need to know
Well, if you want to say yes, say yes
And if you want to say no, say no
'Cause there's a million ways to go
You know that there are
And if you want to be me, be me
And if you want to be you, be you
'Cause there's a million things to do
You know that there are
You can do what you want
... the leaders do not care, or are corrupt, or are fools...
but some perspective is required,,... my parents survived WW2 would be astonished.. how a bug could bring the world to a halt,, why ? because it may kill 2% ???? hmmm do you know an average of 17 million people died every year from war in the last centiry ,,,do you act to stop WAR, or weapons sales by your state? ... 10 MILLION die every year from cancel (my wife and sister both died young) mosty , I would claim from the stress & poison of "modern life & pollution" will you stop working in the system? and a disgrace that an estimated 6 million KIDS die every year from existing disease & malnutrition, WILL YOU ENSURE THAT RESOURCES ARE SHARED EQUALLY ON THIS PLANET, , more a 100,000 die every month from road accidents WILL you stop driving your car??? ..did AIDS cause every one to stop? did Ebola? ...
(banned by f book! )
New C Dawn
anyone who claims ANYthing is "great" about U.S.A shd see this film ("invisible war") their army violate their own.... fb will ban me
isn't that some excellent media ? /// ... i just watched the film "arrival" and also portrays the sort of pathetic leadership worldwide and apathy of cowardly sheep-like ppl who ar5e so easy to manipulate /// :
Mon 8:58 AM
stopping export of weapons from USAcorp/UK etc would save more lives BUT,,, is that "their agenda" ? its fantastic how one "trending bug"can distract ( almost n)everyone from the main causes of death on this planet ; WAR business , (mind you selling medication comes close ..and child malnutrition , road deaths, flu ..etc etc ...but ANYWAY as LONG as the rich get richer ..no one will do anythign against it...
BTW ..largest soap manufacturers;
Church & Dwight,
Palmolive, Ecolab,Procter & Gamble (USAcorp),
NiceGroup (China)
& Unilever (UK)
..anyone awake yet??
(banned by f book! )
New C Dawn
Mon 1:1
listened in to Frank Carlyle 's show last night, in Monty its like a ghost town,, .. everything closed; schools, shops, cafes , and the irish pub, My parents survived the blitz would laugh at the way modern sheeple are in panic about a "trending bug" that allegedly COULD kill 2% ..!!
Adolf, bombers, "the troubles" could not have stopped a party on "st paddys day" but this... is typical of the hype either one way or another of how "the leaders: deal with a "so-called" crisis.. or anything...
and how quickly the sheeple "follow" ...and accept "martial rule" ... no its an insult to sheep ... more like lemmings following a sign to "jump off a cliff" ..madness
blog from new Dawn..
enjoy a special party weekend , st paddys ,,, with Red noses...? ...and Lunatics....!
Tue 1:27 PM
claim back v Emergency state
Sunday, May 17, 2020 at 3:00 PM
Shared to More than 'Word of Mouth" FREE info4 the Balkan resident (Monty) & visitors
Tue 4:43 PM
10:38 AM
my wife & sister both died young of CANCER, as did around 10 MILLION last year, perspective anyone? avoid risk & quit their system
Chris >
12:51 PM
6:01 PM
towards the end of this documentary there is a scene which features "war on terror" ..more female US soldiers have been raped than anyone killed by terrorists in th last decade!! think about that and remember the hypocrites like Bush, Obama & trump-et when they want you to agree to them killing another "terrorist" ... ??? I also think the way that "sex" is casually seemingly considered a "routine" part of modern daily life, in a sordid way, instead of the act of making love being honoured... has denigrated society and set a bad example for youth to follow..
aller achtung! https://newsdawna.blogspot.com/2020/03/a-new-dawn-usacorp-aka-trump-et-duckmad.html none of the leaders care about the sheeple, but.. many of the sheeple are acting like lemmings afte being told "how to jump off the cliff" ffs wake up and smell the sh&te they feed you #censoREdS #REdGEM #WARkillsmore #paranoiaVIRUS
=== 200315
no footy , to play or watch .???.
so get on this.. instead!!!!
now ... for something completely (?) different a NEW Dawn..production.. do u get it ?????
........................200312 ..
REdNET updated
pre LIVERPOOL v b-mouth
everyone ; TEAM , supporters & coaching staff needs to be 200% committed to getting a convincing WIN !
............200304 , rent boys 2 Liverpool almost rezzies 0 ..
The LIVERPOOL team was a mixture, IMO, missed several chances to score early on,
.....JK should have either played a full "reserve" team OR......?? this selection has noit played together before, thus at times did well...if the REdS ha scored early..might have won..
.... well, i dont know because i dont know who is ready, carryoing knocks from watford saturday 9BTW ..THE ref didnt book ANY of the heavy fouls, and this was Oliver, supposed to be the best EPL ref, not even thug deeney who should have been OFF, for the late and brutal foul on Trent , at 0-0) ... what I do know is... there was no time to prepare for this game.. so anything is a risk..
a) Origi should be playing at CF , on the shoulders of the opponents defenders, and with his hight getting on the end of all those many balls comign into the area... with MANe on the left taking on defenders as he uduallu does, and (as Fab is NOT on form) Chririvella deserved to start at chelski, haviong said that, the REdS have beaten the rent blues THREE times alraedy this season, so. it would have been something special to make this win..
.........Neco did very well... Curtis had "moments" but its a big step up from u/23s level..
tgeir first goal was a clanger shared between Fab & Adrian, their 2nd either Neco or Joe shd have put a challenge in on Barkley before he got near the pen area, lack of defenesive
not for me... (some Lfc fans are "cherry pickers" ) the "stars" didnt come out to play at watford, NONE of the golden boys shone,,, lot of fan nies knee jerking, but the team have been off form, since the "winter break" play the kids at chelski ; Nico, Elliot, Curtis and Chirivella DESERVE the chance again to continue in the cup,... let the :first team: sit it out .they should stew and get it sorted on the training field, how to tackle, pass (forward) dribble and "fight" (only Robbo seemed angry enough on saturday) get their heads right, and play the kids and :hungry: players tomorrow..Crvena Dawn let arsenal have their "invincible" title, (that's ALL they have) got to give our team something else to play for next season.. Juergen says (rightly) they all were at fault, it was Trent that gifted the 3rd goal, Fab & VVD watched the build up to the first and asleep for the 2nd.. "cherry picking Lfc fans" everywhere! ... my proposal for chelski Adrian, Neco, Matip, Dejan, Milly; Chritivella, Lallana, Curtis, Minamino, Elliot, & Origi (at his favourite CF role)
https://vimeo.com/394784023 tricky Pietro..https://vimeo.com/394784023
/2020/02/rednet-update-stop-hype-after-what-ford.html ( Crvena Jack)
VVD and the lads simply got bored with winning and found that they have true socialist ethics in their hearts so decided to let struggling paupers at watford escape the relegation zone by gifting them 3 goals
A JUMP in dates ...hack-disrupted data??
& so Jay, are u, for allowing USAcorp to infest Liverpool football club, to make it their commercial vehicle, they are poison to all that is good, so feck the fascist tories, feck the USA war machine & feck all those who allow it! #censoREDS #colouREDS #REdGEM #thankSHANKS #LbiRD
https://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2020/02/rednet-update-stop-hype-after-what-ford.html ( Crvena Jack)
VVD and the lads simply got bored with winning and found that they have true socialist ethics in their hearts so decided to let struggling paupers at watford escape the relegation zone by gifting them 3 goals
well. the power was cut around the time I though you were leaving..."co-incidence" ?
... i already miss you...
Good will hunting
Lost in translation
Life of Brian
The full Monty
... to start with... :)
I am waiting for Jason to confirm but the programm should feature on "Scouser abroad" ...
access north west community radio, Liverpool... uk time friday at 15h or monday at 22h ...
take care, obviously something else also didnt want u to leave..
u have a place here
4 days/nights is a lot of hosting in winter, when options are limited, but this time flew by..
Thanks for your time,
Stefi, here is a rhyme,,,
for you...
do the best you can do..
it started with cheesecake..
and a visit to the lake..
and walk with tens of thousands in the city
took them a long time to wake up. ..mores the pity
monday's outing to Kotor
i could show you much more..
the last day before you left to go..
in the old kingdom capital , you now know..
some slow food at the end
so best wishes to you, I send
not much rain, u didnt need a mac..
hope you come back..... (soon)
short term or long, we can dance & sing a song!
ChRiS x
updated pre wham v LIVERPOOL
feck the "sweet FA"
the problem is the football "authorities" who dont confer (or ignore each other) as with the farce of Qatar/league cup, when Lfc squad het a "winter break" bu the english FA dont respect it..its the, who in "disrepute" for fecking it up.. (Ian Golder)
its a shame i didnt see this film before your latest relevant show ( Frank Carlyle ) we just managed to get it "freed up" here..have you seen it.. a wake up call for everyone who thinks when they vote in USA uk or other so-ca;;ed "democracy" (inc the "brexit farce) one of the reasons those like Chris Smith-Mypod refuse to be quiet whenever corporate or state representatives interfere in our lives...
all are SLAVES to the system you fund with taxes and votes which sanctions the poison spread throughout the planet...
CS has been "tracked| ever since he publicly denounced "the system" in 1995 after surviving a week -long "meningitis" virus..coma/.
Hello . .. i am usually meeting at Bar, but i also had some time in Pg, we have a common interest in LIVERPOOL, so I watched his youth team 4 years ago, attended the RED nose day and other charity events he initiated,
and when he sponsored the kids clubs in spuz , Danilovgrad and Podgorica,
he organised,managed , sponsored from his own pocket and virtually all of his free time to the kids, and funded a girls dojo in Pg!
I checked with another member , and asked around, CS Paid ALL the wine bill and the entertainer (Sanja?) & of course hotel room, as he does nt drive, i understand from the fisher boat boss, that he also paid extra for drinks etc at the lake.. and also gave everyone the discounted (albatross) deal.. i reckon it cost him several hundred euros last year making fund for the internations members and has been treated badly . not only by the HQ,but by the current leaders consuls & members of IN/// why? because he wont kiss their***** his career is way above anyone in that org and his voluntary activities
now funding local kids, still now, from his own savings... he is NOT rich and gives so much time and effort for other people & even paid for a local mum to take her sick kid for special treatment in Belgrade, he dont and wont
tell you about losing all those close to him. his young wife, young sister, son and all.. probably people dont like his direct attitude.. he likes a drink sometimes much, he hates fascists and what he calls USAcorp policies
and I have seen him smile in the face of violent opposition and contest claims in the international court, so if those people take him on...well ..we shall see, he said very nice things about Jane, and enjoyed when they co-operated on a couple of events...
shame that after him standing up so manytimes for others , his only true friends are abroad...
highly recommend hidden-life- film..
although 3 hours long... deserves watching.. and a REMINDER to WAKE up to the world YOU live in, and dedicated to the heroes you never know..
STOP joining the herd, stop following trends like SHEEPLE, STOP modern fascism, stop and take stock of your life, start your LIFE, understand what is a good wife, of a good man... if you have no belief in good then you are nothing...but death..
" “..for the growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts; and that things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been, is half owing to the number who lived faithfully a hidden life, and rest in unvisited tombs.”
― George Eliot, Middlemarch
==================================================cut off from 2020.01++++++++++++++++++++++++

2020/01/rednet-update-world-champions-reds-away updated
pre spurs v LIVERPOOL
Celebrating the "Julian" date 20 007 yesterday with our UN-secret agent Chris .. shared on line if not in person///thanks to "Scosuer abroad" (featured on Access North West Community Radio ) CS also a founder member & initiator of #REdGEM with now over 800k via 160 groups ... worldwide..
and why not celebrate EVERY day you breathe? (before USA corp completely poison the air) ;) ... and speciall for REds JOIN the party hosted by #censoRED Radio & REb TV
LIVERPOOL fest in "full Monty" :)
with......surprises ...end of May/beginning June #20
Monty-HUB FC3 The FRANK CARLYLE Fan CLUB (& more)
More than 'Word of Mouth" FREE info4 the Balkan resident (Monty) & visitors Play footy in Podgorica
any Scouser / or Liverpool supporter anywhere who votes tory or on the right , is already in hell /news-opinion/poverty-shaming-cruel-chants-sad-
. if u feel sorry for yourself ... recommended by @ "Scouser abroad" Chris Smith-Mypod
best wishes from TRUEREd-friends @ groups/1censo.RED.Radio.and.REbTV
and...OUR MEd1A TEAM supports
from members of com/redrockfc.montereds/ and from our members @ com/groups/URSUN/ and , of course, "REdS abroad" @ groups/eured.supporters/
January 10, 2017 at 11:19 AM ·
Crvena Dawn>
Black sheep & Monty - knee-GRINS
January 10, 2017 at 11:16 AM
the mainscream media will continue to make you "hate those others" and build fear (or greed) as per the establishment since 2000 + years! they will point at selected people to make you hate the "group" that they want you to hate, to "justify" the policing , the "1984" policies and massive military budget that dwarfs the other aspects of life (such as pollution and poverty and discrimination) that you SHOULD be caring about,.. but you the public are also OVERfed with fast food and fast information to fill your head and body , to ensure you dont think too much about what they are doing to you, your neighbours , your friends, and more important what they are doing to those THEY accuse of being your "enemy" ..
‘We fled this kind of terrorism and it is following us here,’ says one Syrian in Berlin after Christmas market truck attack
About this website
Refugees plead with Germans: don't suspect all of us
Personally I am annoyed at this blog post update. As far as the station's involvement and communications between myself and Chris it’s not accurate and open to interpretation. Chris wasn't told that he would be censored and the only time I have censored is to remove a swear word. If it's interpreted as being censored then this is not what I have said. Yet the word is being thrown around all over posts and forums. He was told that as a station we can't show political or religious bias. If we present one side then, as our licence terms state, we should present the other(s). Chris has my permission to share whatever communications I have had with him on the matter if need be. This has always been the case on the station and isn't a new development.
It was mentioned when I was first approached with the concept of the show and if it wasn't flagged as an issue then, why now? IF we choose to upgrade licence to FM or DAB then we have to register with a regulatory body, Ofcom, who can impose fines or suspend licences if regulations are breached. This is an IF, not decided yet. All of this has already been explained. We can't operate without a licence and I have to be able to trust that hosts and shows understand this and provide content that does not breach the terms of that licence or ends up with the station embroiled in legal battle(s) You can use the shows to point people to your articles and archives, but do so in a way that doesn’t risk the licence.
If this doesn’t sit well with ANY of our shows they are free to look elsewhere for a host and we wish them the best of luck. I'm not prepared to risk the station's future on this. The article (in my personal opinion) seems to suggest that a chain of events has been triggered by an episode broadcast on the station? It's your content and it went out unaltered and uncensored, I fail to see how subsequent events after this can seemingly be linked or attributed to the broadcast or station. Is it, as the title suggests, coincidence??? Or does this imply that I have been influenced in some way and then influenced another or others...?
I would love somebody to clear this up for me because my personal feelings at the moment are that this is the start of an attempt to discredit the station that broadcasts your show… can we also keep this discussion in one place because I'm losing track of where replies and comments are made. I don't care where or who is involved, you tell me, but it needs resolving before we move forward.
DC> btw;
Team; Adrian, Joe, Nat; Nico, Adam, Milly; Chirivella, Tak, Jones, Elliot, Origi..
@Chris Smith-Mypod
from Jasons comments, it seems he does not know of the level of (well its more than "censorship") that you have experienced,, and I agree with the idae of confronting this now, because as experience , part;ly recorded on my blog, has shown that after wards its too late and basically the public rarely get to know the truth of how deep it goes and how cleaver control are weaved into what seems to harmless "rules" ..Jason said that offcom will insist on no"political" bias, well we KNOW that "controversy" has followed LIVERPOOL and our opinions of 30 years without justice by the same system that applies the rules.. told us all to hush up.. and then denie justice ,,whilst the population in UK votes in another facist govt... CS will allow opinion at all times clearly an openly, and that will surley be seen by "the powers that be" as "bias" ...this is NOT the first time we have seen this problems in or outside of the UK, maybe someone should respect OUR experience and not just puy it down to Cs ":discrediting: the station>?
Explain to me please how the station is somehow a part of Princess Nnoema not attending meetings, etc and why this piece is written so that the station appears to be a catalyst for these events??? I do understand that Chris and the group feel as though they have been blocked and censored in the past and present, but why is the station suddenly dragged into this? We've broadcast what you have asked us to broadcast in spite of a few disagreements along the way. We've always been subject to the licence regulations. I do respect your position and admire your drive, but we have only tried to help and now seem to be getting backlash for it over changes that might happen in the future. I'm not just putting it down to anything, that's how it feels to me as stated. I'm asking for explanations and would like to know why suddenly there is a problem and the station is getting mentioned in this way. Me not knowing the level of censorship and whatever else has nothing to do with the situation at hand, although I do sympathise. I honestly don't know what outcome you want from this?
7:23 PM
i dont think many will know what ANW menas but it seems you are not grasping what CS means , that "prevention: as a warning..to stop the sort of things that go on daily , in life and on social media etc where people are blocked like his blogs on a regular basis etc.. and considering he gives his time to make those programmes free withotu any income and all the s stuff is voluntary u seem to take it as an attack instead of a point worthy of discussion?..u are obviously a good guy who works for little if any reward..so would have though you would have appreciated the points... "the princess: was just a mention out of a hundred, btw we sre kust following the game today and ist also the local "xmas eve" (Bozic) ..so i think responses will become more considered later in the week..
congrats to Curtis Jones, who together with the lads, just won for Liverpool rseseves against everton * and ancelottis first team in the cup, one of the most impressive results of the year / decade? .. and here we are supposedly all good people discussing yet another aspect of modern society... I compared the way the media is "controlled" to this./// imagine u get stopped by the police, and they tell you u are wrong, and take your license and car, and when u ask why, they just hand u the rule book, that's whats happening, which Cs is trying to wake u up to... he is on your side..but I wonder sometimes if any one notices... happy Boxic (local xmas( is tomorrow...now lets drink some RED vino...
in case any still claims either VVd or Adam handled,see this camera perspective.... howevr the offside rule needs applying more clearly , if the BODY of an attacker is IN LINE with a defender, its ONside, as usual the footy "authorities " have lost the plot (re VAR) its OUR game you ruin...again! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36PlGUnJV2Q
FC3 The FRANK CARLYLE Fan CLUB (& more) Mark Anthony @Ed Gilchrist Chris Smith-Mypod Harvey Tuttle Monte Crvena
to Frank & DC, to be fair i think u should include Jason in this exchange, I wrote this to him on the subject this morning..as he is the manager of the community radio station in Liverpool, your comments?..please;
Bias & censorship are things you know that LIVERPOOL have confronted since I was a kid, and my life k certainly in the last 30 years would have no meaning for me, if I hadn't confronted and challenged others..state , regime, or corporate or whoever..
The first problem is "who decides" who is the referee , I know Footy isn't your thing, but VAR is a risk because like too much of so society decisions are made remotely, the internet is now the same, social media can and IS often remotely blocked (and is without explanation) my postings often get deleted with a bland " community standards" notice, (or sometimes no notice" because the BIAS is in the system,..
therefore I would argue that the STATION does NOT have to provide "both sides": as the system applying the rules is already biased..and that includes the people who licence radio???
This is a LIVERPOOL community station, thus the community of LIVERPOOL is (still, just) on the left, socialist side of the "political/cultural" status THEREFORE... an outside body (referee) must take this into account as we are not "biased": as our opinions are already know to be of a certain manner... i make the same argument when people said we should "hush up" about those who contributed to the murder of 96 of my REd brothers and sisters more than 30 years ago.. what i am hopefully making clear is that its not the responsibility of a LIVERPOOL community station to now become "neutral'
i would be pleased to argue this with anyone..including the Uk government via the international court if need be..
have courage, otherwise u will find yourself in the same bland swamp like the rest of modern media , unable to apply your "freedoms"..through music & words..
best wishes
ChRiS "
--------------------as the producer of "scouser abroad" which may or may not be allowed to continue on the station with the new :controls: tastes of 1984..?
Sun 11:28 AM
Chris and Dawn, I was asked off the record about this and now it’s out there on your group. You’ve also pulled Frank in, who I haven’t even spoken to on this matter yet, preferring to do it in person. The fact of this is that to broadcast we need a licence and that comes with stipulations to that licence whatever type of licence it is. These stipulations haven’t changed but being an online only station means we are a little more under the radar than those governed by Ofcom. If we were to apply for an FM or DAB licence then any breach of their regulations could end up with that licence being withdrawn, suspended and/or fines imposed. It’s the same with an online licence except there is no need to register with a governing body. If the station agrees to that licence then it agrees to the conditions of that licence. I can’t go into any more detail at the moment because decisions concerning the future of the station still need to be made but I will keep you up to date with any progress.
Sun 8:34 PM
i think everyone knows how i feel? .. the world is getting restricted by rules Y regulations and I emailed my opinions because MEDia controls people now more than politics or anything else..the USAcorp policies have polluted the world, water, land, air, food and minds of our kids,,, if we dont fight for a FREE media then u/we are lost...
Jay McKenna
You’re the architect of this misery for so many people. You hypocrite https://twitter.com/george_osborne/status/1197113315983536129
George Osborne
Today’s @EveningStandard: we launch our biggest ever campaign, tackling homelessness, starting this Christmas with a focus on homeless women https://pic.twitter.com/gNfDa9vHE2
& so Jay, are u, for allowing USAcorp to infest Liverpool football club, to make it their commercial vehicle, they are poison to all that is good, so feck the fascist tories, feck the USA war machine & feck all those who allow it! #censoREDS #colouREDS #REdGEM #thankSHANKS #LbiRD
to CRS ref claim (house damp)
Decorative wall cover , to hide re-paint & damp markings ; e 55
paint & materials (brushes) ; e51
Labour 2 paint days ; e20 x 2 = e40
_______________________________- total ; e146
you obviously have to calculate also the extra heating est - 30% ? December.Jan.Feb.part of March
