It was quite a while since we interviewed C.R.S … and the subject is,...
HOWEVER, we update today 20200104...
after featuring on radio (AWN) "Scouser abroad" ... "princess Nneoma" suddenly stopped attanmding meetings with ChRiS, on 5 different ocassions and then organised a USA/nigerian xmas dinner, at a location of a "charlie" unknown US citizen friends of the USA groups and who did NOT "friend" our man... on f-book..
and this week ChRiS was informed that his "SCOUSER abroad" will be censored at AWN (community radio LIVERPOOL)
then the bicycle got sabotaged, the computer he used for radio studio media at HQ was crashed (again) this time it seems oermanently ,
and again the football events got disrupted.. see also "comments" the irish pub got new "hecklers" who insulted the LIVERPOOL team nearly causing violence , a recent obstruction during live games, (succesful Team #19 as world champs also attracts the worse "types)
and he recalled the girl from Niksic (Stevovic S) who suddenly stopped assistance, and has retained files (confidential complaints v ...........) after a photo got featured of them walking together in Pg, year before last,..)
and recently, this few months Biljana B, also suddenly wanted "distance" and now also Inter nations blocked him, so there is another (complaint 55) v B R D and mne being filed as we write this... and so ..
EVERY single person CRS has had more than brief contact with gets,,, offered a job, a warning? a distraction, a moved location, etc etc...so read on,,, if you care ... or just continue to feed the sharks of President Donald duck & USA corp policies , or the UK 's ugnly Boris and the facsiTORY govt ... or the boardroom infestors at Lfc... we support the Team, not their business...
more : ?
H-T ..
> so why is this the theme..
CRS> for the umpteenth time since I have been here ...
Look, I always felt like a "magnet" for people to come to me , a sort of attraction and that people would open up to me , that still happens, but, there is also the other end of a magnet ..that pushes away, is it a co-incidence?
H-T> example...
CRS> The first was Jelena D. whom I virtually employed, as a sort of "Girl friday" to inform me of local news, odd events, cultures and useful information about the community where I live...
H-T > what happened with her,?
CRS> as soon as we developed ideas ... that might "encroach" suddenly she was approached by a security officer from the USA embassy. (befriended her and occupied her time 24/7). and thus she disappeared from any contact, at all, with me, and later I heard he discarded her...
H-T> and what about now...?
C.R.S> I met someone, to whom i talked to about ideas on the way back from the coast, after our (MiG@IN) international party weekend.. , I then proposed a meeting yesterday , but she was delayed and came back to Podgorica too late, and then got a job offer this morning...
recently DI, approached me because of youth initiatives, agreed to give one hour a week to help with parental contact in the international group (for my "akaDiME" ) then suggednly cam up with some "cryptic excuse" to stop contact with me..
H-T > this happens often..?
CRS> too often... also with Marija (Spuz) who a few years ago offered to help with AEFAN league development (including girls football development) suddenly stopped contact with no explanation..
...so many messages/mails/sms concerning appointments & meetings went astray, got deleted... and..many more "coincidences"
Like this ....
2 years ago when my whole Youth football team got invited to the American embassy when we should have had a final meeting/training for a International football fest , organised near hungarian Balaton lake... ... leading to the Team (sponsored and managed by myself) having to cancel attendance (sole representatives of Montenegro)
Andreja ... unemplyed and often sick , but when I offered her the chance of working with me on a local project in Pg, got a job offer and moved to the coast (Budva>? ) ...
Dejan (Spuz) we were due to co-operate on development of a football academy linking his coaching centre (FK) in Spuz , with a league global in Toloshi and my own ideas ... got offered a job supervising travel arrangements with a german route between Podgorica & Hamburg, requiring him to be away muc of the week..
The above also introduced my team to a "business league" supposed to be based at his venue in Spuz, then after i registered my youth team, they moved it to Donja Gorica , causing transport problems.. and losing our boy's "home advantage" the whole relation suffered (and extra costs, for me, as usual)
……...and...it happened about 20 other times, whenever I met someone and either direct or via mail formed the initiative of some future co-operation, private or for the NGO..
I lent the owner of "Obala" 2000 e because he had financial problems and a disabled child, as soon as the debt was cleared (almost 18 months later) he fouled up a charity event I was organizing at his caffe-pizzeria & stopped talking to me..
There is Gonul, (IN) who i was starting to sort of "platonic date" & teach some english, as soon as it got to a point where she became friendly , she also showed interest in "LbiRD" initiative,,, all contact stopped.. no explanation..again...
a Few years ago I proposed a co-op "changing room" extension at Katun, I found an architect ,
we designed the project, found contsruction materials & workers whom I would sponsor, then "Gazda" cancelled the day before due to begin, (also wasted 500e on "concept brochures")
Similar with the Dojo, earlier this year, AFTER investing into its renovation (SC & NK) at Stara Varos... dance group idea squashed...
(garden party a& his wife t my house Bizarre !)
even Mateo (Uruguayan coach) and his wife, (also interested in my NGO) came to my house for dinner, had fa lot of riendly contact, but stopped contact after discussing "co-op" ... (as if someone (Z?) had "blocked me" )
2 attacks (B) ....(another story)
weird reaction of Neighbours .....(many stories)
"M" the only Montenegrin I have had any sort of "intimate" relations with... we had a month together, mostly sharing my house in Dg, then suddenly failed to turn up at a planned day out
("went swimming with sister") and stopped contact, no explanation..
and there is the current "IN fiasco" with Molly & Andy after I arranged 3 months of events.. (something said at HQ?) ongoing complaint...
3 years ago, I also attempted to acquire a house (Dg) , and after paying the owner in the 2nd year asked for a receipt for my cash payments, he said he would, didn't , then changed the locks.. at a specific time which caused maximum inconvenience..
I also found "distractions" people coming into my life suddenly wanting to take me away from my aims.. ..paranoia? … ("well, that doesn't mean they aren't out to get you!" an old ironic saying....)
H-T> btw why don't you expect payment for your time?
CRS> well , when I woke up in the intensive care centre of that Belgian clinic, and I could have been a stone in the cemetery , I decided that "business" had cost too much and just about everything in the world is wrong because people have the wrong (selfish) priorities... and I recall the time when I was entertaining a group of germans who transported wines for my first company....
We were at a west end (London) night club, I had taken them to dinner, and at the club, each had a hostess, with champagne bottles at 50GBP each (that's 30 years ago when I was a young man (a "wizz kid" in the eyes of others ) already had "made it" at the top... honoured as a fellow of the Institute and made a million (when it was a lot of money!) ...
the "top girl" sat next to me, I was married and wasn't looking for a "pro" … but she seemed intelligent so we started a conversation, and she told me she was studying... with aims to be financially independent etc... … so asked a naïve question, "you are so intelligent and attractive, why this? " … so she asked what I did.. I told her (global Strategic management) so she replied … " so, you sell your intelligence, …...but I sometimes sell my body for an hour or so.. and go home & bathe & clean my body.... how do YOU clean your mind? ..
she had a point.. and so I ask you, whoever reads this...are you a prostitute of your talent? have you sold your soul? ..
The world is a mess because its local & global society repetitive mistakes now is making everyone into a whore,..
will YOU support;
currently links c 800k via 160+ Global groups?