There is major history getting drawn against Roma, and no semi-finaclist should be under-rated ... we won it the first in 1977 ..in Rome.. Roma fans stoned Lfc buses (with women & kids inside) after the 1984 team won it again versus Roma IN THEIR stadium.... and we knocked them out of the UEFA cup ..
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Adopted SCOUSER LUCAS v Roma for Lazio last weekend |
.. I am virtually writing this for "REdNET" the alternative social media that I egularly contribute to... Most log items and agenda points are coming from "ChRiS' ..and although some think we are one and the same, we are NOT! ...true he manages my profile and news items and responds on my behalf during my often absence... however we are completely different entities...
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ChRiS is a Very Angy LBird! |
where are we , now...?
so anyway, I wont apologise for the "woyism" of the title ... they,(Hodgson and the UScorp frauds" ushered in the worst & most shameful possible phase of our favourite football club..I would argue worse than being in the old 2nd division...
. a unique club, who may yet be gaining positive headlines this season together with "popular" german, Juergen K. However we often must reminds , especially, the modern, young, or middle-to-business class fans (including fsg clones and fan-nies) that Lfc is still "shark-inFESTED" (by J.W.H and his billiLOANaire bankers).. to quote from ChRiS " in 2007 despite my screams at Sos/Share lfc to get their act sorted , they allowed the fraudsters in, first G & H who loaded Lfc with debt, then henry & co... these hedge funding legalized criminals poison the world .. leaves a permanent smell and stain on the holy ground that I grew up with and the idealism of Shankly's HONEST socialism; the only intelligent society we should make.... I was removed from Lfc offical supporters club and REdNET became my vehicle of rebellion."(see /2017/04/rednet-mentality-red-soul-versus-too. )

as ChRiS wrote ( 3 years ago .. 2015/04/the-systematic-removal-of-true-red.html ) "sure I know the claim..that.... f s g have made Lfc more commercial ...... but the management of "transfers" is a disaster that is why a true and professional management team employed by TRUE REd Supporters , backed by the community of Liverpool and <celeb backers>, with shares offered to over 3o million supporters and fans worldwide is my solution , but J. W... Henry wont let that happen, so I must leave Lfc and support "grass routes" events and initiatives .."
prior to last weekend ...we put this together.../2018/04/easter-sunday-special-for-rebtv-f-u. for Mon TV (Rebel TV network's non video - video media ;)
If you dont know..spend a few well informed hours on videos as these (Kenny link Hillsboorough) USAcorp play "pretend sympathy" Henry & co had to be reminded to appear, such was their ignorance of the Liverpool culture / story ... why would anyone WANT these sharks & frauds in their club? their motivation is money...
No matter what Lfc achieve , even if it is the european glory & number 6... selling Phil C, (in spite of Klopp's denials just a month or so previously...) in the middle of the season, didnt dramatically improve the buyers status, but arguably didnt do the Lfc squads quality (in depth) much good either.... so as Lfc are expected to cash in from europe between an extra 57-71 Million GBP, (and that is without gate receipts and ancillary income which probably puts it over 100 mil.) the infestors are the biggest winners in material terms, as ticket prices and ticket touts are expolited at the expense of the ordinary ("working class" ) supporter ...
who really , really, truly....cares?....?????????????????????????????
YET...No journo mentioned Hillsborough last friday in pre-match press before the game v bournemouth... no more memorial... but with almost 3 decades past, only a few of the guilty are starting to be held accountable... fewer of our generation are left to tell the truth, as modern fans make token gestures and posts on social media with a "J4t96" .. and still buy scum newspapers and watch SLY tv of murderoch!
this... applies ; (written 4 years ago)
April 18, 2018 at 2:35 AM
18 April 2014 ·
"there must be a better wor(l)d
there must be a better word
"anniversary" seems unworthy & absurd
the 96 we lost on that day
cant tell me what I should say
@ this special time,
I dont want to rhyme
I wont do them "justice"
no one else did, after all.
Justice delayed means justice denied
Thatcher is dead, she never cried
I lost my family and all I love
but I move on, do not ask if they are "above
I live in heaven - a land of wild beauty
spontaneous people, do not worry about "duty"
its a long way from Sheffield or the 'pool
but I do not ever want to be "cool"
I met someone for whom I care
should I pursue, should i "Dare"?
in this cold world, do not want to be "old"
So deep is my story, that never will be told...
ChRiS SMITH 15th April 2014
"there must be a better wor(l)d
there must be a better word
"anniversary" seems unworthy & absurd
the 96 we lost on that day
cant tell me what I should say
@ this special time,
I dont want to rhyme
I wont do them "justice"
no one else did, after all.
Justice delayed means justice denied
Thatcher is dead, she never cried
I lost my family and all I love
but I move on, do not ask if they are "above
I live in heaven - a land of wild beauty
spontaneous people, do not worry about "duty"
its a long way from Sheffield or the 'pool
but I do not ever want to be "cool"
I met someone for whom I care
should I pursue, should i "Dare"?
in this cold world, do not want to be "old"
So deep is my story, that never will be told...
ChRiS SMITH 15th April 2014
see also : (current ) NOW rednet-/2018/04/do-you. ?
in 1995 ChRiS began to oppose the "new word order, led by USAcorp" and writes
"have done my best to also progress alternative solutions to the mess the world is in,, i have failed, but with GREAT ENTHUSIASM! :)
in 2000 I formed "Freedome & Union" (new site on FB....link to NGO group)) and with associates offered support to those disadvantaged, mavericks , youth and victims of "the system" ... and F & U mission strategy proceeded to challenge most of the "establishment" local and global.. "(thanks to "protege" H-T for this reminder ha ha ) harveysclog.blogspot.com/2017/03/fubar-anti-chris last year!
and current plans at ; https://antichrismith.blogspot.com/2018/04/my-local-global-strategy.html collectively if the numbers of people who "like" Lfc , or like watching Lfc were harnessed... (and USAcorp excluded) the power is like a more progressive "UN" ..(https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/44t6pa/this_sky_sports_article_claims_700m_viewers_tuned)/ even the 30 million plus "registered fans" on the net give us more :say: than many national governments... so watch out you pathetic politicians and media manipulating "experts" or commentators... we are looking at replacing YOU!

stopping your ADDiction to a system that is killing you?
why is this so hard for you to imagine?
stop feeding the POISON ..
stopping your ADDiction to a system that is killing you?
why is this so hard for you to imagine?
stop feeding the POISON ..
Pollutes the air... land,,, water (& seas) with oil & chemicals
waste & nuclear rubbish....
Teaches your children FEAR & GREED....and blames the "others" (religious , business or political "enemy" )
Would rather BUILD and sell MORE weapons (WMD) that ensure food is evenly distributed worldwide and ensure an estimated 25,000 kids die DAILY..?
INSTEAD of paying their "tax"
give it to a local charity, support the creativity of your kids
REFUSE to fund war, and give migrants & refugees the chance to RENOVATE the thousands of abandoned factories and houses all over europe that they could live in.
ENJOY your fellow human Being from another culture , EXCHANGE IDEAS, make a global community so that you never fear , as we are ALL "children of immigrants or "foreigners" if you go back in history far enough...
GROW your own community farms , instead of importing,..
Encourage the older members of your life, to explain their experience to your children, you dont need "school rules"
(and USE . not abuse , the INTERNET)
its a start to wean you off of your "ADDICTION" isnt it"
give it to a local charity, support the creativity of your kids
REFUSE to fund war, and give migrants & refugees the chance to RENOVATE the thousands of abandoned factories and houses all over europe that they could live in.
ENJOY your fellow human Being from another culture , EXCHANGE IDEAS, make a global community so that you never fear , as we are ALL "children of immigrants or "foreigners" if you go back in history far enough...
GROW your own community farms , instead of importing,..
Encourage the older members of your life, to explain their experience to your children, you dont need "school rules"
(and USE . not abuse , the INTERNET)
its a start to wean you off of your "ADDICTION" isnt it"

Please join meet/festival with "REDS abroad"
(add your name at fb group
OR email me via or via link media