Mission hairy position
... ChriS SMITH v the U.S.
= U sual S uspects....
..... so here we are with our third and perhaps last (before he is assasinated by the c1a
or their private agency goons in the balkans...?)
Mission hairy position ...
ChriS SMITH v the U.S.= U sual S uspects
H> so we understand there was more "drama" than usual this last few weeks..
whats "suspect"?
CS> an EXPECTED "sabotage" of my second attempt to get a team of teemagers to the YFF!
CS> International Youth Football Festival, Kaposvar , near Hungarian lake Balaton..
( link)
H> and..?
CS> WE already lost players from our squad, 3 who were keen, then not, injuries and
(thanks to strict US discrimination, ) could not afford passport..
as I am already extended to a sponsorship of around 16-1700 euros I was not inclined to pay for passports too.. as none of the fathers could (of would) offer support... even if they CAN afford.
then on thursday...
H> what ?
CS> prior there were other obstructions.. and "mysteries" and just prior to our penultimate
training session (at Pajovic FK Zora, Spuz) Misko, the father of player Vlado (the oldest and
an "allowed" over age player.. announced via VUK (our PR) that his field was not available..
H> not surprised?
CS> I was ready for this.. he is know to be an "a-hole" and a certain local coach sasha Stancic,
who ripped me off for e275 when I should have sponsored his younger kiddies team ..was cutting grass and complaining that we were training there...
H> did you confront "Misko" ..?
CS> no , because i was in Pg at the time, moving stuff to new accommodation, and caring for visitors.. BUT Stancic had told me about Misko, before he cheated me himself, (I paid 225e for kit for the kiddies squad, taht should have been with my sponsor logo, (promoting our NGO activities)
instead after order was ready, he contacted the supplier, cut me out, and had the order delivered to his home, (without informing me) i had also paid another 50e to help clear a place for the kids to play on the land of another father, (because Misko Pajovic didnt allow them , (according to SS)
H> so what did you do...
CS> well Vlado (the son) had our team bag with training aids ,bibs, and 3 balls,
so I was prepared , I told them we were re-locating to "FK Katun. Toloshi district, pg
then despite re-affirming his participation in the meeting, and confirming he would bring the bag and 3 balls left with him, (as he lived next door) at FK Zora , Spuz...)
I got a message from Vuk B
that ... Vlado , Bozo (club "captain") Filip (Goalkeeper) & Novak D..were "called away" to an event..at the "US embassy" an "obligation" that they had never mentioned before...
This may be a good time to identify the players, (recent) past & Present.. and my opinion..
as it may put some "shape" into this "US usual suspect" story...
but I would make the point...that whilst I was angry with those boys for their betrayal..I was not suprised at them nor at the US for their blatant sabotage..
Bearing in mind , that one of the reasons for moving, is that the OTHER trainer I used to co-op
with (Dejan Rolovic, an in law of the "famous" Dejan Savicevic ("Monty football hero") ..IS ALSO FROM SPUZ....
who had put me in the sh&te , hosting many guests to Pg, by letting the power be cut off by EPCG
despite being paid in advance for the period....he also played some tricks before, but
"soft Chris" had still helped him with support, a 1000e cash loan, supporting his "teren"
and many other things (taxi service, guests last year etc etc) sposnored his kids too (shirts/xmas party)
*Vlado, at 18 the elder , and although a more recent addition, shows everyone how "cool" he is..
arrogant, but can play when he applies himself.. attempted to criticise my "culture" when
I told him his behavious was unacceptable.. (he refused to bring thetraining bag and balls to "Katun" thus causing a futther disruption, had potential new players arrived..
like father, like son?
**Bozo ("captain" since virtually the beginning) had shown open disrespect recently,
and negative comments and even questioning if I had contact with Istvan the YFF director.
Obviously "got at" because he come out with things that just tasted of the sort
of arrigant comments the people at FK Crvena Stijena (who cheated me too) or the FSCG (FA)
or FK Mladost ... whose tariner was "on holiday" when we wanted to recruit some
of Bozos training colleagues from the U18 squad,, Bozo contradicted himself having said
he himself COULD recruit his "friends" there... (we needed 4 probably) then went to the "embassy obligation" not even bothering to register for training..
It hurts, I must admit, as I put a lot of energu into Bozos development, since years, encouragement and support and criticism when due, having not suceeded in getting results from footballing contacts, In Liverpool, Netherlands, or indeed Shanghai, (due to me situation I ma never even sure if my Fb messages or email arrive on time, or at all!) at birthdays Xmas or in between....
i treated him as my own son.. and with some of the other lads paid for his tickets to international matches and more... but noted his character recently worsened, and overall
got the lowest points for his lack of partcipation in the preparation for this unique YFF event.
and lastly , there was a weird action that resulted him booking flights from Podgorica to Bud,
(for the YFF) whilst I believe knowing they would not go or be paid for by players/parents.
one lad Nemanja, he added came for one training and then said he had a fight with his Dad,
and couldnt go, ...a "BF" of Bozo! ... questionable..
and Bozo s dad when I touched on "the stress" just shrugged his shoulders , as if its just
"normal with teenagers" ...!
** 2 x Filp ...introduced Via a friend of Vlados father... (Misko) who looked just off the wagon,
arrived from Mladost (?) boasting that they were "wanted" by pro clubs ( Ive heard it all before,
especially when fathers think I have contacts..they can use to make money...through their boys)
one was a big lad, but nothing special, neither showed much in the passing programme,
the other smaller Filip played up front in the "fun game" at the end ( I do this to allow some
free expression, at the end of disciplined tests; passing and dribbling...)
"Little Filip" (and I have it on camera) tried to go around me a couple of times,
and despite his talent, did not.. and then he and Vuk B.. contested a ball, there was
a bit of physical contest, then smaller Filip wanted to fight....
I asked them both at the end if they "wanted to go with us to Kaposvar" they replied..
"we think about it"..i replied " no its got to be a yes or no..at this stage,,, but
I felt they would not "fit" the arrogance and to want to fight a team mate on first
introduction said much to me that they were " more trouble than worth".. and Vuk B was/is
my best contrubutor at taring... (still not sure about hsi "PR work" !, but at least he communicates .. )
*Nemanja B.. that player Bozo introduced, I was glimpses and some enthusiasm...but
I doubt now, his explanation, as he didnt even join training, if its only a question
of passport, he could have still joined training, (it helps numbers) but he didnt..
despite invitations..
* Vuk B. .. I am cautious to say that I was pleased that Vuk B re-joined us as I had
a disagreement with his father about my methods and his fathers tendence to interfere..
but Vuk B.. well I told him...and I hope he isnt "pretending"
what i dont liek is when others, "use him" to tell me things they should honestly say,
themselves, and that led to the dissolution of our previous squad,
*** (previous squad) Djole, Sava, Balsa, Illya, Andy, Bogdan ...Dusan, (and the 2 that dropped out pre YFF last summer... Wolfie and little Stefan) Matija also and another couple joined for short periods.. (Bozo was captain..then too)
- Djole.... can be a good defender and strong going forward to an extent - got stroppy..
we ha d to part after a few minor incidents, insulting langauge, late arrival at "business league games"
sava and Bogdan were excellent when "on form" but Bogdan lacks emotional control,
and Sava always seemed to have off -field distraction or other prioriities
but what hurt me, was not that they put the team back to gether to beat my team
(although we were short of players, I had to play and our goalie played on the outfield)
it was the "nasty" joy and comments that I heard at , they thought, my discomfort,
at lsing , i was in a way proud of them , my "old boys" and yet only VUk B showed Dignity in victory...
**** new squad (temp) we had a revenge game at Spuz, Todor K had been injured by Bogdan, but his brother Nikola K, Novak , Vlado, Goalie Filip P, friend dado (she be Pedja) battered the Zjabjeo trotters... :) but i didnt celebrate.. i just wished that i could have broguht them all together...and thats destroyed by the negative society and jealous or ignorant people..
" Jovan M ....the YOUNGEST, but often the most communicatibive member of the new "1teaM" ..
was also keen and registered for YFF easly on, then I noticed , as I made him (pre Vuk Bs re-join)
interim "PR" his english was competent, although he tended to provoke irrelevant discussion..
I tried to help because he is being raised by his mother, and (in hios own words) a VERY
PROTECTIVE older brother... i discovered this when I suggested he joined a DAYTIME meeting in Pg,
and Jovan said his brother must come with him... (at 16 I was workign alone in London) ..
anyway, when I suggested his family may have to pay for (e40) coats when he quit (he said
because his school results were bad) he turned on me, and inferred that I SHOULD NOT HAVE RISKED
ANYTHING OR BOOKED FLIGHTS ETC WITHOUT THE PARENTS.... (!) IF i WAITED for parents to get involved..we would be entering for the U65 festival??
(and actually the previous players had given me a signed permission from parents)
* Novak D,, fast , skilful player , like to run the wing or central attacker, bit arrogant,
but thats not a problem if he is harnessed , at the last training I criticised hin for not
fighting to get the ball back after losing it.. and he told his parents to meet me
(after that training, WITHOUT telling me!!!!) he wrote" they are pissed" ..So was I!
Novak missed the next training with "sun burn" ...! cancelling on the same day...
and then joined the traitors...has contact with the other new players, so unlikely we will see those again either...
** new players ; Todor & Nikola K, Pedja , Dado.... good players, passing dribbling , all round , BUT came via Novak/Vlado ..so...
* Flip P, Goalie , athletic, small for a big goal, but covers ground quickly,
and can play the ball, biy too cocky, and also expected me to be "available ' to meet his paents
after that training , witrhout TELLING me they were coming to meet me especially..
his "friendly relation to the cheater (Trainer S. Stancic) had me concerned.. and i guess
it didnt help when the "US embassy came calling" kids can be so easily influenced by such Sh&te!
* Stefan B...aaprt from the rare smile, his attitude has been positive, still tends
to hold the ball too long...and attended most trainings,, if he passed after beatign a player,
could do damage to opponents defences,,, work rate better (trains with Mladost too) good shot although too one footed (like his left footed brother)
* Stefan S. new boy, keen, moves well, powerful shot, typical for this age group, needs to see
the pass more, and get back into defence or at least "track back" when losing the ball, more,
his father seems supporting..Stefan is one of the 3 survivors who may form the next 1team
* Then there is the interim players , between the previous and the new..
Filip ("ola") not consistently available..and often goes back to Kolasin..
Niki (over age) working, but toocasual about attendance too. (missed the chance to discuss acadaemy participation, as he is studying sports education!!)
Luka.. hasnt participated since months, defender and potential captain, if he listens to the manager ! :) hmmmm also from Spuz...
Luka s Mothers co (Mpromo ) should have delivered the Better quality (white) shirts for YFF (and...)
both :TOO BUSY: to deliver at my proposal, now, I propose they obtain my bag & 3 balls from
their neighbour Vlado or his father, and I will then see them to settle our deal...
The "customer service: aspect is missing here despite emails and Fb messages..and its necessary to repeat instructions and clarify repeatedly...
If things went well players would only have to pay between 40-80 euros each,,
including everything, tournament, meals, free festval pass, flights & partial hostel cost (Bud)
was/is sponsored by Me (promoting F & U Mission)
so..got the picture(?) ....???
CS in the mood..to retaliate?
H> so to recap
(and we readers & supporters know why the U.S. embassy would want to thwart you and your team)
- individual excuses affected all but 3 of about 20 or so boys...
- dispute over flight bookings and who pays for cancellations
- negative "assistence: from FK Mladost
- negative attutide by families of the players YOU sponsor from your own pocket?
- sabotage by Misko (FK Zora stadium)
- sabotage by Rolovic (and by Savicevic? indirectly)
- Saborage by FK Mladost (and people from Crvena Stijena)
- players excuses ( influence from outside) & parents apathy or opposition
- Shirts delivered late.. or ....at all?
- Location closed causing distruption
- having to move personal location, and use cafe wifi with extra costs & stress whilst caring for visitors.
anything else...?
CS> well , the dispute with Ivanovic who refused to supply tax receipts for my house acquisition payments... meant i only just recovered (now damaged) garden bench set and fridge,,
conditions in extreme heat unfavourable at the Pg apartment, meetings with Balsa B (brother of D Rolovic , unhelpful...)
which means all of this, and those costs and damages to be added to the international court claim
against MNE , UK and now USA and perhaps Hungarian accessories, ..
(the USAcorp .wbm (war business machine; has also poluted my first love; Lfc... that, i will never forgive!)
if this carries on I will "own" those countries should they ever be brought to justice to pay for their crimes and violations.. against others and my initiatives and the numerous articles violated are recorded by several NGOs
having said that, i DARED have talks and drinks with a syrian lad this week on a project supported by german uni. when we compare tragedies with this , sometimes farcical sabotage.
,,I just remind everyone that the USA is POLLUTING the air, water, land, food & MINDS of your people..
I am pleased about the social backlash against the fascist UK govt. and elsewhere.....
may ? be a sign that sheeple are waking up, I will not stop telling the truth and apply my own beliefs in the same way I deal with all people, wherever I am or whatever I do...
I would have considered repairing relations if Uk had a more humane govt,.,I will never , though, be a "patriot" its one world , one planet,, until they collect me from my intelligent homeland..
The effect I have is limited but if only you and those who read this..(?) do their best with courage..this could be heaven, sometimes it already is.. :)
H> thanks
CS> thank you! too... :)
H> p.s. did you have back up plans for this expected
CS> yes... :) and still do... but ...shhhhhh!
"karma" may be served cold too.. !
by the way FU...USACorp, NoTa(Nato) , the FSCG, English FA, UEFA!! FIFA, mancs & uk & USA fascist govts and their heartless sheeple rascists..