2nd hand "miss on hairy position"
...the "LOST WORLD"
as much as i dislike him, i enjoyed him actually stating that the USA are NOT exceptional when it comes to killing civilians,, (@"collateral damage, oops we didnt mean to destroy your homes and family ") ..
LOST Sheeple.....
when I was a kid I recall a film or TV series called "the lost World" its was , at my raw age an impressive adventure with dinos etc.. they found a world that time forgot..
well HERE we are in a world that GOOD forgot...
Just STOP, feeding the think you laughingly call "life" and consider..
you are part of or allowed by intention, design or more probably "apathy" a global society to ("develop" is the wrong world ...not stagnate,,, ) devolve....? ...
when MONEY , riches, property is your "life goal" then,,, EVERYONE has a price,,,so, logic says there can never be fair living, can be NO "justice" anyone, from the president of the USA up to your local policemanm prison or security guard, banker, judge, lawyer or doctor can be BOUGHT ..
I have been considering with ChriS what could be added to his beliefs , statements and remarks.. the addition of the group "a.k.a fakebook = FUBAR" marks the achievement of global IDIOCRACY...

the acceptrance. that there is no justice system , anywhere that could be relid upon, no media story to be trusted, and NO LEADER (*poltical, religious, nor business) to be admired.
This may (dont get me started on the existence of MAY a Uk PM who didnt have be "elected" ) .. and enough have been said about "der drump" ...its like a weird Nazty propaganda film "back to the fascist future" ...
= F&CKED up beyond ALL recognition..
That may lead so many to look for "heroes" in sport and the most popular global FOOTBALL>>.
I admired Stevie G, the complete footballign captain.. and he is now caring for the youth at Lfc , and showing his passion on Tv punditry,...at least he chose to DO , rather than talk about it.....
everywhere, sheeple vote for or allow DICK tators, tw&ts (should re-name it TWATTER!?) ...because sheeple are the product, when they are filled with rubbish media,, fast food and "luxury goods" ,,, keep them busy with "big brother / reality Tv" and they wont notice that NOW ...anyone can be taken, and disappeared , without any process of anything resembling fairness or impartiality...
you, the reader, if I dont like you, and I have any sort of political or police influence or even am in the "mainscream" media, can accuse you of anything I choose... have you arrested,
you can be tortured, hung drawn and quartered, and disposed of, and who will object on your behalf>?/ ??? tell me , PLEASE!

Its laughable when the Russericans are accused of tampering with elections in USA, did everyone forget the C1 a involvement in Yeltzins elecion>? ...
in Monty , where ChriS is currently based,,, they have the longest surviving Dictatorship,, whilst the UK support the govt, and USA are buying a base there... for Na To...
leaving Lfc
http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/ian-ayre-big-clubs-clice-12553547 going to Munich? better go to Washington, the USA fosters divide between big companies and small enterprise... he works for the business , not for the supporters, and thats why Anfield is quiet,, full of middle to business class spectators..!
Ayre - Big clubs like Liverpool should get larger slice of the pie
Outgoing Reds chief executive says top clubs shoudl eb able to negotiate their own foreign TV deals
SUN 08:33 //// .........................................
Dawn Crvena>
14 hrs
like many supporters , who wait for the next game, i hoped that Lfc would get a result at Hull...I am NOT a "Kloppite" but no one should talk about sacking Juergen, it exactly the problem at Lfc,, poor boardroom decisions and too MANY changes in the last 10 years.. you can build a strong structure when the management in the office have a different direction than the people who care.. the true supporters who would go through wind and rain,
... not the banal, the f s g clones and middle to business class ticket holders who are mere spectators.. TWENTY-TWO shots and FIFTEEN corners, our friends at "REDnet" stated before that players must learn to "shoot on site/sight" ... etc
80 % accurate passing , & i cant believe that idiot kristian walsh at the echo blamed Lucas for the Mignolet flap.
we have too many many good people leave Lfc ' Rafa, Pepe, Stevie (thankfully back) Kenney sacked then brought back.. Masch, Torres, Suarez,, (alonso) and even Sterling.. it needed stabalising , but , also needed 1 or 2 top players if they were available, perhaps they are not, but too much damage has been done,
and I feel a weird negative karma with the wrong sort of immoral "sponsors" "betvictor" and corrupted Standard chartered and of course Henry and his billionaire buddies of George Bush & co..thats poison to a club built on social values...
we seem to be cursed with a "deja vu" of getting closer to the title and each time ....? I haven't given up, but it just angers me also how the fans are willing to settle , after 10 years of almost nothing, for a champions league qualification!!!!
i AM glad thats fans are protesting against the "infestation" by the NESV group of the USA and the poison they caused since 10 years (G & H are the same people..) no one "saved" us, administration would have cost points that their man WOY cost us anyway..
I feel a little bit sorry for Juergen, , but only a little, I think hes a nice guy, but he is paid well for the privilege of being at our club (or what WAS our club) i dislike the fickle fans who were full hype pre xmas,. then stick knives in him now...
we, in this group at least have been consistent , criticized him, some of selections and late subs, but credited him for some entertaining footy .and never booed and always supported the team out there,..
.. we here discuss this a lot, and talk about tactics and formations for our friends youth team games and the new girls league etc.. (*AeFaN" ) and compare with Lfc. etc....

Managing human beings EFFECTIVELY (and fairly) is an art form , requiring many skills and an inborn ability and underestimated.. Rafa , Souness & Houlier all went into hospital during their time.. and who can deny the pressure that Kenny had to carry for the 96??? , on and off the field... hodgson was never here, Rodgers was never there.. but we think JK wants to do more, I wonder if he realized that THIS is the toughest job in football... forget the mancs or Madrid or Barca...
give Juergen and the players support because thats ALL we can do, and face monday with a smile.. a s hard as that may be,,,
there are people dying in war and kids drowning on their way to a "better life" denied by UK /EU /USA politics and the idiots that vote for the,,.. so get perspective people.. and dont give up...!
Mignolet; Clyne, Lovren, Matip, Milner; Wijnaldum, Henderson, Lallana; Mane, Coutinho, Firmino. Studge for Firm after 60 mins if hes tired.. but hopefully now the driving offense matter is settled, he will be back to form.. GO again!
from Injury, available now 4 |
media BS @ Lfc too
really this Lfc blogger, ( who, for whatever reason gets space on the echo? ,,) represents the problem of modern footy fans,,, "stats" can be used any which way.. Lfc got beat by swans who had only 30% of the possession, and fans who are aiming for 4th an qualification should follow arsenal, where THEIR boardroom is happy with the income.
p.s. how is this "view from the Kop" if hes not a Kopite?? http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/liverpool-view-kop-klopps-men-12541360
we should always be aiming for top spot, as soon as the message is out that "4th is good enough" the fans and players set their sights lower,,, KLOPP should be aiming to win the lot... because IF Lfc are in europe next season, it will be that much harder to win the league...
and you Tony, show the difference between a true Red and another "fan" who sold out to fake media... I agree that Lfc have to be more effective, BUT, if the Lfc team ever becomes like the rent blues, full of nasty, cheating , pieces of chelski sh*te ,, like many of their fans , then I will stop following them on that day... feck U, Tony.. https://www.joe.co.uk/sport/contes-chelsea-have-all-the-streetwise-nous-of-champions-that-klopps-liverpool-currently-lack/110570

that is for me such a negative reaction, I do NOT agree with thos e of you who will accept 4th, thats FSG moneybollxx policy,, (get rich the arsenal way by qualification each season is FOR THEM enough... ) :... .with a clear run and no distractions,,,LFC should GO again ...LIVERPOOL should always be aiming for number 1 spot, its motivation needed which was evident pre xmas..only 3/4 games a month means Klopp can prepare the team properly... rest them in between games , they should be fresher than the rivals and superior to the others.. no excuses ... (Shanks "always aim for the stars") ., sure .. 91 points is a big ask.. BUT would win the league most seasons .. and chelski aren't invincible .. http://rednet-alien.blogspot.com/2017/02/rednet-bootroom-170202-04-going-again.html (REdnet)
"after the defeatists have left the scene, we direct this OPINION at players, supporters & Management, we bonded together.......(Shanks" the Holy trinty") .... *Play every game as if its at HOME
... there are no distractions, so no excuses, play 15 x final games, each one as if its the last chance..
here is where MOTIVATION is vital, those players must be convinced , not only play for the shirt, (as they always should) but that each one of this squad will be LEGEND if they win the title..." .......we should GO Again,...(anyway next season if u have 4th and chapions league it will harder to win the premiere!!)
bye bye! IS a cause for celebration,, now if only H en ry & co would go with Ayre.. who betrayed Liverpool supporters initiative, time and again, whilst encouraging infestation of our club.. TEN years to make it rich,largest net profit of european clubs, BUT only ONE 2nd class trophy
...and failed to protect our Kenny when he didnt add to that in his only full season, as manager 2nd time around..Ayre stabbed Rafa in the back, held hands with the conmen and Purslow, , assisted chelski Broughton's fake sale to NESV, after letting G & H almost bankrupt the club, whilst obstructing Supporters initiatives... invented the fake fans committee to whom he paid lip service...
Henry/Hicks & all part of the same group as G.w. Bush & friends...+ der dump can feck off... too!
red net> http://rednet-alien.blogspot.com/2017/02/rednet-bootroom-170202-04-going-again.html... the idiots at "talksport" feck it up AGAIN, claiming LUCAS is Lfcs worst player of the season, does any true REd bother with these hacks.. ???
I felt that , as he was Lfc' s best player in the last 2 cup games AT Plymouth and Soton, he could have had a starting place at holding rather than half-fit Hendo or out of form Can,
the "spirit" that LUCAS brings to the team cant be identified with "stats" (although he was recently the most effective defensive holding player, in europe according to "stats") ..
I feel he would have given more than Can. and why risk Hendo with a 6-pointer coming up against Chelski...?
every time i see criticism of LUCAS , i am reminded about Anfield atmosphere (gone) and the comments of the sheeple on the net..
and it would have been a reward for loyalty if JK had played him v Wolves , becayse HE is a true CAPTAIN...