Harvey :
"in dIs guise with glasses"
a.k.a Bart...?
due to Local and Global censorship,,
there are times when I must be more than "devils advocate" as this NGO' s "Legal Bird" .......
... my "colleague" 's old motor car ....
at 30th may .....the football kit ordered as a charity present has not arrived..
spoiling a special presentation party,
The boys had to play with an assorted array of socks..this in a country which exagerates its "fashion sense"...
SHAME on MOntenegro, D H L and SPORTS DIRECT.... for holding up this delivery , (NOW THREE WEEKS LATER) for "tax" on three euros...!!!
the GUILTY had been giVen until 20th May to rectify the situation...no doubt they will stupidly continue their prejudicial actions.. so this is ready now with over 25,000 global contacts for distribution, in turn will reach millions via "social media"..
...... As it seems the "people" holding up delivery of the football socks
and boots CS ordered (and paid for) ...dont take this SERIOUSLY
reporter ; H-T (our "Legal Bird")

initiatives since 1995, from his own pocket, he is not a rich man, but lives modestly to be able "to give something back"
as he considers his life to be "lucky" as he came from an ordinary socialist family and has experience of many
exiting adventures and half the planet.
CS is VERY angry that for the sake of THREE EUROS the shipment of cheap football socks, trainers etc , which have a
value of about 100 e have been held at Podgorica Airport for almost 2 weeks due to a senseless and malicious "tax"
invented by the MNE government.
Chris also comments : "be careful not to buy things in Montegrin shops; they are often "rejects" and "surplus stocks"
(*& grey market)
"I thought i was getting good prices on , for example a Toshiba Laptop or Electrolux Vacuum Cleaner had problems
and the guarantee was worthless as there is no "service/repair facility" and they expect the customer to go hunting
for the nearest repair facility, which probably does not exist in this country. " there is continued discrimination and "rip offs" despite helping local society and its people ; ENOUGH is ENOUGH!
Open claim proposal : for "Monty Logic" blog to be distributed by friends of justice and HR / NGO contacts worldwide:
PUBLIC claim - without prejudice
As CS has invested a sum of around 50,000 e into MNE , whilst not a "millionaire tourist" he has spent virtually all of his "disposable income" (received from Legal & General UK) on CHARITABLE PROJECTS and that includes helping the poor people, and "RED Nose days" and (FK MiR) youth football "club" for kids (notably due to MNE govt reducing the sport budget for children, and the lack of FREE football facilities for ordnary families in the (non tourist) region.
V Sports Direct
Having failed to Deliver , NOR complied with the demand for a credit note for the missing items (which would anyway reduce the value below e150)
their reps have refused to pass this matter to Senior management, and Newcastle FC owner MIke Ashley will be discussed on global social media
for the reasons he has allowed "call centres" to avoid valid claims. the refund and compensation will be dealt with as a civil action, criminal charges
await for fraud if other "collective claims" are discovered. The financial claim of e170 and punitive damages will be proceeded seperately.
Versus ;
D .H L. & customs officer (to be named) Joint & Several
D H L Failed to provide contact with the guilty officer who "STOPPED DELIVERY" nor apply the credit note for the "non football item"
it is claimed therefore that this was always an attempt to STEAL the order (in total) for whatever reason, and we refer to our european security contact
for investigation, not only a "civil action" but CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS, as it is suggested than several "ex pats" have suffered in recent years.
D H L Failed to provide contact with the guilty officer who "STOPPED DELIVERY" nor apply the credit note for the "non football item"
it is claimed therefore that this was always an attempt to STEAL the order (in total) for whatever reason, and we refer to our european security contact
for investigation, not only a "civil action" but CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS, as it is suggested than several "ex pats" have suffered in recent years.
(they say its THREE euros more than allowed? so what is tax on 3 euros, ..the kids/ football stuff is only 85 euros!)
Discrimination and CORRUPTION
High ranking officials and govt ministers etc and their "business contacts" have apparently avoided this "tax"
(on "imports over 150e, ; AND THIS gift they WRONGLY calculate at 153e??)
accumulated information also challenges this "tax" applied by postal and other "services" DESPITE receiving PRE-PAID packages.
MNE claims to aim for EU participation, and is privaledged with EUROzone facilities. Apart from immigration restrictions that may violate UDHR and ECHR articles, biased decisions by ministers need exposing and this matter is the "tip of the iceberg"
a report has already been prepared by F & U Mission NGO colleagues (abroad) for submission to EU petitions (to block MNE) the ECHR and UN orgs.
This matter shall be added to Item ref C160510ECHRadd11 (

Discrimination and CORRUPTION
High ranking officials and govt ministers etc and their "business contacts" have apparently avoided this "tax"
(on "imports over 150e, ; AND THIS gift they WRONGLY calculate at 153e??)
accumulated information also challenges this "tax" applied by postal and other "services" DESPITE receiving PRE-PAID packages.
MNE claims to aim for EU participation, and is privaledged with EUROzone facilities. Apart from immigration restrictions that may violate UDHR and ECHR articles, biased decisions by ministers need exposing and this matter is the "tip of the iceberg"
a report has already been prepared by F & U Mission NGO colleagues (abroad) for submission to EU petitions (to block MNE) the ECHR and UN orgs.
This matter shall be added to Item ref C160510ECHRadd11 (
cc : Campaign for Chris SMITH
F & U Mission
On 17/05/2016 10:55,
chrismith@ wrote:
Plaint v SD D HL )theft & Mne Govt (customs officer ) FK stuf f is less than 150 e

----- Forwarded message from chrismith@ -----
Date: Sat, 14 May 2016 11:45:27 +0000
From: chrismith@
Reply-To: chrismith@mypod-net.org
Subject: CS 160514 RE: CS 1605010 "Rebecca" : CS 160509 DHL ManagerRE:Orderreference number:SD40000025816647-CAS-2081641-Y6L2M2CS 160505PeterSD160506 COMPLAINT
To: Inbox - SportsDirect Customer Services <cs@sportsdirect.com>
Cc: Cam-pain <campaign@ursun.net>, Sinisa.Milutinovic@dhl.com, media@ursun.net
I / we suggest in the strongest possible terms that you comply with several requests as you have clearly not READ, understood or are incapable of understanding the previous claim via emails, there are NO "import charges" for an importare to pay and it is reasonable to expect SD to aid the smooth delivery of this first order for a new client NOW ONE WEEK OVERDUE!
(providing a CHARITABLE GIFT for a childrens club)
and again ask you for the email of a senior manager, as this will NOT "go away" with standard excuses!
and shall become a negative media article.
^ for F & U Mission
On 12 May 2016 16:10:44 +0100, Inbox - SportsDirect Customer Services <cs@sportsdirect.com> wrote:
Dear Christopher Smith
Sports direct hold no liability for any import charges you have to pay.
We are not able to advise further.
Kind regards,
Customer Services
---------- Original Message ----------
From: chrismith@
Sent: 10/05/2016 19:02:01
To: cs@sportsdirect.com
Subject: CS 1605010 "Rebecca" : CS 160509 DHL Manager RE: Orderreference number:SD40000025816647-CAS-2081641-Y6L2M2CS 160505 Peter SD160506 COMPLAINT
You should have sent a credit note to DHL, but instead of reading our emails (see below) YOU & yr colleagues prefer denying responsibility, so I/we shall claim against all concerned.
Inform Mike Ashley! or i will!
cc media
On 10 May 2016 11:40:15 +0100, Inbox - SportsDirect Customer Services <cs@sportsdirect.com> wrote:
Dear Christopher Smith
Thank you for your email.
Your order is being held by customs at DHL and you need to contact them to pay any import charges owed to get your order delivered, any import duties charged are covered by the customer and are not Sports Direct liability.
Can you confirm what it is you are referring to regarding a credit note?
If you do not contact DHL to pay the import duties owed the parcel will be destroyed and not delivered, if this is destroyed Sports Direct can not be held liable and will not be able to supply any refund to you for the goods.
Sorry we cannot be of any further assistance.
Kind regards,
Customer Services
---------- Original Message ----------
From: chrismith@
Sent: 09/05/2016 19:14:48
To: cs@sportsdirect.com
Subject: Re: CS 160509 DHL Manager RE: Order reference number:SD40000025816647-CAS-2081641-Y6L2M2CS 160505 Peter SD 160506 COMPLAINT
YOU were asked to intervene ,
the DHL rep is incapable of solving the customs "complication" ...you were aslked to provide a credit note for the missing item to DHL, who can then deal with delivery , BUT FAILING by providing your superiors email details, obviously you do not value this client, and if you think you can block complaints in this way then your name will be stated in contact with your management , no matter how it takes, this is the SECOND time you have ignored such requests, IF you doubt my resolve to take this matter further and publicly , you will be very wrong!
This package contains gift items for a charitable action for a local kids club. the media headlines wont be appreciated
I could obtain contact with Mike Ashley due to my connection with the Rafa Benitez foundation and /or Dave Forsey through my former contacts as strategic manager of various projects
On 9 May 2016 17:54:36 +0100, Inbox - SportsDirect Customer Services <cs@sportsdirect.com> wrote:
Dear Christopher Smith
Thank you for your reply.
Unfortunately this is required by your local customs office. We have contacted DHL to request further advise on having the parcel delivered and this is the information they have provided to us.
As advised you will need to speak to your ;local customs office as the parcel is being held by customs and they require to deal with you directly.
Kind regards,
Customer Services
---------- Original Message ----------
From: chrismith
Sent: 09/05/2016 15:02:44
To: cs@sportsdirect.com; now2balien@mypod-net.org
Subject: Re: CS 160509 DHL Manager RE: Order reference number:SD40000025816647 -CAS-2081641-Y6L2M2CS 160505 Peter SD 160506 COMPLAINT
I have over 25 000 contacts on social media and more via blogs, other clubs and orgs I am associated with, if SD dont sort this out , you can be sure on losing a lot of business!
On Mon, 9 May 2016 14:52:11 +0200, Now2bAlien <now2balien@mypod-net.org> wrote:
NO,, Kaylee that is unacceptable, we wont accept SD "passing the buck"
we ask AGAIN for the name of someone in your SENIOR management BEFORE we make a PUBLIC statement that SD wont like very much!
On 09/05/2016 13:45, Inbox - SportsDirect Customer Services wrote:Dear Christopher Smith
Thank you for your patience.
DHL have advised that you need to liaise with customs to arrange clearance and delivery.
Kind regards,
Customer Services
---------- Original Message ----------
From: now2balien@mypod-net.org
Sent: 09/05/2016 08:10:42
To: tgd.recepcija@dhl.com
Subject: CS 160509 DHL Manager RE: Order reference number: SD40000025816647 -CAS-2081641-Y6L2M2CS 160505 Peter SD 160506 COMPLAINT
RE: Order reference number: SD40000025816647 -CAS-2081641-Y6L2M2CS 160505 Peter SD 160506 COMPLAINT
to the Manager
D.H.L. Podgorica airport
Waybill: 2029982754
Please state the name and address of the Chief customs officer so that a formal complaint may be lodged this package contains gifts for a kids football team here
The childrens gift is a charitable initiative, and below e150 value .
please release immediatey & deliver to the address stated on the order!
TO AVOID a public complaint against the MNE govt. & Sports Direct
----- Forwarded message from chrismith@mypod-net.org -----
Date: Fri, 06 May 2016 17:40:43 +0000
Subject: RE: Order reference number: SD40000025816647 -CAS-2081641-Y6L2M2CS 160505 Peter SD 160506 COMPLAINT
To: Inbox - SportsDirect Customer Services <cs@sportsdirect.com>,
Order reference number: SD40000025816647 - CAS-2081641-Y6L2M2CS
Hello Pete,
this order still NOT delivered!
It seems confusing , but the Podgorica Customs are "holding up" the delivery???
If I make a formal complaint it will cost everyone a lot of time and bureaucracy as this
#ITem is missing :
Quiksilver Fruit Swim Shorts Mens
Navy Medium
Quantity: 1
14,40 €
PLEASE fax D.H.L at Podgorica a credit note to free up the problem and speed delivery!
"Waybill: 2029982754
Processed for clearance at PODGORICA - MONTENEGRO, REPUBLIC OF Sign up for shipment notifications Wednesday, May 04, 2016 at 08:04 Origin Service Area: LEEDS - NOTTS, NG20 8RY - UK Destination Service Area: PODGORICA - DONJA GORICA PODG - MONTENEGRO, REPUBLIC OF
Estimated Delivery: Friday, May 06, 2016 By End of Day"
On Thu, 05 May 2016 09:08:41 +0000, chrismith@mypod-net.org wrote:
Hello Peter
is itstuck?
The person at D H L podgorica called me, but seems incapable, and unaware this package contains gifts for a kids football team here, its NOT a business!
On 4 May 2016 19:54:35 +0100, Inbox - SportsDirect Customer Services <cs@sportsdirect.com> wrote:
Dear Christopher Smith
Your order is being processed by customs currently, please refer to your tracking information below.
Kind regards,
Customer Services
---------- Original Message ----------
From: chrismith@mypod-net.org
Sent: 04/05/2016 13:12:56
To: cs@sportsdirect.com
Subject: Order reference number: SD40000025816647
Please note this order has NOT been delivered!!
On 1 May 2016 16:26:01 +0100, "SportsDirect.com" <cs@sportsdirect.com> wrote:
Order Processed
Dear Christopher Smith,
Order reference number: SD40000025816647 Your order has now been processed by our warehouse team. We will confirm by email once your parcel has been collected by your nominated courier.
Customer Details
Delivery Address
Christopher Smith
81000Invoice Address
Christopher Smith
Processed Items
Processed Qty Description Price Total
1 Kappa Mes 2 Snr 62 Black 7.5 (41.5)
Product Code: 119078/03/27512.00 12.00 1 Adidas Goletto TF Snr 64 Black/White 7.5 (41.3)
Product Code: 263244/40/27535.99 35.99 1 Quik Fruit17 VShort Sn63 Navy Medium
Product Code: 350491/22/39014.40 14.40 14 Sondico Football Sk 1Pk00 Red Mens 7-11
Product Code: 417002/08/0603.00 42.00 26.40 26.40
This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error, destroy it immediately.
Thank you for shopping with us at SportsDirect.com